Wedding bells

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"What am I doing!" Claire said as she frantically pulled at the ribbon of her elegant dress "Claire, chill you can't get cold feet now ,the wedding is literally in a half hour." Darci said with a very keen tone.
"I know but I think everything is going a bit too fast , Laura is having another growth spurt and I'm getting into a dress! Marry beter be taking photos of Laura every second. " "I don't think she has that much storage space " Darci whispered "I heard that. " Claire said, Darci was getting a little bored at the moment , she was wearing her green bridesmaid dress and her hair was up in a bun. "I'm baaack, and I got pictures to last till Christmas!" Marry said walking through the door with Laura in her arms, she was about the size of a three year old toddler now and was wearing a light purple dress with blue shoes , Marry was wearing her blue bridesmaid dress with her hair in a bun aswell, "Really let me see" Claire said as she walked out and left Marry and Darci breathless , confused she stared at them "What ,is something on my face, is my makeup smudge?" Claire said and walked to the mirror hanging on the other side of her room. "You look like a princess " "Nana!!" Laura squealed, with a shock they jolted their heads to the door "Mom,Dad! You both just scared the life out of me " Claire laughed and walked to them "You look stunning my dear and you littel lady are as cute as ever" Claire's mom taking Laura, "We came to see the bride, well the condition of her anyway, the groom is a reck!" Hector snickerd "Ai,papa,stop teasing him" Claire said "Well I can he's not family yet" "Hector enough."
"Yes dear" Darci was intrigued with this small conversation "How do you get him to listen? You must tell me you're secret " "It's simple dear ,stop feeding him" "That was a long week" Hector complained just as everyone began to laugh Angor walked in "Mistress, it's time to go " "Already, but it's still ten minutes ?" "Yes I know, but you will have to come sooner since the market is filled with trolls , they all came to see the wedding as you call it. " "It's a tighter squeeze than me old diaper " Not Enrique complained walking into the room in a small tuxedo "Ye look good big eyes" "Thanks ,N.E" "N.e??" Angor questioned " Short for Not Enrique " Claire said and turned back to the mirror "Well it's now or never." "Mama, pwetty !"Laura said and reached for her mother, with a smile Claire walked over to her mother and took her daughter "Thank you my flower , let's go see Daddy. "

Jim's POV
"I can't breathe....." Toby said while trying to loosen his tie,
"You can't breathe ,I'm the one getting married!" I said standing at the altar in a black tuxedo

" Toby said while trying to loosen his tie, "You can't breathe ,I'm the one getting married!" I said standing at the altar in a black tuxedo

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The wedding was being held in the heroes forge, it was covered in flowers and draped with silk curtains and fireflies . "My palms are sweating, is this normal. " I said looking at Draal "How must I know" I rolled my eyes "Why do I even ask?!" "It's perfectly normal Young Atlas, I felt the same way the day I married your mother "Strickler said moving closer to me with my mom holding his arm "That helps, thanks Strickler " I sighed "You look so handsome ,my son all grown up " Mom said whipping her eyes "Mom don't cry.." "I can't help it" Mom laughed "Your marrying a exstrodenere woman, congratulations " "Thanks, I.." "Trollhunter, if you wouldn't mind, I would like too get started?" "yes ,ofcourse , my apologies Vendal " and before I could say something everyone was seated and staring at me, I was just glad Toby and Draal were standing next to me. The music started faintly I could hardly hear it , Darci and Marry walked down first then Claire's mom and Laura, making Laura the ringberer was a great idea, then as if all time stopped Claire and her Dad came . It was as if my hart had stopped, I could hear and see nothing els but Claire, her dress was elegant it had purple and gold ribbon and was made of silk, her hair was braided into a bun and a veil that was longer than her dress, I could hardly breathe, she soon stopped infront of me and her Dad gave me her hand "Take care of my daughter and granddaughter " "I promise" I said and Hector gave me a nod . Claire and I stepped infront of the altar and I could see the joy in her eyes "Hi" she smiled "Hi" , "Trolls, Humans ,Wizards, changelings ,Aliens and familiar.." " Me too!!" Laura squealed and everyone laughed "And Littel Laura , I can't forget about my favourite youngling ,we are here today to join the trollhunter and this enchantress is matrimony, to answer your question ,yes I am qualified to do this Hector so please sit down. " Vendal said and Blinky grabbed Hector and pulled him down , Aaarrgghh even put his hand on his head to keep him down "Where was I.... o yes, it has been told for many years that we would be blessed with strong hunters but these two are by far the strongest I have seen , but together they're even stronger . As a troll I have no sense or knowledge of what it means to be in love but when I see Claire and the hunter together I have a small idea of what it is , and from such a love their daughter was born a blessing to us all , I Vendal the elder hear by bless this marriage and give the light of the heartstone too help guide you." Vendal took our hands and put it on a small piece of hearthstone and we knew what would come next ,the vows "Enchantress present your promises ." Vendal said and Claire looked me in the eyes, I couldn't look away even if I tried " Jim, for the longest time I have felt like my life was missing something or someone but now I know it was the warmth, love and strength I feel when I'm with you. The past few months has been the best time of my life and I wouldn't change a single thing, so today I make this promise too love , hold ,protect and stay by your side till the day I take my last breath and too protect the lives you fight for every day.." "Me too?!" "Yes you too Laura, Jim you have given me so much, a home, a daughter and more love than I thought I deserved. I love you James Lake Jr and I intend to love you for eternity and more." tears in her eyes she put a wedding ring on my finger and gave me a smile, I was blinking back tears "Now you Hunter " Vendal said almost hopeing I would make a fool of myself " This is going to be hard to top" I said and Claire giggled " Claire, I'm not good with words but I know how I feel when I'm with out you and it feels like the air has been stolen from my lungs , the few years away from you made my life almost unbearable and even after everything you still love me. I know I am not perfect but I promise to be there when you need me ,when you need a shoulder to cry on and when you feel like talking my ears off, I will be there because you have done so much for me , so in the name of love I promise too be a good husband and a father our daughter can be proud of. I love you Claire Maria Nunèz and I will love you till all the trolls have forgotten our names and we are nothing but starts in the night sky. Forever and always my love , this promise I will keep." Claire was crying and I could hear her Mom as well,  I put the ring on her finger and Vendal gave me a nod as if he was saying, 'I'm suprised, but it could be better ' , "Now with the honour of the heart stone I pronounce you Trollhunter and wife you may ki..." "Gumm Gumms!!!" Everyone whipped around and saw a few trolls running towards the front "Of all days why now!!!" I yelled, I turned back to Claire,only to see her taking charge , she ran over to her parents and the others"Keep Laura safe , head to the house hide there stay away from the doors and windows, the portal will get you there " "But  mija " "Dad ,Go!!!" She yelled and with a flash of light they were gone " Jim , what's the plan ?! "Claire was stopped by Blinky "What are you doing Blinky?!!" "I'm stopping you, you can't go" "What ,you don't think I can fight because I'm a girl?!" "No ,I don't think you can fight because you're wearing a wedding dress, for what it's worth I don't think Master Jim would be able to fight in that dress" "Perhaps not but I would make a radiant bride" I joked "Jim Not the time!!!" Claire yelled and shot a blast of magic at my head hitting a Gum Gum in the face "Thanks, hone!! FOR THE DOOM OF GUNMAR ECLIPSE IS MINE TO COMMANDE!!" with a loud bang I was in my armour "Jim we're here to help" Douxie and the others said "Great the more the merrier !" "Trollhunter  the Gum Gums are entering at the northern tunnels!" Draal yelled, "Impossible the tunnels were destroyed in the last attack!" I yelled swinging my sword at a Gum Gum " Claire ,get out of heer!!"  I was more worried about my wife , I geuss troll instinct was kicking in "Like hell I am!!" She yelled and with  a blast of magic six Gum Gums turned to stone, I was distracted for a moment when a Gum Gum  started running to Claire "Claire Look out!!!" Luckily Angor shoved it away "Thanks Angor " "What's the plan mistress " "Blow this place like a  dwarkstone" "I like this plan!" He laughed and charged at a few Gum  Gums , I'm kinda glad he's on our side this time around. This wasn't going to be easy,"Jim,I have an idea, get all of the Gum Gums in one place " "Then what?!" "I'll handle the rest" Claire said and ran off Douxie looked at me like she was nuts but I wasn't arguing,  we all did our best and soon enough we had all the Gum Gums rounded up. Claire showed up and she was fool out terrifying, it was kinda scary, her eyes where glowing again and she had black cracks all over her face she raised her hand and with a bright light they all turned to stone she suddenly everything started to shake and rocks fell, but Claire was caught by a Changeling that was hiding in the Shadows "Long live GUNMAR!!" It yelled and boulders fell infront of us,dust went everywhere and we couldn't see a thing, but most of all I couldn't see Claire she was gone.  All the guests came out and I could hear Laura calling for me "Dada!" I had to stop myself from running towards her I knew she was safe ,I had to find Claire. " CLAIRE!!WHERE ARE YOU!!" I called and i frantically  started to move some bolders, everyone started to help ," I'm over here!" Claire yelled and I saw her hand wave around between a few bolders, Aaarrgghh ran over and flipped it with one swoop
" Claire!!!" I yelled and ran too her I almost ran her over I wraped my arms around her and everyone one looked at us with a smile "Hunter" "Yes Vendal " "You never kissed your bride" I looked at Claire but before I could do anything she kissed me first,  I picked her up and span her around

Everyone cheered for us "Well I guess it's official " I said pulling away "Mama!!Dada!!" Laura squealed and we both ran to her ,Claire was the first one to hold her "Soooo I  geuss em  party is on hold" Not Enrique said "Sorry bud but we need to g...

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Everyone cheered for us "Well I guess it's official " I said pulling away "Mama!!Dada!!" Laura squealed and we both ran to her ,Claire was the first one to hold her "Soooo I  geuss em  party is on hold" Not Enrique said "Sorry bud but we need to get on this right away who knows how the Gum Gums got in, and we don't know if this was the last or the first of their attempts to attack" Claire said "No" "What ?" I said and turned around to face Vendal "I said No, I have seen you triumph again and again, you can have this one night to celebrate but tomorrow you both start on this " "But.." " No buts, it will be the first and last time I let you do this so enjoy it, the tunnels are sealed off anyway "Vendal said and my jaw dropped "Great Gorcus!!Vendal your turning soft !!" Blinky laughed and Angor gave a small snort "Whache it Blinkous, I can still make you clean the gnome droppings!!" "GORCUS NOOOO!!!" Blinky said and walked away, that night we celebrated the victory and the wedding but we didn't know of the dangers that where lurking in the darkest shadows of arcadia "What is our next target, dark lord?"
"The trollhunters  spawn"

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