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It ha been a week since Jim and Claire had that contest to see hoe was the better fighter and have been seeing each other every night since sometimes during the day when Darci and Mary weren't at Claire's house but Jim has been acting very strange lately.
But today was a special day, the sun was shining, the birds were singing and Claire didn't have any nightmares "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" Everyone yelled and Claire fell of her bed. "Thanks I geuss "she laughed getting up off the ground her parents, Not Enrique, Enrique and Angor were laughing at her. Her parents weren't very happy that Angor had been training her in secret for years and that they only found out a week ago that he was her teacher, but they have come to love having him around not just because he can reach the top shelf in the kitchen or lift the car when it is broken, okay maybe a little.
"We will meat you down stairs in a few minutes " her mom said and everyone walked out the door, she quickly got dressed into a purple and white dress with flowers onit,black pumps and let her hair down it was hanging between her shoulders,Perfect she thought and went down stairs " O look how beautiful my baby ninja is!" Her mother cried "Mom,I'm 18 safe the tears for when I get married " she laughed and sat down her parents soon gave her a blou boks with a pink ribbon "Open it,it is just for you" Claire opened the boks and found a shadow staff and spell book in side "How did you get this!" "We asked your friend Douxie to help us find one and we did ,it is a real thing but the store owner thought it was only for cosplay "her mom said "Go a head try it out big eyes "Not Enrique said and Enrique giggled clapping his hands, Claire took the staff and closed her eyes letting all the sound and things around her fade away. "A saza sooth caneg thoon!" She yelled and a bright light appeared. The staff changed and a big round cristal appeared between the gaps at the top.

"It's beautiful," she said opening her eyes "Well we made you breakfast, Angor is taking you out for the day so we will see you tonight " her mom said as she walked to the door "Okay bye" she said and ate all of her breakfast and turned to Angor "...

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"It's beautiful," she said opening her eyes "Well we made you breakfast, Angor is taking you out for the day so we will see you tonight " her mom said as she walked to the door "Okay bye" she said and ate all of her breakfast and turned to Angor "So what are we going to do?"she asked "Well I thought you might want to see your hunter today " "Yes!!!!"she yelled and immediately opened a portal with her new staff and jumped trough landing in the middle of troll market surround by trolls clapping and cheering at her"What the?" "Fair Claire ,come with me now!"Vendal yelled and pulled her to Jim's hut and Angor and Not Enrique followed "Vendal what is wrong?!" "This might shock you a bit but follow me" they walked into Jim's hut and pushed Claire in slamming the door shut ,"Claire " Jim said walking out behind a door with a rose in his hand"Jim what is going on?" She asked but stopped when she saw Jim he was wearing a tuxedo ,he put on a radio and a song started to play it was their song "Jim" "May I have this dance ?" he said with a bow and extending his hand" ofcourse " she said giving her hand to Jim he held her close to him and she soon put her head on his chest and slowly danced to the music, when the song ended Jim gave Claire a passionate kiss and looked her in the eyes ,but was interrupted by clapping and cheering, it was all of troll market they had been watching them the hole time but Blinky, Vendal, Angor and Aaarrgghh chased them off "What is all that about ?" "Welll..... it is hard to explain, how do I put this ,you know how at a Surten time things happen to humans?" "Yes" "Well this is a troll thing, I .. I mean we are at the age trolls choose mts" he said under his breath"What ?" "Mts" he said even faster this time "Jim what is it?" "Mates ,okay we,I am at the age where I have to choose a mate and now that I am a half troll my impulse is a bit bad at the moment !" He said feeling ashamed, his cheeks where red "Okay but what does that have to do with me?"Claire asked confused "Everyone here thinks that today I am going to make,well ask you to be my .... mate."He said blushing even harder this time and so was Claire they both went and sat on Jim's bed and cept quite, till Claire broke the silence "What do we have to do?""What do you mean?" "I mean for me to be your m...mate "Claire said blushing "Claire you don't have to do this ,it is just a stopped rule " "No I want to know " " Well we do a ceremonial dance and the we ... we .. uh" he turned his head to the bed and Claire knew what he meant "Let's do it" "What Claire no, your parents would kill you ""Not if they don't know and they never will,we wont be legally married but I don't want to spend a nother day without you and it would  be nice to call you my husband"Claire said and kissed him "Are you sure,because I don't think I want anyone else as my wife" "Yes Jim I am sure that I want to be your Mate slash Wife "she laughed. Jim took off his jacket and started doing a slow dance and Claire joined in he was holding her waist and spinning her around, they finished the dance and looked into each other's eyes ,and gave each other a passionate kiss and they fell on to each other and spent the next hour feeling the warmth of each other's skin on their own and the love that they felt for each other as they were joined as one. An hour later they were lying in each other's arms when Claire remember she had to go home "Jim ,I have to go " She said running her hand across his chest" Do you have to ?" He asked "Yes other wise my parents might get suspicious " she looked around for her clothes and got up and got dressed "Now you have to get up" "Nooooo!!"he said in a playful tone "We literally just mated and you are already bossing me around" he laughed and got dressed in jeans, a shirt, sneakers and a hoodie, they walked outside and Claire was holding on to Jim's arm tightly .

When they reached the end of troll market Blinky and Angor were standing and waiting for them "Ready to go mistress?" Angor asked Claire"Yes," Claire looked at Jim and gave him a final kiss before leaving " Wait Claire I have something for you Hap...

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When they reached the end of troll market Blinky and Angor were standing and waiting for them "Ready to go mistress?" Angor asked Claire"Yes," Claire looked at Jim and gave him a final kiss before leaving " Wait Claire I have something for you Happy birthday " Jim said and gave her a small boks ,she opened it and saw a silver necklace with a piece of hart stone on it "It is beautiful Jim ,I love it " she turned around and Jim helped her put it on ,she gave him a final kiss good bye and before leaving Claire smiled at him and left troll market "Sooooooo"Blinky asked curiously "She .. she said yes!!!" Jim yelled in excitement and hugged Blinky, Blinky was not sure that them mating this young was a was a good idea but he was happy for Jim.

Claire got home and was suprised by all her friends in her house, her

arents had throne her a surprise party "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Claire!"Darci and Mary yelled "Wait,Claire that necklace is beautiful where did you get it?!"Mary asked when she noticed the necklace around Claire's neck "O ,this a got it from my soul Mate " she said and Mary and Darci had a confused expression on there faces ,Claire was thinking of Jim all night till everyone went hom and till she went to bed. "I love you, Jim"shewispherd before falling asleep.

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