7. Captured

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Azure was very happy today and the reason of his happiness is today his best friend got proposed by Aydin. Yes that man who used to come everyday in their cafe just to see Jrue. The day when both Aydin and Jrue talked after that 2-3 days of their talked Aydin asked Jrue to court each other and  Jrue agreed.

After courting each other for a month today Aydin proposed Jrue to be his boyfriend and who is Jrue to say no. They both loved each other very much.

He did search about Aydin. He found that Aydin was an CEO of a AD Enterprises a very big and famous company. As no one saw the CEO  that's why when he used to come daily in the cafe no one doubt or thought they were sitting with the CEO of the biggest company.

He find that Aydin is orphan. His parents died in accident and from that day he is alone. He feel bad for Aydin and remembered his life. His parents also died and he is also alone and orphan but Jrue and his parents never let him feel he is ophan after his grandmother died.

He was not feeling orphan when he start living with his grandmother but then she also left him and then he met Jrue who became his family.

He got to know that Aydin never dated any person and nor looked at any girl or boy in that way. He was a gentleman and introvert person who like to lived in his world.

Today when Aydin proposed Jrue to be his boyfriend. He saw a sincerity in Aydin's eyes.

He tell about this to Jrue's parents who were very happy too as they know Aydin was a good boy. Jrue's father worked in AD Enterprises so he was not ready for this as Aydin was very rich and they were middle class but Aydin assured them that it doesn't matter to him and they were just like him a human this class thing is just shit.

Every human is same whether they were rich or poor. Hearing his thoughts Jrue's parents were happy and assured that their son was in good hand.

He was thinking all this while walking toward his home. It was 11pm and today he was late. Jrue forced him that he will dropped him but he said no as he know Jrue and Aydin wanted to spend time. And he don't want to come between them. So he strictly said no. So yeah he is walking at road in the midnight. He was shivering time to time as the climate was cold but because of the song he is listening it giving him warm.

It's his favourite song whenever he feel something is going to happen he listened this song as this is the song which his mother used to sing for him.  And he was feeling like something is very bad going to happen. But shrugging all this thought he continue walking toward his home. Their was a pin dropped silence only sound of crickets(night bug) is coming.

He turned toward a alley but flinched when he hear a sound from which he feared the most the gun shot. He know this sound as he heard this before too. This is the sound which snatched his family from him. Shivered run down in his body.  He saw something a little far away. He don't want to go but his leg took him to the scene.

He flinched when he hear the sound again. His body was continuously shivering maybe because of the cold weather or maybe because of the scene which was in front of him. He saw a man shoot the person on his leg and other leg was already injured. He wanted to run from their but he was feeling like his leg stick to the ground.

He hear what the person was saying,
"You shouldn't have betrayed him. You know that he never leave those person who betrayed him but still you did and the how brave you are to think that you will be able to escape huh?" The short person who has gun said.

"I-I am so-sorry ple-ase for-forgive me I will no-not do thi-s ag-again please for-give me "the man who was laying on the ground with injured leg said in fear.

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