Surprise part 2

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"What kind of sick joke is this!"Claire's mom yelled making Claire jump a little "is this some kind of new joke because this is not funny!" Claire could feel herself tear up ,Danm hormones she thought "Mom,I know your upset but this isn't a joke ,I am really going to have a baby, and your going to be a grandma.." Claire replied and felt Jim's hand on her shoulder "No,this will not do!I can't have my reputation ruined by my eighteen year old daughter that is going to have some half breed baby!" "Hey,what do you mean by half breed Miss Nunèz, there is nothing wrong with Jim or my little niece or nephew" Darci hissed "Stay out of this Darci, this is a family discussion " "They are every inch part of my family so they can have a say mom" Claire said trying to be brave "Fine,we will pull you out of school, you can do homeschooling, hide you till the baby is born and when it is born we will give it to a nice family.." "What No!!Mom I am not giving up my baby!"Claire yelled and turned to Jim ,he wrapped his arms around her holding her tightly and she started to cry"Miss Nunèz with all do respect it isn't your choice to make if we keep the baby or not " "You do not have a say in this I am her mother and she will do as I say!" As soon as she said those words everyone in the room started to yell at each other except for Claire she stood in silence thinking of what to do,after a while she made up her mind "Mom,I love you and I know you love me to but I am not listening to you this time ,this baby is mine and is a part of my life now I can't just give it up. I want to see their first steps,hear their first word and I want my mom to help me when I don't know what to do, so please help me. If you can't get past your pride then you will never see your grandchildren, I really hope you can because I need my mom and I don't want to lose you, but if you make me choose between you and my baby, I'm going to choose my child." Claire said and began to cry even harder than before,Darci was almost crying, Claire's mom was thinking for a while "I just want what's best for you ,but if this is really what you want I will support you.." "Mom I do I really do ..." Claire's mom cut her off "I will call the school and call to ask if you can graduate early, but you will go to college online, you will get a safe place to live because no freak show is going to take my grand baby or switch them." Claire jumped into Jim's arms and gave a relieved smile "And one last thing you and mister beasty have to get married. " Claire and Jim looked at each other and gave a nervous laugh "What ?Mom are you seriously saying that we should get married ?" Claire's mom nodded and everyone turned to Jim and he gave a nervous response "We will discuss the arrangements later,you two go tell whom ever els you want to " " But what about Dad?" "I'll handle your father , you go and find a decent place to live and I will decide if it is a good place to take care of my grand baby and if I like it I will give beasty my blessings in to this family " "Miss Nunèz I can't thank you enough..." "Don't thank me yet,I am this close to dismembering parts of you starting with the one that made my grand baby, so get going before I change my mind. " before she could even finish Claire opend a portal and they all ran trough.
The portal opened in troll market and they went to Blinky ,Aaarrgghh, Not Enrique, Angor and Vendal to tell them the news,they took it much better than Claire's mom "Congratulations Master Jim!!!"Blinky exclaimed and everyone cheered "We must celebrate!" "Hold up Blinky first we must find a good place for Claire to live or her mother might take the baby away. " " Well then let's get moving!" Angor yelled and they were off ,Vendal went a separate way . A few hours later Vendal was back with a smile "Fair Claire I want to show you something,if you would follow me" they all followed Vendal to a door that was on the side of the stone walls of troll market but it hade beautiful floral patterns on it,

Vendal opened the door and a few familiar people jumped out "Suprise!!!"Douxie, Nari ,Zoe ,Strickler and Barbara yelled "Mom?!" "Hello jim" " What how?" "Well Vendal contacted me a year ago and told me everything, he sent me letters and pictures, ...

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Vendal opened the door and a few familiar people jumped out "Suprise!!!"Douxie, Nari ,Zoe ,Strickler and Barbara yelled "Mom?!" "Hello jim" " What how?" "Well Vendal contacted me a year ago and told me everything, he sent me letters and pictures, but reasantly he told me you and Claire were back together so I came to see it for myself but got pulled into this and was told I am going to be a grandma and that if we don't get Claire a good place to live her mom will take the baby away " everyone was shocked to see how calm she was "Congrats " "Thanks Zoe" Claire said " what do you think ? We used some magic to make this place, and we put a spell on the place so that no evil dowers will get in" Claire walked around and saw the kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, library that was also a work space, laundry room, playroom and finally the baby room "Well?" Nervously everyone asked when she was done and Claire turned around with tears in her eyes "'s beautiful and you did this all for me.." Claire cried and Nari ran to hug her ,"I have gift for little one"Nari opened her hand and a small purple necklace was in her hand "To protect them from Arcane order " "Thank you Nari thank you everyone " Jim walked up to Claire and wrapped his arms around her "Well at least we found a good place for you and the baby to live aswell as a doctor " Jim laughed and looked at his mom that came over for a group hug and everyone joined. "Well Claire all we have to do is fill the baby room with supplies and clothes and decorate a bit and it will be perfect!"Darci said excited .
Later that night everyone went home and Claire stayed with Jim, feeling safe she slept easy that night and only dreamed about the future.

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