The proposal.....

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It had been a hole month since Claire got her things from her parents house and officially moved in with Jim in their home down in troll market. Darci and Jim's mom Barbara would often go to make sure Claire was doing okay especially with the baby that was growing so fast." You think she will like it?" "She will love it!!" Darci squealed "Love what?" Claire asked walking into the room "Nothing!!" Jim yelled and put a small box in his pocket "okay..." " Claire what are you doing up ,my mom said you should rest" "O...okay so you don't want to feel the baby kick, fine I'll  just leave and..." before she could finish Jim was standing infront of her and she laughed "Here " she said and put Jim's hand on her belly "Wow" "I know right, and I feel that all the time" Claire said and yawned "You should go rest,I'll wake you later "Darci said and winked at Jim ,he had planned this suprise for weeks and Darci was helping to put it in motion "Mmmmmmk...I will see you later "Claire said and walked to the bedroom "Thanks " "No problem Jim ,but you might want to hurry Claire isn't going to sleep the hole day." "Your right,let's get to work, "
A few hours later Claire woke up only to find a  note next to her " Claire, please meet me at the heroes forge, p.s love you..Jim what are you up to?" Claire said to her self, she walked to the door and opened it only to see a path way of roses and candles. Strange thing was there was not a troll in sight, slowly and in awe Claire walked to the forge, a few minutes later she reached the forge and saw Jim standing in the middle of the place in a tucks, feeling under dressed she hid behind the wall and did a small spell to change her clothes into a beautiful dress

 Strange thing was there was not a troll in sight, slowly and in awe Claire walked to the forge, a few minutes later she reached the forge and saw Jim standing in the middle of the place in a tucks, feeling under dressed she hid behind the wall an...

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You could see her baby bump but she thought it pulled it all together and she let down her hair. She walked in and felt her hart begin to race "Jim?" Jim turned around and staired at Claire "You look beautiful. " "Thank you, you look rather handsome yourself. " feeling unsure of what was happening she  looked around but turned back to Jim when he took her hand "Claire " "Yes?" "You are the most amazing person I have ever met ,you are kind ,caring, loving and so many other things that I can't name otherwise I would be heer for the next three months, well what I'm trying to say is that I don't want to live a nother day of my life without you..." he started to go down on one knee and Claire started to cry "So Claire Maria Nunèz will you do me the honour of being my wife legally and officially?" He opened a small box and she saw the most beautiful ring ever

"Yes,a hundred times Yes!!!" Claire cried and Jim put the ring on her finger,without thinking Jim pulled Claire into a kiss and everything feaded away they only pulled away when they heard all of troll market cheering "That was so beautiful!! I am...

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"Yes,a hundred times Yes!!!" Claire cried and Jim put the ring on her finger,without thinking Jim pulled Claire into a kiss and everything feaded away they only pulled away when they heard all of troll market cheering "That was so beautiful!! I am so jealous of how perfect you to are together!!" Darci squealed and everyone they knew was there "Congratulations,you are a beautiful couple " Zoe said, turns out Jim told everyone his plan and wanted everyone there to show how loved Claire was "Well this is surely going into the history books of engagements" Archie said and turned into a small dragon to light the candles "What are you doing Archie?" "Lighting the candles, I can hardly see!" Blinky walked up to them with Barbra and Strickler "I am so proud of you Jim you surtanly got your taste from me " "Ofcourse Mom" "Well done young Atlas and congratulations on the youngling aswell " "Thank you Mr Strickler " Claire said and looked around "They didn't come did they ?" "Your parents, No they slammed the door in my mom's face." "Well I'm not going to let that upset me or ruin the moment, let's get this celebration started!" Claire said and all the trolls , family,friends and others had a good time at about midnight everyone went home. The next day Jim and Claire were hardly even properly awake when Blinky told Jim that there had been Gum Gum sightings at the other side of town and that they must investigate with no choice he had to go " Claire are you sure you are okay with me leaving?" "Ofcourse you are the trollhunter it's part of the job description and Toby is going with you so I know you will have someone looking out for you." "But what about you?" "I'll be fine Jim, Darci is coming today to help me get set up with my online college studies" "Okay but any sign of trouble and I'm coming back." "Okay, okay now go, I love you." "I love you more " Jim said and kissed Claire before leaving in his armer and sword in hand "Bye,good luck!" Claire said and waived good bye.  A few minutes later Darci showed up and they started to set up the computer, about an hour later they were done ."That was exhausting " Claire said and stood up "Yeah" "Hey Darci you want some ice tea and chips, I can really go for a snack right no..... ahhhh!" "CLAIRE WHAT'S WRONG?!" "SHARP PAIN IN MY STOMACH!!" Claire yelled "I'M CALLING BARBARA!!" "IS THAT A PROPOSAL OR A FACT!!" Claire yelled and felt water run down her leg "M..My Water just broke......."

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