Littel girls

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"Can i come in?" Claire repeated , "Yes dear" Maria called from the living room .
Hector could hardly breathe it might have been the fact that it was the first time in what seemed like ages that his daughter was home and talking to him, after hearing Claire tap her foot he suddenly snapped back to life and made way for her to come in . Claire was wearing a purple dress ,with pumps her hair draiped like a curten on her shoulders a mixture of white and brown. "It is good to see jou mija"Maria said walking to hug her daughter ,slowly pulling her to the couche "How is Jim and the baby ,i can't for get about my nieta " she carried on Hector wasn't even paying attention ,only letting out a few grunts like a wilde boar till Claire spoke
" Dad , we need to talk about what you have to say about my family" with a small nudge Claire signald for her mom to leave the room and she did, uprubtly Hector spat "That thing is no FAMILY of you " "That THING is my fiance and the father of my child so you bet your scew beard he is part of my family!" Claire hissed "Well that doesn't mean i have to like him !!" "Dios Mio !!!! I knew i shouldn't have even tried to talk to a stubern selfsenterd man like you ! You can't even see past your own pride,I'm happy more than ever and you can't even except it!" Claire yelled " Hija , you mean the world to me but i can't sit by and watched you ruin your life with that ....that monster !" "He is No Monster dad !! He is the love of my life and you can't even except it....then you can't be part of my life " Claire suddenly felt tears run down her checks but held her head high " Ever since i was a little girl i wanted nothing more than you to approve of the person i loved , i wanted nothing more than you to hold my baby the day she opend her eyes. Well.... I guess it was all just a fantasy." Claire sniffed a wiped a tear of her chin , for the first time in year Hector saw his sad little girl and felt awful, How could he be sou cruel,so careless, but most of all how did he turn into such a bad father. Suddenly Darci burst through the front door holding a baby carrier, that was covered in small cries and basically ran over Hector "Claire ,pleeeeeaaasssss help ,you made a storm out side,it woke Laura and she won't stop crying and she is making me cry!!" Darci explained with a few tears rolling from her eyes , in an instant Claire forgot about everything and walked to Darci and took her small baby from the carrier. "It's okay baby mama's got you." Claire held Laura and like magic she stopped crying ,it was either Laura's fascination with her mother or just the feeling of her mother's comfort. Hector could hardly believe his eyes ,his baby girl was all grown up and was a mother,a good mother. The image of her and her child burnd a picture into his head like a memory he never wanted to forget and he realized that he never saw his grandchild before.

 The image of her and her child burnd a picture into his head like a memory he never wanted to forget and he realized that he never saw his grandchild before

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Hector slowly started to walk to Claire , then when he got close he saw a beacon of light and joy in her daughters eyes . His granddaughter was adorable ,he thought he might explode,she had bright,big blue eyes and hair that resemble Claire's. "She's beautiful" Hector sniffed almost crying " Would you like to hold her?" Hector like a obidiant child nodded and held out his arms ,when Claire gave him Laura a sudden joy flushed over his body, playfully he tickled her with his one finger Laura let out a small giggle and a sequel.Laura grabbed Hector's finger and gave a squeal " I am so sorry Mija ,i can't believe i have missed this . Please forgive me" Hector said " That is going to take a while dad but be grateful your granddaughter changes people ." "What is her name" Claire raised her head and looked at her father "Laura ,we named her after Nana ." Hector's face beamed with pride "That is my girl,i always knew you would make me proud" "Well dad it was actually Jim's idea " Hector was both surprised and confused but brushed it off.
"I will allow your fiance and daughter,the most beautiful baby in the world , as aspected of my daughter, into my family. " Claire gave a small smile .
A hour later Claire took Laura and started to walk to the door Darci was still waiting outside "And one last thing ,Mom ,Dad i would really love it if you would come to my wedding next week ." "NEXT WEE...." Hector wanted to exclaim but Maria elbowed him in the stomach
"We would love to dear." "Thanks Mom ,I'll see you soon. Bye" Claire said and left.
"Well both our little girls are gone ,lets talk about your behavior towards Jim next time we see him." Maria said and dragged Hector inside.
Mean while Darci and Claire made it to trollmarket unseen ,Jim was waiting at the entrance for them "Jim what are you doing here ?" Jim walked up to Claire gave her a hug and took Laura througing her in the air and catching her "Can't i come and see my beautiful wife to be and adorable baby without any reason?" Jim said with an playfull smile "Depends,what did you brake this time?" Claire said crossing her arms with a smile " Hopefully nothing"  Jim said with a guilty tone "Jim!!" Claire said and they both laughed frantically "Awww,you two are going to be so cute together when your married " Darci commented ,Jim and Claire looked at each other and began to laugh again . Darci said good bye and went home a few minutes later "Shall we go home" Claire said in a quiet tone "Yes ,I'm dead after today there where gnomes in the forge again they ate trough the traps " "We all just need a good nights sleep,O....and my dad likes you now so your welcome" "How in the name of Merlin did you manege that?" Jim asked as they walked through trollmarket and into their house "Let's just say it was the power of little girl's" Claire said and closed the door behind them. That night there was nothing but sweet dreams for the so to be Lake family.

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