25. Sam's confession

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Fenn was sitting silently with tears in his eyes. He listened the truth other told him. But he still don't believe. How can he? His head start to hurt. Overwhelmed after knowing the truth he has nothing to say or maybe don't know what to say. To say he was lost. From past 5 years they were trying to search him. From past 5  years they believe in something which is not true.

He brought out off his thoughts when he heard Sam's voice.

"If you still don't believe us then here call in this file you will know truth" Sam said giving him the file.

"What is this file about?" Fenn asked taking the file.

"You will know when you will read it" Sam said giving him a nod of assure encouraging him to read the file when Fenn looked at him confused.

Fenn opened and start to read. There was confusion in his face which start to turn into surprise frown and then in anger. It was the file of all the properties, legacy and company which was snatched from them.

"It can be fake too" He said still not believing.

"It can maybe but this is not" Ayden said and take another file.

He opened the file. There was a two person's photos who looked same.  He gave a confused look to Ayden.

"They both maybe same but they had difference. As you can see in this photos the one on right side don't have a thumb on his left hand and he also don't had one remember?" Ayden asked looking at Fenn who nodded still staring at photos.

"And the fact that he was lefty so do you think he can do that?" Sam asked.

Fenn shooked his head realising that other were indeed saying the truth. Why they never realised this? The truth and the culprit was in front of there all this time and they why? Guess they were to much blind in revenge that they never tried to know the truth.

Tears start to feel from his eyes. He felt so stupid not realising this before. It was very simple and easy yet they never tried to know the truth. They believed someone else instead of there own. How can they do that?

Sam and Ayden looked at him. Ayden nodded toward Sam. Sam went towards him and hold his shoulder. Fenn looked at him and hugged him tightly crying. Mumbling sorry continuously. Sam also hugged him back trying to calm him down mumbling nothing but sweet words. After crying for 15 min he stopped but still he was sniffling.

"It's okay it's not your fault. You all were hurt and blind in revenge that you all never tried to know the truth. You all lost  loved ones and I know it's hurts you all. But you should not apologize to me but  him" Ayden said. Fenn nodded.

"There is still something you should know about" Ayden said.

Hearing this Fenn backed away from the hug looking at Ayden in confusion.

Ayden look at Sam and smiled while nodding indicating to tell him and went out off his office giving them some time alone.

Sam took a long breath and said,

" I am the eldest son of him.......and also Azure.... is youngest son of him and my brother"


Fenn widen his eyes in shocked hearing this he looked at Sam who was looking down. He can feel that elder is nervous.

Sam held his hand softly who was still processing what he just heard. He was shocked. It was too much for him in one day.

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