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It had been a short three weeks since the battle in Arcadia forest and alot of people have been curious about all the rubbel ,fallen trees and scorch marks on the ground. Mary of all people didn't care she was to focused on the fact that her friends have been avoiding her.
"Why on earth would they be avoiding me,Mary?!" She thought to herself walking down the street near Darci 's house. Just as she was about to knock on the door,she saw
Darci and Claire huddeld around something feeling mad and betrayed she stormed into the house and exclaimed "What the hell is going on here?!!!You both ditche me for like two monthes and don't say anything!!!And what are you stareing at ?!" Suprised at this Claire and Daric felt bad and looked at the ground till Claire broke the silence,Mary was standing with her arms crossed infront of her chest
" Mary  it is my fault okay i had some changing avents happen and i didn't know how to tell you but i guess now is better than never." Letting out a sigh Claire raised her hand and Mary nearly passed out "What the f" "Nooooo!!!" Claire and Darci exclaimed "What i was just going to say f.." before she finished she heard  small giggels and pushed past them to see a small baby with big blue eyes,brown hair, small horns and blue skin."So you didn't want me to curse because of this little angel" Mary said in a baby voice
"Who's baby is she?" almost as if she forgot everything "Well,that is the other life changing avent she's my daughter" Claire blurted out and Mary froze "!!"Mary yelled frantically ,before Claire could calm her down someone came running down the stairs "Claire,is everything okay ? I heard screaming." "Jimbo Wait!!!We can't lose this round!!!" Shocked at the sudden return from the dead,baby bomb and big rock on Claire's finger. Mary turned  pale "Let the drama begin" Darci sighed .Unsure of what to do Jim gave a small smile and waved at Mary, Claire saw her taking a deep breath to scream. Claire rushed to cover Laura's ears and Darci bolted to cover Mary's mouth. With a small slap Darci's hand coverd Mary's mouth "Don't make a sound" Mary gave a quick nodde "I am going to let go now, okay? " with another nodded  Darci slowly moved her hand and Mary was silent almost motionlesly she went and sat on the red couch.
Claire was not very good at explaining things but she was willing to try, with that she picked up Laura and sat next to Mary ,everyone did the same and found somewhere to sit. "Mary ,i know this is allot and it doesn't make any sense but please try to understand." With a sigh Claire held the small toddler and told her everything. Like a child listening to a story Mary didn't say a word but felt pain and sorrow in her chest."And now you here ,so that is what happened." Claire felt like a huge rock had been lifted off her shoulders , Mary was silent. Everyone waited anxiously but was bewildered when Mary burst out in tears and hugged Claire "I'm sorry,I'm sos sorry" she sobed"I blammemed you for things and i didn't even care to ask about you" "It's okay Mary it wasn't your fault " Claire said ,with a small squeal Laura grabbed Mary's hand and held it with her small chubby fingers ,instantly Mary melted. "Well,we wasted enough time on this " Mary said and whypped away all tears in her  eyes "You troll boy!" Jim  felt very insalted " I have a name,Jeez,Why does everyone keep calling me other wise?" "Okay ,one i know your name is Jim and second i can call you what i want since i am your wedding planner now" " Wait,what?" Everyone said , Mary whipped her hair back and grabbed her cellphone "What do you mean what? Your baby is almost a toddler and you haven't even got hitched yet ,i am also guessing you haven't taken a family photo yet?" Surprised everyone knew she was correct." As i thought , Claire you go patches things up with your  Dad " "No way hozé I'm not talking to him after what he said about Jim and Laura " " Claire he's your dad you made your point by moving out and having a kid." Claire felt that Mary was right "Besides hoe else is going to walk you down the church thing."Mary said waving her hand "OH ,and the wedding is next week Bye!!" Mary said giving Claire a hug and basically ran out the door. "Uhhh what just happened?"  " I think you  just got Maryde." Tobby laughed.
A hour later there was a knock  at the Nunéz door "Coming!" Hector exclaimed walking to the door . When he opened it he was motionless 
"Hector,hoe is at the door?" As soon as Mrs.Nunéz saw hoe it was  she was happy "Hi ,Dad" Claire said stiffly " Can i come in?"

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