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It has been a month since the indecent and Claire had hardly spoken to her parents at all ,most of the time she would stay at Darci's or with Jim in troll market, but lately she has been feeling sick. She was currently staying at Darci's house and woke up feeling very nauseous,Darci was a bit worried sitting on the edge of Claire's bed ,she was sleeping in the guest room"Claire bear are you okay, you look pail"Darci said and Claire bolted to the bathroom with heavy morning sickness,a few minutes later she came back and fell on the bed "Claire I think you might be coming down with something,You have been like this for the last three weeks " "Yeah I guess....wait three weeks!!!"Claire yelled jumping up and running to the bathroom once again but Darci followed her this time ,"What's the date?" "Aaaaa,the 12th why?"Darci answered and Claire checked a calendar that was hanging behind the bathroom door "I'm late..."Claire said worried "What do you mean late?" "Draci I'm late not like party late,like girls week late."it took Darci a minute to realise what Claire was talking about but when she figured it out it hit her like a train "Shit!Your late!!!How late are we talking about?!" Claire gulped "Four weeks Darci, w-w-What if I'm pregnant!" "What!!Don't panic we don't know for sure what it is but just to be safe let's go get a test " they both walk to the nearest convenience store and buy a pregnancy test and head back home "Well here go's nothing "Claire said and walked into the bathroom a few minutes later she came out holding the test "Well?""We have to wait 2minutes "Claire replied and put a timer on her phone, they both wait in silence when Claire remembers something "What happens if your parents find out?""We will deel with that when the time comes, they are at work so we have some time...." Darci stated and was interrupted by a alarm ,Claire picked up the test and went pail "Well??""I'm pregnant " Claire said and fainted, Darci was able to get her to the bed and was a bit worried. After a while Claire woke up "You okay?" "Yeah just shocked,I'm going to have a baby " Claire said and a smile appeared on her face,she put her hand on her stomach and wondered if this was just a dream but came falling back to earth when she realised "What am I going to tell my parents?!"she yelled and started to panic "Maybe if you explain they might understand " "Nooooo way,after the incident I don't think I want to tell them anything. What if they try and take the baby away or..or"she burst into tears, not just because of the hormones but the thought of losing her baby "Claire .... come here "Darci said and hugged her best friend trying to comfort her "We'll figure this out but first aren't you going to tell Jim?" " Should I,what if he doesn't want to have the baby, he has so many responsibilities as the trollhunter ,how is he going to support me and help raise the baby? And what if..." "Claire stop,you are having a baby for crying out loud you are supposed to be bouncing of the walls and running around to get baby chlothes and whatever it is pregnant people do!"Darci laughed "Your right. How about we go walk in town for a while?" "Okay Claire Bear " they both grab ther bags and walk to town. They soon reach town and walk around for a bit till Darci pulled Claire into a small shop,it was filled with baby chlothes and supplies"Darci what are you doing?" "Getting some clothes for my little niece or nephew " she said and started going trough a pile of clothes, Claire was afraid someone might see them but saw something and forgot about everyone else . Darci saw Claire stering at a baby grow that said "Daddy's little angel " Claire picked it up and walked to the register and bought it "See you are a natural " Claire smiled "I was thinking of suprising Jim with this " "That is a great idea let's go now!!!"Darci said and started to walk faster but stopped to wait for Claire "Why did you stop?" "I was waiting for the lady with the baby " Darci giggled, they soon reached troll market and were waiting for the boys to stop training for the day "Tell Jim that I am waiting for him in his hut" Claire said and Darci nodded and giggled. Claire reached Jim's hut and went inside, she put the baby grow on his bed and hid in the corner. Meanwhile Darci walked up to Jim and Toby "Hey guys " " Hi Darci, what's up?"Jim asked, he was wearing blue jeans, sneakers and a sweater "Nothing much, o,Claire is waiting for you in your hut,she has a surprise for you.""Thanks Darci I'll head there now "Jim said and ran to his hut ,Darci started to squeal and Toby was confused "Darci what have you done?" "It's not what I've done its what's going to happen, c'mon!!!"Darci yelled and pulled Toby to Jim's hut.
After a while Jim got to his hut and went in "Claire?" he asked but stopped when he saw something on his bed ,Darci and Toby were standing outside the door waiting patiently "What are we looking at??"Toby whispered "Shhhh!" Darci whispered back. Jim walked to his bed and saw the baby grow ,"Daddy's little angel?What??"Jim was confused but quickly realised what it ment ,he put his hand over his mouth trying not to make a sound. Claire walked out of the corner towards Jim "Jim? A-are you okay?" "I-is this for real?" Jim asked studering not sure of what to say or do Claire looked at the door ,but Darci gestured to tell him . Claire took a deep breath and walked closer to him "Yes ,it is for real, I know we weren't supposed to have one this early and I don't know If you want to keep it..... but if you don't i.." Claire was about to finish when Jim turned around with tears in his eyes and hugged her, spinning her around "Jim,morning sickness is a factor here" Claire said "We're having a baby!"Jim yelled excited "What baby?!When ?!How?!" "TOBY SHUT IT !!!DON'T ROWEN THE MOMENT!!"Darci yelled and everyone laughed "So you are excited about the baby?" "Claire ofcourse I am, I always wanted to be a Dad, maybe not this early but either way I'm going to love this baby more than my dad ever would" "But what if you have to babysit for a while?and do you remember the fait of our other alleged child?" "What ooooo that, I sollomly swear not to blow this one up with a dwark stone" Jim said raising his left hand "Told you!"Darci yelled "Well there is one thing left to do" "Whats that ?" "Tell our parents " Claire said and gulped "I'll tell Blinky later,let's tackle your parents first,but look at the bright side if they kick you out you can come live with me " "You are not helping Jim " Claire said and opened a portal they all walked through and landed in the middle of her living room,"Hello?" she said and her mom came running into the living room "Claire!!!"she cried and hugged her "Where have you been?" "Around,here "she said coldly and Jim put his hand on her shoulder and Darci them gave her an encouraging look "Mom, I have to tell you something ""What is it dear?" Claire took a deep breath "I'm...pregnant...surprise?" She said holding out the baby grow.

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