19. Embarassed

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Somewhere in a office:-

"Sir Mr. Lucas agreed for the meeting. He said the meeting is going to held on Saturday at 11 am as he is free at that time but he can't meet in person ". Mr. Jack secretary inform his boss.

"Why?" Mr. Jack asked.

"Because he is currently in another country and if we want to meet in person then we have to wait till next month". The secretary said.

"Okay do whatever you want and clear all schedule of that day I don't want any disturbance at the time of meeting" Mr. Jack said.

"Ok sir" the secretary said and went outside of the cabin.

He leaned on his chair and said,

"I can't lose"


Azure and Eva both are in Azure's room. They both are drawing while sitting in the floor. Different types of colours and pencils are scattered everywhere in the room. They are busy in their own world that they didn't notice someone came inside the room until...



And Eva screamed loudly and Azure gasped inaudibly while placing his hand on his chest where his heart beat running a marathon race. They both turned turned their head to the side from where the laughing sound is coming.

Soon after there come Ryan, Fenn and Wren running.

"Wh-what happened?" Fenn asked panting heavily.

They all saw Sam who is laughing while holding his stomach and then at Eva and Azure who were looking at Sam with their frightened face. They understand the situation and start laughing too. Ryan was just smiling while shaking his head.

They looked at Azure and Eva as both had their arm crossed and giving Sam a angry glare but it was more like a cute glare.

"Ok ok I am sorry. I just come to call you two for lunch but you two were too busy in your drawing so I just ... hehehe" Sam said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"But you scared me Sammie. Look even prince charming also got scared" Eva said with a pout while pointing at Azure who nodded in agreement.

"Ok sorry please forgive me you both please" Sam said while joining his hand in front of them.

They both made a thinking face. Eva looked at Azure who also looked at her. Eva wiggled her eyebrows and smile mischievously. Azure just looked at her confused.

"Ok I will forgive you but in one condition" She said.

Sam looked at her and raised his left eyebrows.

"You will bring us ice cream that too two time...do you agree?" Eva asked and got up from the floor.

Other laughed at her as she was ordering like a queen.

"Why two? You will catch cold only one ice cream". San replied.

"Then forget about the forgiveness...let's go prince charming" she said. She hold Azure's hand and start dragging him outside of the room who was silently followed her. He was also happy for ice cream. Other were enjoying this dramatic show.

"Ok ok my majesties I will give you as much ice cream as you want, so now please forgive me" Sam said dramatically bowing in front of them.

"Ok get up you servent you are forgiven now but forget your word otherwise you will get punishment" she warned him showing her index finger with a angry look.

"Ok my majesties" Sam replied acting like he was scared by her warning. Other control there laughed including Azure.

"Ok let's go my prince charming we have to full our tummy now.. you all follow us servants" she said and dragged Azure with her.

All laughed when she went outside with Azure.

"God it was very hilarious" Sam said.

"Yeah i know do you saw how she was behaving..she was indeed a great acter" Fenn said. They laughed and followed her when they heard a loud shout of Eva.

"What are you all still doing there servants come down me and prince charming is hungry"

Like that they all laughed and enjoyed while eating the lunch with the drama of Eva and Sam. The gaurds and maids were happy seeing and hearing the laugh of their.

Ryan was smiling while eating then suddenly he heard his phone ringtone. He excused himself.

"Hmm say" he said.


"Ok good invest as much share as they can't even imagine"



He cut the call and a smirked make a way on his face.

"You will regret your doing"

He went inside and saw other were still eating. He smiled. His eyes went toward Azure who was laughing loudly. Even the voice is not coming out of his throat but the glow on his face telling how much he is enjoying this moment. Azure was looking very beautiful. His dark hazel eyes which was very deep that sometimes he found himself drowning on them, his soft and chubby cheeks, his smile which very beautiful and very similar to him. His messy hair falling in his forehead and his cute pointed nose. Everything about Azure is mesmerizing. He was so busy staring at Azure that he didn't even realise that everyone stopped laughing and now looking at him.

When Sam clapped his hand in front of him he came out off his thoughts and realised everything happening there and now he was embarassed by his action. He looked how Azure was looking down with a light pink cheeks. He cleared his throat and said,

"Fenn and Wren inside my office now" saying this he went toward his office room hurriedly.

' goddd what I was just did there arghhh i just embarassed myself in front of them how will am gonna face them now ....ahh it was so embarrassing how can do this but he was looking cu- wait what!! Ryan how can you think like that about him just focus on your work ' he was scolding himself all this while sitting in his office room.

A knock brought him out off his thoughts. He cleared his throat and straighten himself.

"Come in" He said

Wren and Fenn came inside and sat in front of him.

"So what do you want to talk"

"I want to talk about...."

So hey readers!!,🤗🤗

Here is another chapter. Was I late in posting this? If yes then I am sorry hehehe😁.

Well how this story going? Are you all enjoying it? Is it fun in reading?

Please tell me about this story to everyone, if you don't then how will I know if the story is good or not?

I will post next chapter soon till then wait and enjoy this one. Do comment, vote and like yeah.

Till then bye bye 🤗 🤗

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