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"What!" Everyone yelled except for Jim "Jimbo how are you okay with this?!" Toby asked "I trust Claire and Morgana has changed she helped us get Laura back" "Claire she possessed you and literally tried to kill us all, she probably still has a grudge since you trapped her in the shadow realm!!"
"Look Toby ,I might have trapped her but I also set her free , i helped her, she got the help and life she needed. We actually became friends ,we talk over the phone sometimes. " Claire said "I'm not sure about this but if Jimbo is fi e with it sou am I!" Toby yelled "Shhhhh, Laura is asleep " Mary said quickly.

About a hour later "I was surprised when you called and asked me for help, you already have a lot of power yet you ask for my help, why is that?" Morgana said and gave Claire a smile "I want to do a spell that will let Jim walk in the sun,I just want to make sure there are no slip ups " Claire sighed and Jim walked closer while everyone else cept there distance "They still don't feel comfortable with me in the room yet I have been here for a while" "They're just being foolish " Claire laughed and Angor gave a slight laugh "Well shall we get started?" "yes " Claire said .
The next morning everyone waited in suspense as they watched Jim prepare to go in the sun "You ready " "As I'll ever be " Jim said and held Claire's hand ,he stepped into the sunlight and started to yell "Jim!!!!!" Everyone yelled "Just kidding, I can't feel a thing!!!!" He laughed "James Lake Jr if you ever pull something like that again I swear I will divorce you, let's go we're going to be late for the meeting with the preschool " "Ok...wait what divorce!?!I'll never do it again!!!" Jim said and hugged Claire from the back and picked her up "Jim put me down please " she laughed "Are you sure you guys are okay with watching Laura?" Claire asked "Ofcourse " Toby and Darci said ,Claire looked them suspiciously"Okay let's go Jim" and just like that they were walking to the preschool
"Finally, time to call in the cavalry!" Darci said and pulled out her phone "Hey, there gone plan redo is in motion " Darci squealed "I don't know about this, what if they get mad?" Toby said "Well we just have to wait and seeeee.C'mon!!!" Darci yelled and dragged him inside.
While Darci was busy scheming Claire and Jim where walking hand in hand in town "Everyone is starting " Jim said and held Claire's hand tighter "Don't pay attention to it ,it happened to me when my hair turned white " Claire said and cept walking but soon was bumped from behind by a huge pain that nobody in arcadia liked except Aja "Hey, whity what you doing walking around with the beast " he laughed and Claire got annoyed "Leave us alone Steve " Claire hissed and he flinched a little "You're don't scare me witch " he said and shoved her ,before she could react Jim picked him up by the collar with one hand and held him at heights length and growled at him "What was that?" Jim said "N..n...nothing, wait I know you " "Yaeh you do" Jim snarled"Omg, Jim please put Steve down !" Aja said from behind "Butt snack !!!" "Don't call me that "Jim snarled and put him down Aja was apologies frantically "It's fine Aja ,just keep him away from us ,till he is ready to apologise one day " Jim said and took Claire's hand and they left they could hear Aja yelling at him .
They walked for a while longer and where greeted with smiles and friendly small talk along the way "I don't get it I thought there would be screaming and running?" Jim said "Well my mom might have had something to do with it ,she told everyone that you would be here and that you are a ' friend not fou ' " Claire laughed and Jim gave a smile, they finally reached the preschool and where welcomed in by the principal "Hello, I'm miss winterberry, and you must be Claire and Jim?" "Yes " Claire said with a smile and took a seat, Jim sat next to her "Sou council woman Nunèz already spoke to me about the child but didn't give me any other information about her ,is she your sister Jim or ..." "Our daughter actually, I'm guessing Miss Nunèz didn't say anything else except that she is different" Jim said
"O my but your so young ?!" "I found out that I was pregnant with her two months ago, because she is half troll she was born sooner and grew at a faster pace but she is very smart and knows how to read ,talk and write." Claire said and looked at Jim and then at miss Winterberry "Well then there should be no problem but I must ask with the child in mind are you married and what does she look like?" Claire gave a nervous laugh and pulled a photo of Laura out of her purse "She is four and a half now we are having a party for her soon to celebrate just to let her know she is a bit older, and Jim and I are married, we actually got married a few days ago. " Claire said "Well she is just adorable, a perfect mixture of her father and mother, and congratulations on the marriage, well I'm honoured to have the first of her kind in my school and she will be safe here ,I will put her in the star class, the teacher is a changeling you see and I think you might know her ,Miss Namura is willing to take her " Jim suddenly let out a sigh of relief and quickly gave a smile "I'm sorry it's just that I was a bit worried about her, she has never really seen other people or kids her age and when I heard Namura was her teacher I just felt a little better " he laughed and the principal was moved "Most parents your age wouldn't pay much attention to this stuff you two are really brave for coming out like this and I hope you and your daughter will like it here, well I'll see you Monday morning next week, I don't think her starting in the middle of the week is a good idea, I've kept you long enough so hurry back to your daughter and have a nice day!" "Thank you Miss winterberry see you Monday " Jim said and walked out after leaving the preschool Jim turned around "What's wrong?" "I don't know something just felt off, maybe I just want to get home" Jim said and looked at Claire with a suspicious face "I got the same feeling, like we where being watched, I just want to go home,short cut?" "Short cut "Jim laughed and Claire opened a portal and they landed in the middle of their living room "We're home" Jim said and Darci, Mary, Crel,Douxie, Toby, Angor,Blinky and Aaarrgghh came out "What are you all doing here?" Claire asked with her arms crossed "Mommy, Daddy!!!"Laura yelled and ran to them,she was wearing a green dress with socks on and was holding Suzie snooze "Hello baby " Claire said and picked her up and gave her a hug "C'mon let's show them I can't wait anymore " Mary said and shock Crel "Ai ai ai ,please follow us beforre she shakes my brain out!" Crel said Jim,Claire and the others followed. They walked into Laura's room and where shocked to see that it had been redone.

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