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The next week came faster than anyone could imagine, Laura was really excited "Mommy! Today I go to school and tomorrow it is my party!" Laura squealed "Yes it is now let's go Daddy and I have to work soon " Claire said,  by work she ment attending college lessons to be a bisness woman and trollhunter duties. "Jim let's go!" Claire yelled "Okay !" Jim sighed and they all walked to Laura's preschool and saw Namura outside waiting for everyone
"Jim, Claire I am happy to see you here and you to little Laura " "Hello Aunty Namura, sorry I mean miss Namura " Laura laughed and saw all the other kids ,with a whine she went and stood behind Jim "What's wrong baby?" Jim said and knelt down next to her "What if they don't like me?" Laura said and Claire felt tears start to pierce her eyes "I think they all will love you ,we will be right here when we come to get you " Jim said and gave her a kiss on the forehead, with a sigh Laura walked to the door and was stopped when a little girl tapped her on her shoulder
"H-hello" Laura stuttard , Claire and Jim looked at her with caring faces "Your wearing the same dress as me! My names Sophie, what's yours " she asked smiling from ear to ear, she had bright green eyes and long blonde hair "I-I'm Laura" "Your weird and look different but I like you, you want to be my friend?!" Sophie asked and Laura got a huge smile on her face "Yeah!!" Laura said and Sophie took her hand "Come i wanna show you my mom! And then you can show me yours " They walked to a woman standing near a blue car and then came to Jim and Claire "Mommy, Daddy this is Sophie she is my friend "Laura laughed and Sophie looked at them and smiled, "Okay kids time to go say goodbye to your parents " Namura said and everyone ran inside "Bye mommy, bye daddy love you!!" Laura said and walked in to the school hand in hand with Sophie.

 "Jim let's go!" Claire yelled "Okay !" Jim sighed and they all walked to Laura's preschool and saw Namura outside waiting for everyone"Jim, Claire I am happy to see you here and you to little Laura " "Hello Aunty Namura, sorry I mean miss Namura ...

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Claire started to cry and Jim held her with his one arm "Your first day ?" Sophie's mother said as she walked closer "Is it that obvious " Claire laughed and whipped her tears away "Don't worry I did the same thing, I'm Kori ,Sophie's mom " "Nice to meet you, I'm Claire and this is Jim we're Laura's parents "
"I figured she looks like you" Kori said with a smile "Sorry we were a little scared, Laura is so different from everyone else. We were afraid she wouldn't have a good time" Jim said "Don't worry Sophie is the same , today is the first day she actually made a friend , sigh,  I should go I have work ,I'll see you this afternoon for pick up " Kori said and walked away "I'm suddenly very hopeful "Jim said and they went back to troll market "I got class now ,I'll join you in a little bit" Claire said and went to work
Jim went to the forge , Blinky ,Toby  and Aaarrgghh where already waiting for him "Master Jim how was the drop off?" Blinky asked "It was surprisingly okay ,Laura already made a friend " Jim said and they went to the tunnel where they were attacked "This is it" Jim said and cautiously walked in
"What ya doing " Angor said and everyone jumped "What are we doing?! What are you doing?!" Toby yelled "I already scoped out the place those things are all dead ,they're all turned too stone" "Only Gunmars sword could do such a thing"Blinky said "But why show up now after all these years, he escaped the dark lands age ago?" "Probably for revenge "
Angor said "He left a message carved into the cave walls,  your not going to like it " Angor said and went back into the tunnels,  everyone followed "What in the name of Gorcus?!!!" Blinky yelled,  the wall was covered in troll ore oozing from the cracks and in the centre of it Laura's name was carved. "How he know??" Aaarrgghh said and looked at Jim " I don't know but I intend to find out,  nobody threatens my daughter and gets away with it " Jim snarled, after a few hours  Jim and the others went to see Claire.  As soon as they entered she finished her classes,Jim told her everything and she wasn't happy "What!! I don't like this ,we should postpone Laura's party till this is taken care of " "No that is exactly what he wants, if we hide away it will only give him the upper hand " Jim said and Claire gave a sigh "It's nearly time to pick up Laura,I'll talk to you later" Claire said and jumped into a portal "I hate it when she does that!!" Jim roared and slammed his fists on the tabel.

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