5. Missing you

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Azure was silently walking alone on the road. Then he saw a park where a lots of childrens where playing. He went there and sat on one of the bench. He is alone now. He saw a old lady and a small boy playing. The small boy is running and his grandmother is chasing him or we can say trying to catch him.

The boy is not running fastly and if she want she can catch him in a second but she is pretending to not able to catch him. But then she fall. Seeing this that small boy run toward her and sat down in front of her to check if there is injury. The old lady smile mischievously and hold him saying catch you.

The boy looked at her. He understood that it was just her act to catch him. They both laughed . Azure also laughed seeing them.

But suddenly his smile faded away when he remember his grandmother. A alone tear fall from his eyes. He looked at sky.

'Why God why always me. Why you always snatched my loved ones from me. First my parents and then my granny. Can't you able see me happy. Am I don't have right to be happy. Am I don't have right to laugh and enjoy like them with my loved ones.' He thought and more tears start falling from his eyes.

He remember the day when he got to know his grandmother is sick. He cried very much that day. She tried to hide it from him. She had 3rd stage cancer. His granny also left him just like his parents left him. He wiped his tears thinking this.
He is not going to cry now. He promised his granny that he will never cry.

He looked at his side when he hear some voices. He saw two boys were hugging each other. He don't want to eavesdropped but their voice clearly hearable.

"When you will come back?" One of them asked.
"Don't worry I will come soon it's just only 2 weeks" Other replied.

"I know I will miss you" The first boy said again.

"You know n if you want I can cancel it" 2nd boy said.

"I know but I don't want you to cancel it I know it's very important meeting for you and your company" the first one said.

"Yeah it is important but not more than you" that second one replied.

"Now stop crying otherwise I am not going and that's final " the second one added further.
"Nooo don't I am not crying see " the first said.

"That's my boy and now give me your beautiful smile" the second one said.
They both laughed but suddenly their voice stop. He guessed they went somewhere. He sighed and looked at the sky once again.

'Where are you I am Missing you very much. A lots of things happened with me when you left from there to LA. I promised you that will wait see I didn't break my promise I am still waiting for you. I wonder do you still remember me or not. Were you forgot me after coming from LA or you remember and tried to find me'. He thought and sighed again.

He is missing someone to whom he loved the most. To whom he have to left because of some problem. To whom he promised he will wait for. He don't know if the person he is missing that person also missing him or not. Does that person remember him or not?

Just like that a lots of questions was roaming in his mind but the answer is not there. He sighed again and got up from his sit. He start walking with earphone on hearing his favourite song.

After walking like 20 min he reached his home. He unlock the door and went inside the dark room. He turn on the lights and looked at his house. It was now looking empty without his grandmother.

He took a long breath and went to his room for freshen up. After freshing up he come to the kitchen to make something for his hungry stomach. He cooked some noodles for himself. He then sat in front of T.V and turn it on. He took a spoonful noodles and ate it. He changed the channel. He was eating and changing the channel.He stopped when he hear a news.

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