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The next day after the hole baby suprise and drama Claire and Jim got their parents to inspect Claire's home,she was very nervous and hoped nothing went wrong,she was show a baby bump but it was very big for just one month and it was as if it just happened overnight. Claire's Dad was glaring at him the hole time "Your dad is freaking me out" "He is just be over dramatic " they stopped talking when her parents came closer "Well it is official you have a better home than anyone in Arcadia, I like it,it is perfect for the baby ." "Really so we can keep the baby?!" Claire was so happy she started hugging everyone "Mom ,is this going to be a reoccurring thing the hipper and crying fase?" "Just wait till the cravings kick in."Barbara laughed .Darci ,Toby,Nari,Not Enrique and Douxie walked in and Claire's parents left trough a portal that Claire made"Well ,Claire bear let's get decorating!" Darci yelled, the place was empty and had no furniture "No,not yet, I bet Claire hasn't had a check up for the baby yet and I want to make sure everything is ok first. We'll be done in about 30 minutes" "I agree, I will go to incase you need some help with the troll side of the youngling. " Angor suggested "It would actually be great, I have no idea what to do about that side" "I'm coming to it's my kid" Jim said and left with the other's. About 20 minutes later Barbara finished the examination and was a bit confused "Claire are you sure you are 4 weeks in" "Yes ,miss Lake why is something wrong?" Claire asked a bit panicked "No,No the baby is healthy but the tests show that you are at least 3 months in,that is why your baby bump is so big already" "What but that isn't possible!" "Actually it is mistress, troll younglings grow faster than normal human baby's. But with the baby being half human and troll it is hard to say what will happen and what traits it will get from you or the hunter." Angor said and Claire got worried "It'll be fine Claire I promise"Jim said and kissed her. "So what you are telling me is that this baby is growing faster than a normal baby would and will be born in less than 9 months, but would that mean it will be the same when the baby is born?" "I'm not surten mistress, I have never heard of such a thing as a youngling being born from two different species.There is no surtantay what will happen or even when the young one will be born. " Claire stood up from her chair, she was wearing a white tshirt,a loss grey denim overall and pumps "Where are you going?" Jim asked, he was wearing a blue shirt, jeans and sneakers"I'm going to get our home decorated and done before this baby decides to come out!" Claire said and walked off as fast as she can "Thanks mom, I'll help pack up. " "Don't worry Angor will help me ,you just make sure Claire is comfortable and doesn't have a mood swing" "Why?" Jim asked "Because my mistress can do magic and if she gets enraged she could do some sort of spell or use to much power that can be harmful to the youngling,but portals and small spells are not to bad." "Thanks for the heads up "Jim said and walked after Claire, she was really moving "Wait up,you are going to leave me behind " he laughed "As if I can hardly move!" witch Jim could hardly believe what she said because she was walking like she was being chased by a demon but Claire felt like it. They reached the door to their home and walked inside to find everyone waiting for them "Well,how was the chek up?" Darci said worried "The baby is fine, but is growing faster than a normal baby would because of the troll side . Claire can't do any big spells or such because it can be harmful to the baby. "Jim explained"Well let's get Cooken we ain't got all day!" "I agree with nNot Enrique love ,we should get to work." Douxie said "We will do spell to get all the furniture and things in place "Nari said ,Douxie and Nari then did a spell and all the furniture was in place even the pyping and electrical cables. "We will handle decor while you boys bild this little suprise." Darci said and pulled out a huge boks behind the door "Unwrap it!"She said excited and Claire opened it ,it was a stroller for the baby "Darci I can't expect this..""Nonsense it is for you and the baby " Claire could feel herself tear up and hugged Darci "Thank you, but how did you afford it?" "I bought it with my savings, my parents already got me a car so I didn't need it plus I have a lot more in my banke account " Claire burst into tears and hugged her "You are tha best ." Claire cried "Now dry those tears and let's get to work!" Claire nodded and walked off with Darci and Nari, While Jim ,Toby ,Not Enrique and Douxie tryde to put the stroller together.
A few hours later the stroller was assembled and the boys went looking for the girls "Claire where are you?" "In here!" Claire yelled and they walked into the room "what do you think ?" Claire asked ,she was covered in paint,"Claire this is amazing!" Jim said she had finished decorating the baby's room with Nari and Darci, it had a painting of the moon on the wall,a crib ,a changing station ,a cubberd and baby suplys

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