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"I had no choice,"I said looking at the floor I could feel Claire's eyes on me "When I was human I was already a target, not just by Steve but by Gunmar as well ,and after he was defeated I knew that my mom, Tobby and you,especially you would never be safe ,his minions would do anything to get their revenge, so I did what I never wanted to do and disappeared to ceep you safe. I faked my daeth, i told Blinky my idea he didn't agree at first but eventually he agreed, we knew there were changelings in Arcadia so we made it look like they attacked me and burned me in the sun ,it was a statue the tolls made of me and we put it in the sun and just like that I was dead and living in troll market. Merlin made a new spell that stopped none supernatural creatures from coming in." Claire wiped a tear that was running down her face and looked at the window "So that is why Tobby couldn't get into troll market."she said as she grabbed Suzzie Snuze and looked in to the toys eyes. She jumped up and walked to her closet and got out a jacket "Wait is that.. is that mine?" I said looking at the jacket she was holding"Yeah ,your mom left me keep it" she put it on and walked out of the door and headed to the kitchen.
I walked after her but something caught my eye on the wall was photos of me and claire, aswell as a few of us and Tobby, Tobby I haven't seen him in years ,I hate this not being around but it is for the best. I went down stairs to find Not Enrique waiting for me "Where is Claire?" I looked around panicking, did she run of again "She is out side,ya really did a number on her hunta " "What do you mean ?" "It was early in the morning when we got the call ,she didn't even change out of her Pj's and ran all the way to were they found you,she fell to her knees holding the statue and that same day that freak storm hit and she stayed there all night but strange things happened after she started having them nightmares and screaming in da middle of night ,ut was bad it still is"He sighed and walked to the door signalling me to go talk to her, I walked out side and saw her lying on the grass ,she really is beautiful.

Claire POV
I was lying on the grass looking at the sky thinking of the time when Jim was hurt so bad and I was cleaning his wounds.

Flash back.
"Ahhh!!That hurt! "Jim yelled I sighed and losend the bandage a bit, he was covered in bruises , cuts and had a big cut on his lower chest."You sould be more careful Jim,you are going to get yourself killed "I said and wiped a tear away ,he saw I was crying and grabbed me and gave me passionate kiss but we were interrupted by Blinky that came in ,Jim was glaring at Blinky and I was looking at Jim. Blinky left and Jim looked at me and gave me a kiss ,we spent the night together that day and it was my first and last time with Jim as a human, a week later he was troll.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Jim came out side ,i sat up immediately and hugged my legs and started into the woods "When" I asked and he looked confused "what do you mean?" I gave him a look that said everything "About a month after I left ,I would follow you to school and back later when you went home just to make sure you where safe"he said ,I can't with this guy I am so mad at him right now but also just want to jump into is arms and never let go , FUDGE NUCKEL!!! I hate this "I actually knew" "Wait what!"Jim exclaimed "I knew someone was following me to school and back home I just didn't know who."I said not looking at him ,"Claire I wish I could go back and change the past but I can't, But if you are willing to give me a nother chance I would do anything to get you back "he said and I felt my hart melt "I can't just forget about what you did,but I will give you a chance " "Really, Claire I promise..." I cut him off "Don't promise me anything thing it might just end up like last time " he nodded and we sat in silence until we hear my parents car ,Jim jumps up and hide in a tree nearby "Claire what are you doing out side?"my Dad asked "Just getting some fresh air" "Okay ,sweetheart but don't stay out side to long" i nodded and my Dad went to bed ,my mom put Enrique in bed and went to sleep. Jim came out of the tree "I should go before I get caught " I didn't look at him "By..."as he was about to leave I stoped him "Get me here tomorrow afternoon, I want to see Blinky and Aaargh." I said and a small smile appeared on his face "Deal" he said and left ,I just hope he keeps his word .I went inside and headed to my room, I changed and got in to bed rubbing my eyes, Why would he do it, why would Jim do this to me I felt my hart beat faster just by thinking of him ,I shook my head and checked my phone it was 11pm. I stared at the ceiling, till I heard someone enter my room "Your late" I said and remained looking at the ceiling "And your still awake ,you are learning " the voice said hiding in the Shadows of my room "Yeah I don't want to wake up hang from a bridge again" I said trying not to wake Not Enrique that was asleep on my desk "Ready for your training,mistress?" I got up and waved my hand over my pejamas and it turned into a workout pants,tank top and running shoes I put my hair up and looked at the tall dark figure in the corner of my room "As ready as I'll ever be,Angor" I said and he stepped out of the shadows and gave me a smirk

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