21. Pancakes

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Azure was in his room with a paper and some colors which Eva has gave him. He spend an hour looking outside of the view. Then he suddenly feel to draw something. After painting the view he  looked outside he kept that painting aside and take another paper to draw another painting so here he is thinking what to draw? But still didn't find anything to draw. After thinking for some more min he closed his eyes in frustration when nothing come in his mind and layed on the floor keeping the paper and pencil aside.

Suddenly he opened his eyes. He immediately sat up and took the paper and pencil and start to draw something. He was busy on his own world that he didn't know anything about what is the time until Sam come in his room to call him for dinner.

"Azure what are you doing? It's time for dinner now baby" Sam called but when he didn't got any answer he opened the door and peeked inside only to see Azure was sitting on the floor and was drawing something.

He opened the door fully and smile while silently walking towards Azure. He picked all the painting which was in the floor while looking at it. He was mesmerizing by all paintings.

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He then saw what Azure was drawing and gasped. Hearing his voice Azure flinched and look at his back. He saw Sam and immediately hide his drawing in his back.

"Why are you hiding? It's looking beautiful and whose eyes is this?" Sam said and took the drawing from his hand look at it clearly.

"Why are you hiding? It's looking beautiful and whose eyes is this?" Sam said and took the drawing from his hand look at it clearly

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