Hidden in Shadows

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Claire and Not Enrique arrived at school and everyone was starting at her, she knew it wasn't because of the green changeling on her shoulder he has been coming to school with her since two years ago, not because she didn't have friends but felt more comfortable with him around and her Mom made the school allow it so that he can ceep her safe after the hole Arcadia might be ending. Everyone in Arcadia knows about the trolls and magic but not about Jim that was the trollhunter and claire that had powers,except Darci and Tobby, Claire didn't trust Mray enough because she posts everything on social media. "C-bomb,you look great!I love the new look!"A familiar voice yelled ,Claire turned around and saw Darci in a matching Papa skull shirt but it was just green, green is her favourite "Thanks Darci!,Quick question but what are everyone staring at?" "They are looking at you!!You look hot as fudge, and maybe that you are wearing that jacket....." Darci said looking down felling guilty , Claire was looking at the jacket and felt Not Enrique squeeze her shoulder, she looked at him and faced Darci "Well then  I geuss I am going to need a hug ? " she said and opened her arms, Darci smiled and hugged her best friend, they then start to walk to Claire's locker and standing just a  bit down the hall was Tobby. "Tobby, my gummy bear!!!" Darci said and ran over to him, she almost ran him over. Claire laughed and walked over but when she reached them Tobby's smile fade and a sad expression appeared across his face "Is..is that his?" Tobby said studering "Yeah, I wanted to feel close to him since,well since today is the day he...he" Claire burst into tears and covered her face, Tobby and Darci hugged her and tried to comfort her. Tobby might have been Jim's best friend but Jim was Claire's boyfriend, she stepped away out of the hug and gave a fake smile "I,i am going to go to the bath room and clean my face......see you in class."Claire said and walked away and Not Enrique staid be hind with Darci and Tobby "I'm worried about big eyes" "Yeah me too "Darci said looking in Claire's direction "How has she been holding up?"Tobby asked putting his hand on the changeling "She has been crying alot at night, her nightmares are getting worse and today she snapped at her mom. She is starten to make me want to go back to dem darn Dark Lands, at least the witchie ma wak stuff didn't really happen there" Not Enrique said and rolled his eyes "Wait,what she did magic!!!!" Tobby exclaimed "Aww,scruffffff."Not Enrique said ,Claire had told him not to tell them anything about her doing magic without the shadow staff "Wait so you are telling me that C-bomb can do magic without a watcha ma call it?!"Darci whispered " Ya can't say nothin to Big eyes or she will have me scruff!This morning she made her room light up like them stuff that blow up in da sky! And almost made me wet me diaper ,with them glowing purple eyes!!"Not Enrique yelled making a zombie like face and sticking out his tongue. The bell rang and they headed to class ,Claire was all ready there sitting in her usual seet.Darci,Tobby and Not Enrique walked over to her and sat next to her ,Senior Ule walked in and looked at the class making sure everyone was there. He walked over to Claire who's eyes were a bit red "Miss Claire may I speak with you for uno momento"he said trying to be funny, he and claire walked out of class and into the hall "Miss claire, are you alright, I am well aware of what today is and understand if you need some time to yourself, you can join us when you are ready " "But senior ule what about class?" "Don't worry about it, since it is the last day of school before vacation we will not be working today "he said and walked back into class,what just happened was senior Ule actually being nice to her ? She walked back into class 10 minutes later and sat back down ,she could feel everyone's eyes on her and she just cept looking at Not Enrique that was sitting on the tabel making faces at her ,she laughed a bit and enjoyed the rest of Spanish class .

It was the last period of the day and everyone was buzzing with excitement, but Coach Lorens had an idea of making the last PE class of this Simester Self defence and "Par core " Everyone was groaning st the thought,everyone but Claire "Okay first up is Claire and Darci!" "Sir that is not fair they wont fight each other, they are best friends!"The hole class yelled "Fine,hoe els wants to pair up with Nunèz?"he scanned for volunteers but nobody answered "I'll do it "an ubnocsios voice said ,it was Steve "Fine ,you can be the ovender "Coach said ,Steve has been bugging Claire since Jim was gone and she had hand enough "Hey Claire you still holding onto that butt snacks memory ,pathetic, you even wearing his jacket how sweet... more like disgusting, just like him"he laughed and everyone stepped back ,it had been made very clear by Not Enrique, Darci and Tobby that nobody should speak ill of Jim because Claire would go beserk!Claire felt her blood boil and her hands  ball up into fists ,everyone knew that there was trouble on the way and they all stepped back even Coach Lorens "What did you say!!!!!You asshole!"Claire hissed and her eyes went black with a white and purple orbs in the middle of them ,Steve stepped back a bit but went forward when he saw Aja looking at him "On three,one ,two three, begin "Coach Lorens yelled and Steve went for it but Claire did a summer sult over his head and kicked him in the back ,Steve got up and lunged at her again and claire went full throttle punching and kicking him everyone was staring"Go big Eyes kick that scruff might butt!"Not Enrique yelled jumping in the air .They were about to finish when Steve grabbed her by the neck and she trough him over her shoulder and placed her foot on his throat "Ever say something about Jim again and I will RIP your head form your shoulders and feed you to the Gum Gums!"she yelled and got off his throat and her eyes went back to normal everyone was standing in a corner huddled  together and were looking at her with wide eyes "Coach, aren't you going to do something she just threatened and assaulted me!!"Steve said in a hoarse voice  "Ha !ya haven't even seen her scary side yet ,ya wimp!" Not Enrique laughed"Sorry Steve ,this was self defence and you did assault her with your words, so Miss Claire Nunez you are now the champion of self defence, so you get to go first with par core"The hole class cheered and clapped at the Coach, Claire started the opstickel course and finished with a front flip off the side of the plat form ,everyone cheered and went ,Tobby was last and was rolling off the plat form to make everyone laugh. The bell rang and they started walking home ,"So Claire bear what do you want for your 18th birthday?"Darci asked ,claire froze she forgot it was her birthday in two weeks"I don't want anything this year" Claire said and walked a bit faster ,it was quite for a bit till Tobby's
stomach growled and they laughed, they stopped for Beritos and went home .

It was 8:30 and Claire's parents were out with Enrique, so she was in her room writing a song,she never showed anyone her songs . Suddenly there was a loud bang in her back yard and she got up to investigate, I don't see anything she thought to herself and was about to walk inside when something grabbed her and pulled her into the Shadows of the forest, she tried to scream but they were holding their hand over her mouth, she felt a sudden urge of anger flude thro her body and she sent out a bright blast of magic,she fell to the ground and got up the person was lying on the ground and Claire walked closer, her hands ready with magic flowing from them and her eyes as black as the night with a purple glow.

 Suddenly there was a loud bang in her back yard and she got up to investigate, I don't see anything she thought to herself and was about to walk inside when something grabbed her and pulled her into the Shadows of the forest, she tried to scream ...

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"Who are you!"she growled and the person stood up ,but it wasn't a person it was a troll, it was one of Gunmars minions!Claire was ready to attack when someone jumped infront of her and fought the Gum Gum ,he was fast and strong just like what Jim Was after Merlin changed him into a troll and with one final blow he destroyed the Gum Gum. "Who are you?"Claire asked but he did not answer "Tell me hoe you are!!"she yelled raising her hands and creating light, when she saw his face Claire stepped back and her eyes went back to normal "Wh..what ,how ,why ?!"she said and Tears fell from her eyes "Claire I can explain"he said and stepped closer to her "Jim!!!!!" she yelled

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