15. Introduction

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So this is introduction of some of new character. They played a very important role.

      Name:- Sam    Parents died in accident when he 20 yrs old and he was about to do suicide but Ryan save him

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      Name:- Sam
   Parents died in accident when he 20 yrs old and he was about to do suicide but Ryan save him. And from that day he is living with Ryan.

Best in fighting and shooting.
Loves Ryan as his brother.
In love with Fenn but didn't confess yet.
Love Eva very much.  She is an apple of his eye.

Has a secret that no one knows.

I forgot to introduce him. So here is his introduction. He has secret that no one knows except one. And You will know that soon.

And to know that secret you have to wait.
Be patience readers!! 😁

There is more characters whose introduction I will give. They are going to be very important character.

I will post next chapter soon. Till then wait and enjoy your life. I hope you're liking my story.

And yeah do comment if there is any mistake and vote my chapters.

Bye bye 🤗🤗

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