11. Suspicious

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Fenn went to Ryan's cabin. He knocked on the door and enter when he heard a deep 'come in '. He sat on the chair in front of Ryan who was still busy doing his work. Ryan didn't even looked up to see who has come.

"Boss" Fenn called
Hearing this Ryan looked up when he heard and hummed. Fenn put a file in front of him and said,
"Hear is the file. There is an information of our next target".

Ryan took the file start reading it. He smirked when he saw picture of the person.

"Great... It's time to capture next bird in our cage" Ryan said sin his deep voice that sent shivered to Fenn's body.

"Yess boss" Fenn replied.

"Hmm...tell Wren to come to the meeting" Ryan ordered. Fenn nodded and got up to go while messaging Wren about the meeting which was going to happen after half an hour.

He opened door and saw Azure standing there with a cup of coffee. He was looking down.

Ryan also saw him. He said while getting up in his deep voice.
"What are you doing here? Were you quietly listening to us?.

He stood in front of Azure. His stare were piercing through Azure's body. Azure felt shivered run down his body but he mentain his posture and shooked his head. Trying to not show how scared he was.

He forwarded his hand to show the cup indicating he was just come to give the coffee. Fenn sensed the tension and tried to change the topic.
"Oh good then go and keep the cup on the table" Fenn said while looking at Ryan.

Ryan sighed moved aside to give space. Azure went inside and kept the cup but his eyes land on the picture which was on the file.

He tried remembered the face of the person as he was feeling he saw him somewhere. Then it clicked in his mind where he saw this person.

His breath hitched when he remember when and where he saw him. He start  breathing heavily and his chest start to pain. He kept his hand on his chest and grabbed the table for support. Sweat beads start forming on his  forehead.

His past start flashing in front of him one by one how he became mute and how they killed his parents and how his parents told him to run. How he run to save his life. Everything thing start playing in front of him like a series.

His head start to hurt and eyes become blurry and slowly slowly he lost his conscious and fall in the floor with a loud thud.

Fenn and Ryan was looking at his every moved. They saw how Azure was looking at the file but they frowned when they saw Azure start to shivered and pressed his chest with his hand as his chest is paining. He was breathing heavily and sweat beads formed on  his forehead.

But then they saw Azure fall on the floor with loud thud. They panicked.
"Oh shit" Fenn said and run toward Azure . Ryan also run and put Azure's head on his lap while patting his cheeks.

"Hey wake up ..hey... hey wake up" when Azure didn't open his eyes he told Fenn to bring Sam.

"Fenn go and call Sam" He ordered. Fenn nodded and run outside. Ryan picked Azure up and layed him to his office couch. He took a glass of water and  sprinkled it on his face. He again patted his cheeks.

"Hey wake up... Hey...hey" But Azure is still unconscious.
Then he saw Sam and Fenn come running toward Azure. Sam checked him and sighed.

"He had panicked attack". Sam said and caressed his cheek.

"what did you do with him ? Sam asked turning to Ryan.

Ryan looked up to Sam and said calmly,
"I didn't did anything he just come inside to put cup on the table and suddenly start breathing heavily. And then fall on the floor".

Sam looked at Fenn to confirm if he was saying truth or not but Fenn nodded. He sighed again and turned to looked at Azure.

"He had panick attack maybe something triggered him" Sam said.

"But why?" Fenn asked and said further,
"He just went to keep cup on the table and then he saw the picture.." Fenn paused when he sensed something.
He went to the table and pick the file.

"Did he know this person?" Fenn asked showing the photo on the file.

Ryan also looked at that file and then at Azure. He also sensed that Azure's panick attack is related to the photo. Sam looked at the photo and then at Azure.

"We have to wait till he wake up to ask him" Sam said. They all nodded and went to do there work. Sam also sat there and kept looking at Azure.

"He remember that night and had panick attack." Sam thought and sighed again.

After sometime Azure groaned inaudibly and opened his eyes but immediately shut closed when the bright light. He held his head when an extreme pain shoot his head.

Sam saw Azure was moving and opened his eyes but immediately closed due to light and then held his head.

"Maybe his head is paining" Sam thought.
"Careful" Sam said and helped Azure to sat. Hearing this everyone looked at him. Wren was also there. He come for meeting but got know about Azure.

"How are feeling now?"Sam gave him glass of water and asked when Azure sat up properly but his head is hurting like hell.

He hissed in pain and grabbed his head but looked up when Sam asked him something. He grabbed the glass and looked at him and nodded after drinking the water.

He asked what happened to him in his sign language.

"Ohh actually you fell unconscious a while ago while keeping the cup on the table" Sam replied when he saw confused face of younger.

Azure looked Sam in confusion. He tried to remember to why he faint unconscious. Then it clicked him.
' I was keeping that cup on the table and then-'  He was thinking but his thought interrupted when Ryan said,
and showed a photo in front of him asking,
"Do you know him?"

Seeing the photo he remember why he faint and then again his past start flashing in front of and again he start breathing heavily. His head start to hurt more. He grabbed his head with a inaudible groaned.

Seeing him Sam sensed he is again having an panic attack. So he tried to calm Azure.
"Ok ok leave it.. don't think anything. You are fine yet you should rest hmm" Sam said in very calming and soft voice.

He patted his back and held his shoulder to help him getting up when he saw Azure was now fine. He went toward door with Azure but turned around.

"We will talked about it later" saying this he went outside with Azure.

When they left Ryan looked at the photo and then at the closed door from where Sam and Azure went out a while ago. He remember every action of Azure.

"I think he is triggered by this photo that's why he was having panick attack" Wren said.

"That means he know him" Fenn said and looked at Ryan.

"He is very suspicious. We need to find out about him and his past. There is something hidden".

Both Wren and Fenn nodded and went outside to do what their boss has said.
Ryan sighed and sat on his chair. He opened his drawer nd took out Azure's photo. He then took out his next person's photo and kept both photos on the table.

He was looking at photo and said,
" What are you baby boy?"

So hey readers!,🤗

Sorry for the late publishing this chpt but I was very busy this days. My exams has start so and it was fucking very tiring. The exams were very hard but don't worry this will not gonna happen again maybe because I am not sure but I will try.

So please like this chpt and do comment me if there is any mistake and vote me pls till then enjoy.

Bye bye 🤗

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