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It has been 3 years since Jim found the amulet and disappeared.

Everyone in Arcadia thought he was dead especially Claire Nunez she had been dating him for almost a year before he decided to disappear and missed him terribly. But tried not to think to much of him.
"What do you think,Not Enrique?"she said walking out if her closet and standing infront of the changeling,
"Not bad big eyes ,but maybe a different hair style,Ya hair is a bit to long for all them hair clips "he said
Claire was wearing a pare of ripped jeans , a Papa skull tank top with army boots
"You're right, maybe in two braids?"she said and braided her hair. Not bad she thought to herself ,looking in her mirror "But it is missing something.....I got it!" She said pulling out an old blue jacket that belonged to Jim ,seeing the jacket she thought of all the good times and how much she loved him,she could feel warm tears fall from her eyes and didn't bother whipping them away. Not Enrique saw her cry and jumped up to hug her ,which didn't happen a lot "Listen big eyes ya can't go to school looking like a gold fish ,cause you were cryen......" a small giggle leads Claire's mouth and she wipes her tears away, why did Jim have to be gone ,why did she have to be alone? She thought but was interrupted by a high pitch voice"Claire Maria Nunèz you are going to be late for school!!!"
"Be right down mom!"she yelled "shot!!!I am not done yet,mom is going to kill me"
"Just do some of that witchie ma wak stuff ,and get ya butt down stairs, or ya mom will have me scruff!"Not Enrique exclaimed. Claire was not sure about this she hasn't really used her magic since ,well since Jim died but she could use the practice. Closing her eyes she spread her hands out infront of her and closed her eyes, not five seconds later her room lights up like fireworks on the 4th of July and she is done and ready to go, "Wow big eyes for someone who hasn't used magic in almost a year you sure know how to put on a show!"Not Enrique said laughing. Claire looks I the mirror and smiles ,she grabbed her bag and ran down stairs with Not Enrique hot on her heels ,she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a soda from the fridge "Morning Mom" she said and her mom started at her "Claire is that ..." "Yeah ,it's his"She said trying not to get upset, her mom still thinks it is not a good thing that she is holding on to Jim for so long ,they say nothing for a long time till Not Enrique broke the silence "Well this is akwered" he said scratching his arm.
Claire and her mom looked at each other ,but Claire rolled her eyes when she saw her mom about to say something "Claire, I really don't think it is healthy to ceep holding on to John for so long.."claire felt something in her snap and she lost it ,"Jim,Mom, his name was JIM!and why would you care you don't even remember his name !!!"she hissed and slammed her hand on the table,Not Enrique jumped and so did her mom,her eyes were full of tears and they were glowing purple, she suddenly realised what she did and felt ashamed, she looked at Not Enrique and held out her hand he knew she was sorry and climbed on to her shoulder, "Claire i" her mom was about to speak when she walked out the door with Not Enrique and headed to school . Why did she have to explain everything to her Mom and why did she not care . Claire shook her head and started to walk to school with Not Enrique.
But in the distance there was someone ceeping a close eye on her and did everything to make sure she got to school okay.

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