8. Mischievous

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A man was sitting silently in a dark room. He was just switching the light on and off again and again while thinking deeply about something. Then a man come and bowed in front of him.
"Greetings boss"

The man nodded indicating to say further.
"Boss He kidnapped Azure" Other man said.

Hearing this the boss stopped and looked at him and asked,
"Why?" The man asked.

"Actually yesterday they were thinking Azure was spying on them as they catch him at the place where they were killing their target" Other man replied. The boss hummed.

"Boss do you think we should save him what if he did something to him" Other man said.

"Don't worry he will not do anything to Azure you know that too even though he is merciless but he never hurt innocent and Azure is innocent, he will know that to very soon and Azure is safe with Ryan atleast for now". The boss said and closed his eyes leaning on the chair.

" Boss I think you should tell him the truth his next target is you" Allen said.

"Hmmm I will tell him when the right time will come not now" The boss said.

"And It's your job to save Azure make sure he will not hurt him rage you know who is he in rage he can do anything, if Ryan hurt Azure then it can create problem" He added further.

Other said a small yes and turned back to go but stopped hearing next sentence.
"And yeah keep an eye on him"
He nodded and went to do his work.


Ryan was doing his work in his office when he heard a knock.
"Come in " he said in his deep voice. Fenn come in sat on the chair in front of Ryan.

"Boss here is the file of that boy" Fenn give the blue file to Ryan who take it and start reading.
" 20 yrs old, a college student, Mute." Ryan said.

"So he is indeed a student of college and can't speak" he added after reading the file.
"Orphan and adopted by Mrs Jones". He read further.

He turned but their is nothing.
"His family information is not there" He asked Fenn.

"I searched about his family but there is nothing about his family" Fenn answered.

"Did you know in which orphan he was" Ryan asked.

" I went to his college from where I got to know about in which orphanage he used to live and then I went to that orphanage but..." Fenn said but stopped thinking something.

Ryan was listening to him while looking at the photo of Azure but looker up when Fenn stopped.

"But?" He asked.

"But they said there is no name Azure used toh live and I showed them his photo to they said they don't know who is this person". Fenn said in confusion.

"What? How is this possible? They don't know". Ryan asked.

"Hmm I asked then to find about them maybe they forget but they know every child of that orphan but they don't know this boy" Fenn replied.

"Hmm maybe the information which was in college is wrong or maybe they were lying to us" Ryan said. Fenn nodded in agreement.

"Ok keep trying to find about him he is mysterious and yeah Take him out of there and put him in that room which is at second floor last second room" Ryan ordered and again went to do his work while keeping the file side.

"Boss did you notice he is not saying or screaming normally when we kidnapped anyone they scream that they did nothing but he is totally silent" Fenn said looking at him while raising his left eyebrow.

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