The beginning of the end

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'' Ugggghhhhh, Snow what am I supposed to wear, I can't look like a five-year-old child'' Laura said and plopped down on her bed ''Maby the purple and black top with jeans it always works " Laura instantly got dressed and turned to Snow ''I love it but what about the hair?'' ''Let it down you look better with it down'' Snow said and stretched before jumping of Laura's bed ''You are the best', i don't know what i would have done if uncle Douxie didn't find you and gift you too me!'' Laura exclaimed and hugged Snow.Laura was taller than Claire and her hair was past her waist, Snow was as big as Archie and was still as lovebel as ever.

 "I still can't believe that was twelve years ago, it's hard to believe that you are sixteen already'' Snow said with a big smile ''Laura come on Mom is gonna kill you, and then me, hurry up!'' ''I'm coming Sophie!!'' Laura yelled she grabbed her ...

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 "I still can't believe that was twelve years ago, it's hard to believe that you are sixteen already'' Snow said with a big smile ''Laura come on Mom is gonna kill you, and then me, hurry up!'' ''I'm coming Sophie!!'' Laura yelled she grabbed her bag and Snow flew after her in dragon form. It has been years since everything changed, Sophie was adopted when she was seven after her mom died and has become like Laura's twin sister, Sophie was the same height as Claire and her hair was just past her shoulders. "I can't wait today is the day i just know it!'' Sophie exclaimed in excitement "Calm down Sophie, don't cause a fuss. What happens between Laura and Jacob is none of our concern' anyway he is probably going to wait for a while longer'' Claire said with a sturine yet playful look, Jim gave a small grunt and rolled his eyes ''Still think he is going to do it today.'' Laura walked in and Sophie jumped up '' Ready to go sis?'' "Yeah, see you later, love you mom, Love you dad. Bye'' Laura said and opened a shadow portal, Sophie and Snow followed "I still can't get use too the fact that she can use magic now and that Snow can fly.'' ''I know, but Jacob is totally going to wait.'' Claire said and Jim gave her an evil smile ''Really, ten bucks he does it today.'' ''You're so on Jim!'' Claire laughed, allot has changed over the last twelve years but not the part where Jim and Claire love eache other more than anything, and ofcourse their girls. 

It was as if the world was changing and mostly for the better, sure there were still Gum Gums and other bad guys but the good out wade the bad. Toby and Darci got married as well as Crel and Mary, which was the weirdest combination ever, but it was good. Jacob started to go to troll market and spend time with Vendal, he helped guide him in right path after his aunt slash Mother disappeared. But he mostly only went to see Laura, that was obvious since day one. The schools also changed; they became more open to letting hybrids into the schools and it became a safe place for all troll younglings.

Laura, Sophie and Snow arrived at the high school, and everyone was staring at them ''What are they staring at?'' Laura whispered to Sophie, Sophie saw kids pointing behind them and turned around and gave a loud squeal, Laura turned around only to see Jacob holding a poster saying, 'Laura Lake will you be my Girlfriend' and right under neath it was two blokes saying yes or no. Everyone waited in suspense as Laura walked over to Jacob, he was a lot bigger than every other guy in the school well he was actually taller than Jim but that wasn't all his horns where a bit bigger as well and most girls in the school described his body as the body of a 'Greek god', Laura looked like a doll next to him. Laura opened her hand and Jacob gave her a black marker and she took the poster, the suspense was worse for the others than what it was for Jacob, after a few seconds Laura gave the poster back to Jacob and as soon as he read it, he hugged her and span her around "She said yes!!!!" Jacob yelled and everyone went nuts, Jacob was still holding Laura when she suddenly grabbed his collar, he was wearing a pair of jeans, a black shirt and his signature blue and yellow jacket that had his name on the back and gave him a kiss "You really take your time, Hero boy" Laura said as she pulled away and Jacob had a light blush. The kids felt like spreading the news of the new power couple and went inside ''I'll be there in a sec I'm gonna wait for Zac" " Okay Jacob see you inside.'' 

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