Eye of the storm part 2

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"Claire please wait !!!! " jim said running after her" "Like hell i am !"  Claire yelled , Darci ,Toby and Douxie were standing a few feet away listening to Claire and Jim argue "Damn, i think its gonna rain" Toby commented "Why, you say that mate ?" "Because Claire and Jim are actually fighting" "Tp why you gotta go say crap like that ?" Darci said trying not to be to loud "Claire is already mad , i know it's weird they never fight but ,try and see it out of Claire's point of vew . Her baby literally grew over night and the one day Jim let's her have a time for herself  he loses their Daughter." Feeling bad Toby rubbed his neck and sat down listening to his best friends argue. "Claire please ,i didn't mean for this to happen!" " Save it Jim, you said i could depend on you ,that i wouldn't have to do this alone and yet you let this happen!"For the first time ever Jim looked into Claire's eyes and saw a mixture of pain , anger and fear . Toby ,Darci and Douxie walked towards them  , Claire was walking away as fast as she humanly can but was hesitant" Claire , i know you must hate me right now and i don't blame you ,i hate myself for letting this happen for not knowing better but Laura is my kid too and if i have to lose you aswel i might just step into the sunlight and burn to daeth ....... I..i just can't lose the two people i love most in the world in one go ,all because i was a stupid teenager that got the love of my  life pregnant and would do anything to see her happy but screwd it up in the end!" Jim said, ripped off his amulat and trough it on the ground. Douxie was surprised aswel as the other's at what just happened ,but not as much as Claire , Jim fell to his knee's and was shaking ,Claire might have been feruios but she still loved him ,she knelt down and picked up his amulate . As Claire slowly  walked  over to him Toby,Darci and Douxie could not help but hold their breath "This could eather go horribly wrong or horiblly right" Toby whispered and Darci shot him a dead eye ,Claire eventually made it to Jim, he slowly lifted his face after noticing her shoes and just by looking at her Claire fell to her knee's wrapping her arms around him and holding on for dear life . Feeling a sence of realif Jim hugged her back ,holding her as tight as he could nuzzling his head into her chest

Claire eventually leand in and kissed jim and they could both hear Darci scweel behind them as if she had just seen the part in a romance movie where the guy finally gets the girl ,Claire finally pulled away and said  "Jim , promise me that no mat...

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Claire eventually leand in and kissed jim and they could both hear Darci scweel behind them as if she had just seen the part in a romance movie where the guy finally gets the girl ,Claire finally pulled away and said  "Jim , promise me that no matter what we are getting our Daughter back ,Tonight." "Now that is something i will promis" Later on they made it back to troll market and called everyone. From wizards to trolls to aliens , even Nari and  the changelings "Thank you all for coming ,we really apriciat it " Jim said before Sophia grabbed him by the collar " Now you listen to me you blue smurf!" "Blue smurf?" Toby said to Darci "Shut up " she said to him  looking back at Jim and Claire's mom " If anything happens to my Daughter or Grand baby again i will dismembered every piece of your body with a stake knife!" Feeling scared everyone got a chill . " That is enough we have to get our Daughter back so please get your heads in gear ." everyone eventually pitched in and started to help create a plan "Everyone knows what to do ,we leave in five ." Claire said and everyone started to get ready.

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