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The day after the wedding Jim was sound asleep in bed and Claire was in the shower, but Laura wasn't in her usual place "Wake up Daddy!Wake up!Wake up ! Wake up!!" "Not now Laura...." Jim said but jolted up "Holly Crap!!!" He exclaimed, Claire came running out of the shower with nothing but a towel on "Jim what is i......" Claire was about to finish when her eyes landed on her daughter who was giggling "Daddy said a bad word " Claire nearly fainted "J-Jim can you keep a-an eye on her please " Claire said and walked back into the bathroom to get dressed "Wait what?!" Jim said and looked at Laura, she was about the size of a four and a half year old, she was in a big pink jumper good thing Claire bought the tipe that stretches. Jim was looking at Laura when she started to tear up and fiddle with Suzy snooze in her hands , before Jim knew what was happening she was crying "I-is Mommy m-mad at me ,d-did I-I d-do so-something wrong?" She sniffed and whipped her face with her one of her hands , Jim was so confused but it didn't matter his daughter was crying, he got out of bed and picked her up ,he wasn't wearing a shirt but had a pair of sweatpants on "No ofcourse not she just needed to go get dressed " Jim said and rubbed her back ,her small arms where wrapped around his neck . Jim got back in bed and lay still with Laura on his chest ,she closed her eyes and started to calm down.

"I-I'm sowey Daddy " Laura said "You don't have to say sorry, you didn't do anything wrong " Jim said and just then Claire walked out

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"I-I'm sowey Daddy " Laura said "You don't have to say sorry, you didn't do anything wrong " Jim said and just then Claire walked out . Claire fell in love with the sight of her husband and daughter "This is too cute " she laughed "Is mommy mad at me " Laura said still holding on to her father "What ! Ofcourse not Baby!" Claire said and walked to her , Laura climbed out of bed and went to her mother she hugged her and started to play with Claire's hair "What do you say we go make some pancakes?" "Can we really Mommy?!" Laura said excited "Ofcourse " Claire laughed , excited Laura grabbed her Dad's hand and started to pull him "Come on Daddy lets go!!"
"Okay, okay can I at least put a shirt on"Jim laughed "We'll be there in a minute Baby " Claire said and Laura ran out of the room "Jim what are we going to do?" Claire whispered "I'll call my mom for a check up and Toby and Darci, they can help keep her busy. " Jim whispered pulling a black shirt over his head "Okay, I'll call my mom she still has some of my old clothes , I'll open portals ,tell Toby them to be ready " Claire said and started to walk away when Jim pulled her back and gave her a kiss "What was that for?" "It's our first day as a official married couple, I just wanted to start the day right " Claire smiled at him when they heard a giggle "Uh oh,Hehehe" Laura laughed and started to run away "Hey get back here!" Jum yelled and started to run after her, Claire called her mom and Jim called his aswell as Toby. A few minutes later they all dropped out of portals and where shocked to see Laura running around saying hello and hugging everyone "Well she is healthy and nothing is out of the ordinary " Barbara said "That's a relief " Jim sighed and Blinky walked in with Angor and Aaarrgghh "Good morning master Jim !" "Grandpa Blinky!!! Granpa Angor!!!!"Laura said and ran to them "Great Gorcus, Hello Lady Laura " Blinky laughed before he could pick her up Angor did "Hello princess, did you sleep well?" "Yes Grampie!!" Laura laughed and hugged him ,everyone was starting and there jaws where on the floor except for Claire and Jim "Good morning Angor, Blinky, Aaarrgghh " Jim said and walked to Blinky "Wait you guys are okay with this Jimbo?" Toby asked "They are part of the family and I don't see a problem Blinky is like my Dad no offence Strickler and Angor is like Claire's second Dad ,I sai second so I'm not causing any drama" Jim said and Strickler walked closer "Nun taken, well it seems this was her last growth spurt, she should age normally now " he said
"That is great " Claire said and Maria took Laura from Angor "Let's get you changed " "I'll handle it Mom she gets a little fussy" Claire said and walked with Laura to her room "I'm coming to!" Darci said and ran after them "So Jim have you guys thought about what you are going to do about her education " Strickler said "We are ,but the schools here might not except her because of well her troll side " Jim answered "Pish posh,I'll arrange a meeting at the preschool and you can go talk to them personally , they can't say no to the council woman Nunèz " Maria said and pulled out her phone "Thanks miss Nunèz " "Please call me Maria" she said and excused herself " That was kind of her" Blinky said "She nice "Aaarrgghh agreed. Just then Laura came running in .

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