24. Fenn knows the truth

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"No da-d....mo-m no"

"Br-brother do-don't le-ave me pl-pleas...."

"Go- lannie run"

"What are you doing catch him"

"He shouldn't run away do whatever you want but catch him"



"He is my twin brother he is the one who killed your loved ones"

"His name is Caleb"
Again with the same nightmare he wake up. Hair stuck on his forehead indicating the amount of sweat on his face and forehead. Eyes filled with tears which is threatening to fall but still didn't fall. Lips apart taking heavy breaths to normal his steady heartbeat. His eyes showing the fear that no one has saw except his close ones.

That night he still remember when he lost my everything. And the reason is only one person to whom he hate the most that person is non other that his own....uncle. He closed his taking a long breath and wiped his face. He looked at his phone checking the time. It was 6 in the morning. He remembered he slept early yesterday night. It was 9 pm when he slept.

That means he slept more comparing to other days. His mind went to the yesterday night event. He clenched his jaw. He took shower and went toward his gym.

He was punching the bag with full force. His hands were bare with only a white cloth wrapped around his palm. Forgetting his wound which again start to bleed he was punching the bag furiously taking his all anger about yesterday's event out on the bag. His knuckles which start to bleed it was visible because of the white cloth but he don't care.

'how can you just let him do that?...what was those feelings? Why he was feeling all....giddy when Azure was taking care of his wound? Just fucking why?'

He start to punched the bag more furiously.

'you can't feel this Ryan you can't go weak like...like you were before...no you have be strong'

He punched again with full force.


'you have to stopped all this'


'you need to distance yourself from him yes'

And again.

And with last punched that bag got ripped and fell down.

He took heavy breaths and sat down. He took the water bottle from his sides and drank it all. He wiped his sweaty face. He sat there catching his breath for a min then sprint out off the gym directly toward his room with a determination to just.... ignore his captive.

But will he be able to do that? Let's see😉


"Sammie he took my pancakes" Eva screamed while pointing at Fenn who was eating without any care.

"Fenn I swear to god if you did it again I will hit you" Sam yelled from kitchen.

"I didn't took her pancakes it was mine" Fenn replied.

"No he is lying he finished his pancakes and took mine" Eva said.

"Hey don't lie you have your pancakes on your plate" Fenn said.

"Yeah i am eating this but the one you took it was which I have kept to eat after this will finish" Eva said and glared at him. But who will be scared of this cute puppy.

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