Old friends

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Claire's Pov
I woke up at 5:30 am ,I got home at 1Am last night. I know it might be vacation and all but I can't stay in bed any longer, not with everything going through my mind. I put on my black running pants, sports top and running shoes ,I went down stairs and put my earphones on and left. It was still dark out side and most people were still asleep ,perfect I love the quite but it was to quite,I stopped for a moment before running and looked up in the tree "Come out I know your there "I said looking up "How ,how did you know it was me?!" It was Jim,I rolled my eyes and started to walk away "Claire,how did you know it was me?"
"You are the only person up this early and you are also the only one that wears a full body suit of armer"i said starting to speed up my pace "Wow,you really learned to take in your surroundings." He said and gave me his famous smirk, I can feel the butterfly's in my stomach again "You are still a little flower tho" just as the words left his mouth I so wanted to grab him by the collar and kiss that mouth of is but also wanted to put him on his butt."Well ,we will just have to see about that "and I started running at my normal pace, but it was like a bullet shooting out of a gun for Darci when we do this. Jim eventually caught up and was running beside me "You have gotten faster over the years!"he yelled but I didn't answer him and gave a small smile, I just started to run to the old construction place and jumped up on the plat form and did some par core. This has basically been my rotten since two years ago when Angor started training me.

•Jim's Pov
Claire was running like crazy, I was actually having trouble ceeping up and I'm half troll. "You have gotten faster over the years!" I yelled and I think Claire gave me a small smile, how I have mist that smile, she started to run to the old construction place ,she is probably going to rest I thought. Clearly I was wrong she started jumping on the plat form and running on the thing, she was dodging, ducking and flipping all over the place "Holy Gnomes "I said looking up at her she came to the end of the platform and did a summer slot off , landed on her feet and continued running. I can't believe that I haven't seen her do this before,we stopped under a tree and I felt my arm burning "Shit!!!" I yelled and jumped closer to Claire, I was so close to her ,i could feel her body pressing against mine"Sorry ,the sun is coming up " she looked at the sky and saw the sun"You aren't going to make it to the shade in time"she said looking around "Bingo!" She yelled and brought a wood plank closer, it was huge it was bigger that Claire but i didn't ask "Come on." She signals me to follow her and she leads me to the forest and "I can make it to troll market from here " I was about to leave when she unexpectedly gave me a hug Wow how I missed this "I will see you to night don't be late!"she yelled as she ran away.

It is about 6pm and Claire is her room with NotEnrique and is making one of her songs and sang a short peace of it to him
"Days like this want to drive away,pack my bags and shout hooray
You chow me up and spit me out like I was poison in your mouth, you took my life and bring me down, but that was then and this is now,now look at me! This is the part of me that you ain't never ever gonna take a way from me No!! This is the part of me that you ain't ever gonna take away from me No !Stick and stones,your bombs that blow,but your not gonna break my soul,this is the part of me that you ain't never ever gonna take away from me No!" I stoped realising my room door was open and Darci and Mary were standing there "C-bomb that was amazing, is that an original?!"Darci yelled, I nodded and saw Mary on her phone "Mary what are you doing?""Just posting this amazing song on my account!" I ran over to Mary and grabbed her phone from her and Deleted the video "Claire why did you do that!" I gave her phone back and was about to say something when I saw Jim out side my window,waving at me , "Sorry, accident, i have to go ..." "Wait what?"they said at the same time and I shoved them out the front door. "That was awesome " i heard Jim say behind me, how does he ceep getting in! "Hi" he said trying not to look like a dork and gave me a seductive smirk "You idiot!They could have seen you!" I said and shoved him ,"Awww, you do care!"He laughed and I grabbed the broom that was close to the door, he froze when I started to walk closer"Now Claire lets not be haisty..." he said ,putting his hands in the air showing that he surrendered, well to Late! I started hitting him on the head and back as he runs out side,he fell to the ground and I laughed,he joined in "I haven't laughed like this in years!" I yelled and a sad expression appeared on Jim's face,I actually feel bad right now "Hey,get your lazy butt up or I am going to troll market without you!" I said and started to run into the forest with Jim following me.

We arrived at troll market in about 10 minutes, Jim opened the passage to troll market ,and signaled me to go trough. I was about to go trough when I remembered that Jim doesn't know my secret " I can't, remember, I am not supper natural like you, I can't walk trough "I said "Right I forgot!"he said slapping his face,"Maybe if......" I was about to say something when he picked me up bridal style and ran through the portal"I can't believe that actually worked!" He exclaimed and looked at me,he was laughing like crazy.

Jim's Pov
I walked up to Claire and held out my hand to take her down,but took it back when I remembered that we aren't a couple anymore."Sorry, I forgot " I said looking down but was suprised when Claire grabbed my hand and started to run down to troll market, "It looks exactly the same!"she squealed and started to drag me from stal to stal ,like she is seeing it all for the first time but bolted when she saw Blinky's library "Blinky!" I heard her scream in the library and went inside, Blinky was spinning her around hugging her and put her down "Aaarrgghh ,heard scream!" Aaargghh yelled when he got in side "Aaargghh!""Claire !" they both yelled and Claire jumped into Aaarrgghh's arm's I have never been so jealous of that troll in my life! "What is all the ruckus about ""Vendal!"Claire yelled and hugged him ,he looked at her and then at me "Ooo,boy"i said rubbing the back of my head ,Vendal sighed and gave Claire a pat on the back "It is good to see you old friend "Claire said and looked at me.

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