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Claire put her hand over her mouth and stepped back away from Jim," Your alive...." she cold hardly make out the words and tears streamed down her face"Yeah, I can explain I.."but stopped when Claire turned around and ran as fast as her two legs could carry her "Claire wait!!How are you running so fast!"Jim yelled after her but managed to jump over her head and landed in front of her , she side stepped and ran inside and locked the door "Come on Claire..let me in " Jim said "Oi what is all the nois about "Not Enrique asked waking up ,he saw Claire infront of the door and saw Jim trough the window "What the scruff ,am I sleeping or is that the Trollhunter!"he yelled ,Claire nodded and saw Jim look up "The windows!"Claire yelled and ran upstairs as Jim jumped on the roof and headed for an open window but jumped back when claire slammed it shut "There are other windows you know" he said and ran to the other side of the roof, Claire thought she closed them all and went into her room to get her phone but saw a reflection in her mirror that was hanging on the wall,she jumped and turned around "Claire please just listen to me" "No, you don't get to talk to me ! I thought you were dead ,I cried at your funeral, I beat the heck out of Steve for speaking ill of you, I helped your mom pack up your stuff and watched her move away!And now you show up and want me to what act like nothing happened!"she yelled and felt how tears were falling down her face again, Jim rubbed the back of his neck and sat down on Claire's bed.

Claire's Pov.
I was standing with my back against the wall and was staring at Jim, he was still a troll but was a bit taller and had a much more firm jawline with a scar on his one eyebrow, he was wearing his armer and I think a necklace under neath. I could feel my blood boil and magic escaping my finger tips but stop it, I still love him so maybe it won't hurt to listen, will it?

Jim's POV.
Claire is standing with her back against the wall ,she looks beautiful, her hair growed alot,but had a lot more of white in it and she is a lot taller than last time I saw her,her style changed to she wore a purple
crop top ,black shorts and sneakers, Ofcourse you idiot it's been 3 years! "Talk"i was suprised at what she said and she came and sat next to me , put stray hairs behind her ear and  looked at me "I'm listening "

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