20. The deep eyes

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After eating the lunch everyone went to do there work. He also come in his room to sleep as he was sleepy. After getting sleep for good 2 hours he wake up and went downstairs after freshening up.

He saw the whole mansion is looking empty. When he asked where is everyone to Sam.

"where is everyone gone?"he asked in his signed language.

"oh actually Eva went to her uncle's house as she was missing him and other went for some work" elder replied.

He saw elder also getting ready so he asked.

"You are also going somewhere?"

"Yes I am going to do some groceries"

"I will be alone then ...can I come too?" He asked he know he can't but still he asked maybe elder said yes so.

"I know you will be alone and bored but you can't you know boss will be angry if he got to know" elder said looking at him with a sorry eyes. Azure nodded with a pout.

"But don't worry I will bring ice cream for you now smile"

Azure smile widely hearing the ice cream's name. After that Sam also went outside.

He is alone now and getting bored. He is missing his best friend to much. He thought to escape but again he know there is no way he can escape from here.

Sighing in defeat he just layed on his bed facing ceiling. He rolled from left to right and then again right to left. He repeated this 2-3 times more. After a min he got up and sat on his bed.

'ughhhh this is too boring...what should I do to timepass. No one is here Sam also went to do groceries and Eva also went to her uncle's house ughhh...'

He got up from his bed and went toward window. After opening the window he sat on the windowsill. He the main gate of the mansion open and a black Mercedes came in the view. He know who's car is this it's his captor's car which means Wren , Fenn and Ryan came. He was looking at them when his eyes locked with his captor's eyes.

They were looking at each other with a emotion that no one know not even they themself know. After looking for good min Azure looked away breaking the eyes contact. He don't know why his heart was beating fast when he saw elder. Why his stomach did a flip when his eyes locked with elder. Why he just wanted to drown on those eyes which is as deep as ocean.

Ryan also looked away when Azure broked the eye contact and went inside the mansion. He was feeling same thing Azure was feeling and don't know why. Both don't know the reason why but both are feeling the same toward each other.

The view of the outside area is very beautiful. He looked at his front with a soft smile. The sun was looking very enchanting. The rays of its giving a comfort and warm feeling. The sky was also orange due to the rays of the sun looking like a soft cotton candy of orange flavour.

He took a deep breath and smile when he saw Sam also came. The soft breeze brushing his hair. He closed his eyes feeling the warm yet cold air. But immediately opened when the flashed of previous event come in his mind. Those deep yet soothing eyes which hold a emotion that he can't describe. Those eyes was giving him a different comfort and warmth feeling that maybe he was seeking for. He doesn't know why those eyes made his heart skip a beat. Why those eyes forcing him to drown into them? Why those eyes were pulling to fall? Why he was liking all of these things which is happening? Why his heart and mind is not complaining? There is lots of why but answer is nowhere. His heart telling him to find the question of this all why's but mind is not giving permission.

So he did what his heart is telling right now he just closed his eyes again and mind to not think anything just enjoy the moment and those deep eyes which had create a storm in his mind and clenched the locket which was in his neck.


Ayden was in his office checking some files. He was too busy nowadays. He was checking a file with a frown. He again check the files and called his secretary. After a min heard a knock.

"Come in"

"Sir you call me?"

"Hmm there is the pages of new models missing from this file" He said handling the file to his secretary.

"What!" the secretary said and opened the file and yes it was indeed the new models pages are missing.

"But how it is possible? I had check it myself before giving it to you" Envy the secretary said.

"Are you sure that you gave this file only to me after checking?or someone came in your cabin?". Ayden asked while raising his eyebrows. He know Envy can must have checked files before giving it to him.

"Yess I gave this only to you  after checking and no one came in my cabi- no wait yes Mr. Dong has came in my cabin to submit the files of t-sans branch's accounting after that I went out when you called before telling him to keep the file on my table ...so that means-" Envy's sentence cut off by Ayden.

"That means he is the one who stole the pages" Ayden said while leaning back on his chair.

"But why sir? As far as know he is working in our company from very long time then why he will steal the papers?" Envy asked.

"That can only Mr. Dong tell us" Ayden said.
"Call Mr. Dong in my office and yeah bring the file which Mr. Dong has submitted" He added further.

"Ok sir"

Envy nodded and went out off the cabin.
"Looks like we have a goat in our company and I would like to capture this goat"  Ayden said with a smirk and went back to complete his work with the same smirk.

After a min Envy come  in his office again.


"Yes?" Ayden said.

"Someone named Allen  come to meet you"

"Hmm send him into my office"

Envy nodded and went out.

After a min he heard a knock. He know who is the person.

"Come in"

A person came in office with all black. He stood up and hugged the person with a smile.


" After such a long time, you blessed me with your presence dude"

So hey readers!!🤗🤗

Here is the next chapter. Short chapter I know but don't worry I will try to make next chapter long till then enjoy and tell me how it is in comment. And yeah maybe I will be a bit late to post next chapter.

And wait for next chapter

Till then bye bye 🤗 🤗

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