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Jim and Claire were officially in troll terms "Mates" and they were inseparable, Claire would spend a hole day with Jim and not once tell her parents that she would be going out and when she would be going home. It was very difficult for her parents but Jim was at his A game ,being with Claire had given him a urge to do better not just to protect trolls but to protect the one he loved the most "Well done master Jim,you have improved at a enormous rate !"Blinky cheered and Vendal walked in and had an impressed expression on his face "I see our trollhunter is doing even better than before "he said looking at Jim "It seems having Fair Claire as your mate has given you a stronger urge to want to protect her,mmmmmmm ?" He said in a questioning way "Ofcourse, that is why you have been so persistent to train "Blinky laughed "What no!"Jim said but when Claire walked into the forge he knew he was lying "Claire!" He yelled and ran to her hugging her tightly "Jim,I can't breathe!"She laughed, Jim let go only to be given a kiss on the lips "What was that for ?"He asked "What am I not allowed to kiss my husband?"she said playfully "You can kiss me any time!" He said trying to redeem himself and everyone laughed hearing what he said. "I can't stay long my parents want to talk to me about something " she said rolling her eyes "Do you really need to?"Jim asked with pleading eyes but Claire nodded and let out a sigh ,he really wanted to show her something "You did very well today ,I geuss I'll see you tomorrow "Claire said and opened up a portal .Looking back at Jim she waved and walked trough ,Jim was wondering what Claire's parents wanted to talk to her about and sighed "Master Jim, Fair Claire has not been gone for five seconds and you are already moping around "Blinky laughed and Jim shot him a nasty glare and Vendal left looking at the sight.
Claire reached her house in no time and walked trough the door ,only to find her parents waiting for her. "Claire come sit we want to talk to you" her mom said "Okay...." she said reluctantly and sat down on the couch were Not Enrique was lying"We want you to start seeing someone and stay at home more"her dad said casually "What?your kidding,right?"she asked but her parents didn't say anything "Claire we think it is time you let Jhon go."her dad said and looked at her ,Not Enrique jumped up and started to waive his arms around signalling them to stop but it was to late ,Claire snapped "No way in hell!!"she yelled and started to walk to the door "Claire Maria NUNÈZ!you will not leave this house,you can't go running to Jhon again!"her mother yelled but instantly regretted her words. Claire felt a urge of anger flodde her body and like being pulled into a dark hole ,she lost control. Her eyes went black and tears ran down her face her hair lost all its colour and turned into a dark glowing black. "HIS NAME IS JIM!!!!"she yelled letting out a bright light and everything started to float in the air, "Claire calm down you are scaring Enrique!"her mom yelled "Is he the one who is scared or is it you! Enrique isn't even here he is at daycare, you just want me to feel pitiful towards him and you use it against me!" she yelled and trough a ball of fire across the room "Not Enrique go get help!"Claire's dad yelled ,Not Enrique didn't even hesitate and ran out to troll market, he opened the passage and started to look for Angor but ran into Jim"Not Enrique what are you doing here?" He asked looking at the Changeling "Claire....trouble..."Not Enrique tried to say but was freaking out "Calm down, what happened."Jim said looking at the changeling worried,Not Enrique took a deep breath and let out a fart" Big eyes lost it ,her parents said she should let ya go and cept calling ya Jhon and she snapped she is full out dark side !!!! We need help she is going to get hurt with all them magic she is using!"he said and started to run and look for Angor. Jim ran after him and found him and Angor close to the door "I'm coming to!" "Hunta ya can't, you will be seen !"but it was too late Jim was already far a head of them ,running as fast as his legs could carry him. Angor and Not Enrique caught up with him after a while and the went into Claire's house ,Claire was floating in the air aswell as a few books and other things,her parents were rapped in glowing purpel chains "I'll go first hunter only come if nacacery "Angor said and walked over to Claire "Mistress, stop this ,you don't want to hurt anyone "he said and she started to calm down a bit "Yes it is what Jhon would say"her dad said and she got even madder than before "How would you know what he would want!"she yelled rapping a chain around her father's mouth and grabbing Angor "You think I would care what you think, you are a meer fraction of what I can do with my powers."she said and through him to the side. "Claire stop!"Jim yelled and ran to her ,she stopped and stared at him feeling more tears stream down her face ,her parents were confused they thought that Jim was dead "Jim!!!"her mom yelled and he looked at her. "Claire please this isn't you!" "Your right, it's not " Claire said and faded away into the Shadows "Claire!!!!"Jim yelled "Where did she go?!"he asked panicking, while Angor let Claire's parents lose "Your....Your alive!"Claire's mom carried on "No wonder she has been gone so long in the day and night, she was with you!" "Okay she was with me aswell as Angor but we can talk about this later we have to find Claire!"Jim said running out of the house and everyone followed it was dark out side. "A storm is rolling in she is creating it again, we have to find her before we can't bring her back!"Angor yelled so that everyone could hear him over the roaring wind,out of no where Darci and Toby appeared"What do you mean bring her back!!!"Darci and Toby yelled from the distance "Jim!!!"they both yelled when they got closer "I will explain later we have to find Claire!" "If we don't find her soon ,the arcane order will and we will lose her forever!"Angor yelled and they all started to look for any sign of her "Up there!"Darci yelled pointing at the mountain in the distance a bright light was shining from it "Claire"Jim said and ran to the beaming light with everyone following him.
Claire was standing on the edge of the cliff as tears fell from her face,letting out painful screams. "We told you, we are your only hope "two voices said behind her,she turned around to see Scral and Belrock ,she raised her hands and bright purple smoke left them surrounding her. Her eyes glowed bright purple and tears ran down her face and dark clouds formed behind her ,they did this to her they made her this monster, they made her believe she was a demon with their nightmares that they put in her head. She knew they were the ones that made her so unstable and dangerous"You took everything from me!"

 She knew they were the ones that made her so unstable and dangerous"You took everything from me!"

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