Back Again

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Claire was standing in the corner of the room beside ,Blinky and Aaarrgghh while Vendal scolded Jim"How many times did we go through this, you can't be discover by the humans ,they will start to ask questions and will be looking for you!"he exclaimed " I had no choice ,one of Gunmars minions was going to kill her,she was defence liss" he roared " I don't know about defence liss "I mumbled and Blinky laughed, both Jim and Vendal looked at him with a annoyed expression and he immediately went silent "And where were you in all of this, if I may ask?!"he said looking at Blinky "Well I was hear of course, you wouldn't find me up there even for a fat roasted cat"he said placing all four hands together, Jim laughed but got a deadly look from Vendal,he was really annoyed and was raising his staff about to hit Jim on the head with it when we heard screaming out side.
We ran out side and Jim grabbed a troll "What is going on!" " A Gum Gum in troll market!Angor Rott!!!"he said running away, Claire looked at her watch Shit!! It is 10:30 she lost track of time Angor must be looking for her.
"Blinky, Aaargghh!Ceep Claire safe and don't let her leave !"I yelled running towards the screaming crowd " I need to get out of here, I need to stop Jim!"I yelled trying to get past Blinky "No,Master Jim said that you must stay here!" Blinky said ,Claire was about to push past him when Aaarrgghh grabbed her but she managed to get free and started running with Blinky and Aaarrgghh chasing after her.

Claire Pov
I ran as fast as I could, Blinky and Aaarrgghh where chasing after me. I saw a clearing and Angor was standing right in the middle of it, Jim was running at him with his sword in the air,"Claire!!!!" Blinky and Aaarrgghh yelled. What am I going to do "Sorry Jim "I whispered and started running again and my eyes went black, I opened up a portal and opened it right above Angor I landed right in front of him, as Jim was about to strike I waved my hands and mayde a shield stopping the blow and Jim jumped back with confusion in his eyes.

Jim's Pov
I was running towards the clearing where I saw Angor Rott, at least Claire was safe. I pulled out my sword and started running towards him ,but heard shouting in the background "Claire!!!" It was Blinky and Aaarrgghh, I was about to strike when a portal opened above Angor and Claire jumped out and made some sort of shield that stopped my blow ,her eyes were black ,I was so confused "Claire!?"I yelled and she looked at the ground and turned to Angor "What is going on here!"Blinky yelled and saw Claire standing next to Angor . Her eyes were still black and she had black marks all over her face.

They all stood in silence ,Claire's eyes went back to normal and Vendal came walking up to them "What is going on!" He said and saw Claire next to Angor "My hut now!" He yelled and we all followed him ,Claire cept looking down ,she could feel Jim's eyes on her. "How is he alive ?"Vendal asked and looked at Angor and Claire "If I may Wise one she brought me back." Angor said and gave a bow "Wait ,what ,how ,she doesn't have a shadow staff!"Jim yelled "She is more powerful than you think hunter " Angor rolled his eyes and Jim got mad and started yelling at Angor and everyone started screaming. " Enough!!"Claire said and slammed her hand on the tabel ,everyone immediately stopped and looked at Claire, Jim was looking at her with confusion in his eyes "I brought him back for a reason, I will tell you everything but nobody lays a hand on each other!" She said and they all nodded. She took a deep breath and looked at her hands "The day that I was told Jim was dead I ran to were they said they had found him, I fell to my knees crying, because I didn't understand, he was just at my hous that night, I started to scream and dark clouds rolled in , lighting and thunder cracked above me ,every time I screamed lightning struck and the harder I cried ,the harder the rain fell. I eventually went home and cried for days,one night I woke up and two strangers were in my room ,one was called Belrock and the other Scrall,I screamed I terror and they started to try and take me away telling me it was me that was making the storm and that I was to powerfull to not join them, but Merlin saved me and put a spell on my room." She sighed and everyone expect Angor was looking at her, he walked over and put a hand on her shoulder, and Claire sat down and continued "I then started to have very bad nightmares and visions of the future, but could not tell anyone, Merlin went into his trans and never came back ,so I decided I was going to learn how to control and use my magic without a staff, but needed help so I found an old dark magic spell book that belonged to Morgan and found Angor's remains and brought him back,since I gave him back his soul and life he agreed to help and not kill me. We started training two days later after i got my strength back and we trained every day for the last two years, with in a week I could do multiple spells and got better over time but some of the came with a price turning my hair white ,I never wanted to be defence liss again and I didn't want to lose any one again, just like I lost Jim" Claire was crying now and Jim felt bad Angor gave her a rag to dry her tears and she took it "But how did you get in any way?" Jim asked "I'm her mentor for a reason I learned a bit about shadow magic and opening portals" everyone nodded and looked at Claire "We should get going, mistress, you still have training" Angor said walking to the door and Claire got up and gave Jim a look ,he didn't talk or even look at her "I'm sorry " she said and left "Master Jim,you were very cruel to fair Claire " Blinky said very disappointed "What!She didn't tell me anything about this how can I trust her!" Jim yelled and Vendal looked at him and put a hand on Jim's shoulder"She might not have told you right away, but hoe could blame her ,you disappeared for years and didn't even go to see her once, she probably needed time to trust you again " Jim realised his mistake and went out side to look for Claire, but they were gone " She's gone"he sighed and Blinky walked to Jim " Well master Jim,you will get another chance soon.......But I still can't believe Angor Rott is Back Again!!!!!"he yelled

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