13. Little crush of Eva

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Ryan who was playing with her little princess. They were playing while laughing loudly. This side of Ryan in which he smiled showing all of his teeth no one witness this side except  his close one. But by the voice everyone can guess it was their boss. They feel happy knowing their boss was laughing happily.

After playing for an hour and two Eva slept on his office's couch. He cares her hair and kissed her forehead before going to his table to complete his pending work. He was doing his work silently.

Suddenly his eyes moved toward his laptop. He saw Azure was still unconscious. Yes their was a hidden camera in that room. He always keep his eyes on Azure. Azure didn't did anything which can increase his make him believe that Azure was a spy.

'why he always seems similar to him' he thought. And looked at the sleeping face of the brown haired boy. Who was sleeping peacefully or we can say unconscious. He was thinking all event which happened just some hours ago. When he saw the movement of the brown haired boy. But the boy was still unconscious.

The boy was moving his head left to right. Thrashing his hands here and there.

He saw the movement of the brown haired boy's lips like he was saying something but it was inaudible.
He understand that the was having a nightmare. He don't know why but his hand is aching to hold the boy close to him and say that everything is fine, he is safe.

He knows that he can't do that but still his heart saying to go to the boy and hug him. At last he was not able to see him like that so he got up to go to that room but stopped when he saw the door of that room opened. He sighed and sat down on his chair again.

He saw Sam shaking the younger as he was not waking up and continuously crying and thrashing. He heard the name of the younger called by Sam.

After few more try the younger wake up with a jerk looking here and there then relaxed when he saw Sam in front of him. Sam hugged the younger to calm him down but he don't know why he felt.... jealous?.

He don't know why but he wanted to be in the place of Sam. He wanted to calm the younger. He wanted to hold that hand which was trembling in fear. He wanted to hug the younger and wanted to give comfort. But why ? He don't know.

He heard there conversation ofcourse Azure didn't talked. It was just sm was talking and younger just nodding his head. Then they both went to do the work. Azure went to bathroom and Sam went out of the room. He sighed confused over his own feelings. Why he wanted to all those things to younger which was Sam did?. What was the connection between that brown boy and this person. He have a lots of questions but there is no answer and this things is making him frustrated. He again opened the file of both person who were making him frustrated.

He closed his eyes and his palm over his face. His head is hurting a bit thinking all of the possible things which could connect both the person. But he found nothing logical.

He looked at his side when he heard a voice and immediately closed those file while getting up as he saw his little princess where waking. He kept those file in his drawer and went to his princess with a smile. All his tension flewed away when he saw his princess.

"Ohh so my princess wake up hmm?" He asked taking her in his arm.

"Hmm" Eva hummed. She put her hand around Ryan's neck and kept her face on his shoulder while closing her eyes.

Ryan smiled and patted her back.

"You should wake up it's time to eat dinner princess". Ryan said while stroking her hair.

"Dada I wanna sleeeep morrrre" she whined.

"Ok you can sleep as much as you want but first let's eat" Ryan said.

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