Hello Baby

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Claire's Pov
I woke up this morning with a small pain in my stomach but I didn't think much of it, my mind was spinning, Jim proposed, I'm getting married!! But Jim has to leave because of Gum gum sightings I hate it that I can't go with him but baby waits for nobody. I was wearing a purple dress ,grey sweater and pumps ,I put my hair up in a ponytail and felt a nother sharp pain, so I thought it might be the baby disagreeing with something I ate. I walked to the kitchen and started on breakfast and packed Jim snacks for the road when I felt two arms rap around my waist "Good morning Beautiful " "Morning, but are you talking to me or the food ?" "DEPENDS " "JAMES LAKE JUNIOR!!!" "I was just kidding " Jim laughed and I suddenly felt a nother sharp pain and bent over a bit and let out a sigh "Claire what's wrong? Are you okay?" I knew if I told him he wouldn't leave for the mission "Just a little hart burn, baby thing..." "Okay..." I knew he didn't really believe me but what els was I supposed to do, a bout a half an hour later Blinky ,Toby,Douxie, Angor and Aaarrgghh where waiting for Jim "Are you sure you are okay with me leaving?" Jim asked me worried "Yes,your the trollhunter it came in the job description " "Fine but any sign of trouble and I'm coming back " "Okay okay, now go ,I love you " "I love you more " Jim said and kissed me and left " Good luck !!" I yelled and Darci showed up "Hey Claire bear ready to get started?" "Yes,let's get moving" we both went inside and started to set up the college program, an hour later we where done "Well that was tiring " "Yeah" Darci said ,I got up and started to walk to the kitchen "Hey Darci, you want some ice tea and chips I could really go for a sna.....Aaaaaaah!!" I suddenly felt a very painful sensation in my stomach "Claire ARE YOU OKAY!!!?" "NO,SHARP PAIN IN MY STOMACH!" "I...I'M CALLING BARBARA!!!" "IS THAT A SUGGESTION OR A FACT?!" We yelled at each other and I felt a nother pain, but suddenly I felt water run down my leg "Darci....my-my water just broke.." "O SHIT!!!!! " Darci yelled and went into a panic but realised she was still calling Barbara "Mis Lake Claire's water just broke we need help!!!" Darci was basically screaming louder than me and Mis Lake as well "Okay see soon.....Mis Lake will be here in a few minutes let's gat you ready for labour " and just like that I was dressed and ready "Darci " "Yeah ?" " Can you call my parents and tell them what is happening, I don't think I can do this " "Sure" Darci left the room and Barbara came in " How are you feeling?" " The contractions are getting a lot closer to each other " " What how long have you been feeling pains ?" " Since this morning " "Okay this baby is coming faster than I thought." " Really wh....ahhhhhh!!!!" I let out a scream and Barbara looked at me with caring eyes "The baby is coming out now ,where is Jim?" "He left for a m-mission,I can't do this alone " I began to cry ,feeling a nother sharp pain I screamed and It was louder than before. I didn't know what was taking Darci so long, but she came back about 15 minutes later with my mom "Mom?" I could feel the sweat run down my forehead and tears down my cheeks "I'm hear for you sweetheart, and I'm not going anywhere " "What about Dad?" "He can take a hike ,we got this" I screamed in pain again " I can't " "What?!" Darci yelled "I can't do it without him !" "Without who?" Barbara replied "I can't do it without Jim ...."

Jim's Pov
I knew something was off about Claire this morning but I didn't know what, we reached the other side of Arcadia in less that a hour and where greeted by over 100 Gum gums. I was destroying as meany as i could when my phone rang, I ignored it but it cept on ringing till it stopped and Toby's started to ring "Hey Babe Cinda busy at the moment can I call you back?" Seriously Toby answered a phone call in the middle of a fight! Darci was yelling so hard everyone could hear her ,Douxie and I finished off the last Gum gum and walked closer to Toby "Darci slow down what is happening are yo....." "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!" Toby was cut off by a loud scream in the background "Who was that?" I asked "It's CLAIRE HER WATER BROKE AND SHE IS IN LABOUR AND SHE SAYS SHE CAN'T DO IT WITHOUT YOU , JIM YOU HAVE TO GET HEAR NOW!!!!" "WHY DIDN'T YOU START WITH THAT!!!" I heard Claire screaming in the background again ,Darci's phone was disconnected and I felt a sudden feeling of fear in my chest " I have to get back to troll market " We all started to run back but where ambushed I was hurt ,so were the others but I took the biggest blow, we were literally outside troll market and I could hear Claire screaming, I suddenly had a burst of rage and faught harder that ever and destroyed all of the remaining Gum Gums "Jim how did you do that ?" I could hardly stand but somehow made to troll market ,into my house and to were Claire was, she was pail and covered in sweat with hairs sticking to her forehead "Claire??" I said very faintly before almost falling "Jim !?" Claire's mom caught me and helped me to chair next to her "What happened?! your bleeding are you okay!?" Even in LABOUR she cared more about me than herself ,tiredly I said " We where ambushed, but in hear now ,and I'm not leaving you" i took her hand and gave her a kiss on her forehead "Okay,Claire on the next few contractions you need to push okay" My mom said and Claire gave a nod ,and not less than a hour later our baby was born my mom was doing a check up so ,we cleaned up and Claire washed up and got into bed ,I sat next to her and my mom came in holding our baby "Jim ,Claire would you like to meet your daughter?" Claire opened her arms and my mom handed her to Claire she is so small "She has your eyes and hair Claire " "And she has your skin and horns" we said in awe of our baby girl and Toby,Darci, Blinky, Aaarrgghh, Vendal, Nari, Angor, Zoe,Douxie and Claire's mom came in "Everyone we would like you to meet our daughter " "She is beautiful, what shall you name the youngling?" Nari asked " Well..." Claire looked at me and I nodded my head "We are naming her Laura Elizabeth Lake " everyone awed and was mesmerised by our littel girl but suddenly Claire looked at me "What?" "Don't you want to hold her ?" Claire said and I opened up my ararms and she handed her to me "Hello Baby..." I said holding her for the first time

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