4. Little picnic 2

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Ryan was driving silently. All were sitting silently while listening a song and enjoying the view of outside.

"Dada where are we going?" Eva asked.
"And why do you want to know?" Lan asked him in return looking at her from mirror.

"I just want to know tell me n.." she whined.
"I am not going to tell you...you will see when we will reach there" He said.

She huffed and pout while folding her hands at her chest showing that she is angry.

Lan looked at her and smiled shaking his head and again went back to drive.

After like half an hour they reached at the place. They all went outside of the car. Eva looked here and there but she saw nothing where they were going to sit.
"Dada where are we, everywhere is trees where we are going to sit?" She asked confusingly. Fenn and Ren also agreed with her.

They are also confused like her. He smiled and shaked his head.

"What? this not that place where I want to bring you all " Lan said and took all the things which they brought with them and throw at Ren and Fenn who catch it.

He took Eva's hand and start walking with Ren and Fenn following them.

After walking 5 min they reached the place where Lan want to bring them.
Seeing the view Eva screamed in surprisingly.
"Wow..Dada it's very beautiful place" she exclaimed and run toward river. Lan smiled at her reaction and looked back. He laughed when he saw that both Ren and Fenn where looking at the view with mouth opened.

He went to them and closed there mouth. They come back into reality.
"Wow its..." Fenn said but stopped.
"Beautiful" Ren who was also mesmerized by the view just like Fenn completed his sentence.

Fenn put all the things down and run to Eva who is running behind a butterfly
"How did you find this place and when?" Ren asked.
He just shrugged it off. And both went to sit. He choose to come here because this place was in a village where the population is not much only few houses and family lived here.

Ryan choose this place so not any of his rivals know this and cannot disturb them as his little princess with him.If anyone hurt his little princess then he himself don't what he will going to do.

He saw Eva and Fenn were playing. He smiled looking at them. Ren looked at him and asked,
"Do you remember the time when we used play like this with Zure?".
"Hmm I remember I can never forget that time and him those time was my best time in my life" Lan answered.

"Do you still miss him?" Ren asked again obvious with the answer and looked back at Eva and Fenn.
"I can never forget him he was my first childhood love there was not a single day when I didn't missed him" Lan answered still looking at Fenn and Eva.

"We tried to search for him everywhere but it looked like he vanished from this earth. We even asked his neighbour where he used to live but they don't know. They said One night they went somewhere, they didn't tell anyone and no one saw them leaving, it seemed as if they had never been leaving there from starting". Ren said to him.

Lan looked at him. He sighed and lay down facing the blue sky. He remembered the day when he come back after completing his study.


Lan comeback with LA after completing his studies after 8 years. And from now he will study in his Weston city where he born. He was very happy today. He and his two childhood friends who also went with him to LA they are also happy but Lan was the most because today he is going to meet his special friend after 8 years.

From 8 years he was in LA. He never come vacation too as he know if he will come to Weston then he can't be able to go back in LA. So he decided to not to go back to Weston in vacation.
But today when his studies in LA has completed so now he can come back and then he don't have to go anywhere for study as from now on he is going to study in his city.

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