6. Happy feeling

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Azure was in cafe making a cup of coffee. Then the owner of the cafe comes to him.
"It's time to close the cafe Azure . How many more customers are left?" The owner asked.

"Not more just 2-3 and your regular customer boss." Azure said in his sign language.

"Oh he come today too. Why he come everyday and just order only coffee". The owner said.

"Maybe he loves you and your this beautiful cafe ". Azure teased him in his sign language showing the his finger heart while smirking.

" How many time I will tell you don't call me boss. You are my best friend so stop this boss things and he don't love me...maybe he loves your coffee that's why he comes everyday". His owner said with red cheeks more like convincing himself. Azure nodded.

"Oh really then why your cheeks are red?" Azure signed but gasped dramatically while covering his mouth and then again said in his sign language.

"Wait a min are you blushing.... don't tell me you have crush on him".

"What? What are you saying there is nothing like this and I am not blushing....you go and give him his coffee he must waiting for his coffee". Owner said while pushing him out of the kitchen. Azure laughed and went to give the coffee to their regular customer.

He placed the coffee and bowed. The man in black suit looked at him and smiled but then looked back as he was waiting for someone. Azure noticed this and he know to whom this man was trying to find.

"Where is your boss?. Is he didn't came today?" He asked to Azure. Azure was confused but nevertheless answered.

"Actually he came today but he was busy from morning that's why he didn't came outside but don't worry he is free now". Azure write this in his notepad and showed that to the man. When the nodded understanding the message he wink at the man.

The man smile and took a sip of his coffee. Azure turned to go back to the kitchen when suddenly he hear the man's voice again.

"Umm Excuse me" The man called him. He turned and cocked his eyebrow asking what.

"I-I actually just I -" The man was saying something but cut off bye a voice which he wanted to hear from the moment he come hear. Both Azure and the man turned their head from where the voice is coming.

"Azure it's late now lets closed the cafe" The owner of the cafe said while walking toward him but stopped when he looked at the man who was also looking at him while standing up. Both were looking at each other. Azure noticed this.

He smiled and slowly backed away leaving them alone to have their staring contest. He signed all the other customer to leave as it's time to closed.

But when he come back he saw they were still staring at each other. So he shooked his boss who flinched and said
"Wh-what? "
"Nothing if you done staring at each other then shall we closed the cafe or if want you can stared at him till morning I am going" Azure signed teasing him and run from their while laughing leaving them again alone.

"Yaah you naughty brat where are you going come back you stupid" the owner said glaring at him but sighed when he saw Azure run from their and shooked his head with a pink cheeks.

Hearing his shouting the man come back to reality. The owner looked up and cleared his throat. The man also has a pink cheeks when he realised what he was doing a min ago.

"I think you should go as it's time to close the cafe Mr". The owner said.
"Aydin " the man said.
"Huh?" The owner said confused.
"My name is Aydin...and yours?" Aydin asked.
"Ohh...umm my name is Jrue". Jrue replied.
"Nice name" Aydin said with a small smile.
"Yours too" Jrue said and looked down.
"So ...I am going" Aydin said. Jrue nodded. Aydin wanted to say something but he didn't know how to same goes to Jrue who also wanted to say something.
Aydin moved toward gate and open it.

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