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It has been four days since Jim last saw Claire and they were both miserable "Why ,is he not coming to my house anymore?"Claire said looking at Angor that was carving a totem in her room "Maybe he is really dead and nobody noticed "he said and gave Claire a smile "You are not helping !"she laughed and trough a pillow at him,Angor has been like a second Dad to Claire, always listening to her problems and making her feel better, it was actually more than what her real dad did, Not Enrique walked into her room with a sock in his mouth and jumped up on her bed and sat right next to her"He is right big eyes ,for ones I agree with the beast"he said and Angor shot him a nasty glare. "Was I wrong not to tell him?" " No kid,you had every right not to,he disappeared for 3 years and didn't reach out to you once. You might have lied to him for a few days but he lied to you for years. " Angor said blowing wood chips out of the window "Thanks Angor" Claire said and got up from her bed. "Maybe you should call them friends of yours "Not Enrique said chewing the last peace of the sock "That is actually not a bad idea" Claire had been avoiding Darci and Mary for the last four days she didn't want to have a episode in front of them about her love life, there was still 5 months left of school vacation, she had plenty of time. She picked up her phone and dialled Darci's number "C-bomb!How are you?!""I'm good Darci, I was wondering what are you and Mary doing today?" She said looking at Angor and he motioned for her to ceep going
"Well I am just at home, but can be over in 5" "Great, see you soon Darci!"Claire hung up and smiled at Angor,"Darci is going to be here in 5" " That is great big eyes, but umm... Ya might wanna get out of them PJ's first "Not Enrique said pointing at her "Shoot!!!" Claire yelled and ran too her closet to change, she was wearing a red shirt ,black jeggings (Skee pants)and pumps ."Now for the hair " Claire said and let her hair down, just in time to, the door bell rang and Not Enrique went to open it up "Hey little dude, where is Claire?" Darci asked "I'm coming!" Claire yelled as she ran down the stairs and the two friends hugged and squealed "You have a very high pitch!" Angor said standing behind them and Darci shreecked "Who are you!!!"She yelled "Darci calm down this is Angor Rott, my friend "Claire said and smiled at him ,Darci was still in shock but eventually calmed down and talked to Claire, Angor and Not Enrique. "Where are your parents by the way?" Darci asked, while looking around "They went on a small road trip with Enrique, to get something for my birthday "Claire said and Darci was ecstatic, they talked for about 2 hours when Darci decided to head home "Bye Claire, bye Guys "she said waving goodbye.

It was about 7:30 and Claire decided to have a shower and got into her Pj's, and was lying on her bed when something tapped against the window "Jim!"Claire exclaimed and opened the window throwing her arms around his neck, they might not have been a couple but she didn't care she missed him, after a few seconds Jim wrapped his arms around her and gave her a big hug"I missed you "Claire said "I missed you too "Jim smiled,Angor and Not Enrique were out looking for a good training area ,so it was just Claire and Jim in the house "I am so sorry Claire I should not have treated you the way I did and hope that you can forgive me?" just as Jim said that Claire kissed him on the lips and pulled away "That is all I wanted to hear and Yes! you are forgiven!"she said kissing him again, Jim picked her up and span her around "Well ,now that we sorted out our problems are we back together?"Jim asked,Claire nodded her head and a huge smile appeared on Jim's face, he hugged her again and fell on her bed they laughed and cuddeld on the bed till they fell asleep and woke up to Angor and Not Enrique looking at them "Angor I can explain..." but Angor cut her off"It is fine we can skip training for one day,but it isn't going to happen again so enjoy it "he said walking out the room"And no funny bisness with my sis hanta "Not Enrique said and walked out of the room "That was embarrassing, I am so sorry "Claire said placing her head on Jim's chest,most people would think lying on a piece of armour is uncomfortable but Claire was as comfortable as can be,"it's fine, You know I can take my armour off " "What you can!?" Claire asked and Jim took a deep breath and his armour disappeared, he was wearing blue jeans, a jacket ,sneakers and a white tshirt "That is amazing!" Claire said jumping up and hugging Jim ,he hasn't felt this safe in ages "Claire are..are we a couple again?" Claire looked into his big blue eyes and nodded "Yes!!!" He yelled and kissed her ," the end of our problems!"

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