Love at first fight

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"Obviously, master Jim will be the successor!" Blinky said, he had been going on like this for the last hour "We will just have to wait and see!" Angor said with a devilish tone  crossing his arms "We shall see right now!" Blinky said as he stormed out of his library and everyone followed. They soon reached the heroes forge "It still looks the same "Claire said with a smile "You might want something more protective than that Fair Claire "Blinky pointed at her clothes and she nodded, "You might want to step back"Angor said and Jim, Not Enrique and Blinky stepped back. "Sefera sebastia oasis!" Claire yelled and with a load strike of light her clothes turned into armer "That was awesome Claire!"Jim was over excited about this "You sure about this?" Claire said looking at Angor "Ofcourse I am ,Mistress "Amgor said and gave a evil smile "I hope you are right ".
"Ready Claire?"Jim said with a smile "I geuss " she said trying not to show that she was worried about what she might do "Master Jim, Fair Claire are you ready!"Blinky yelled from a corner of the forge "I geuss "Claire said and Blinky pulled a lever and the forge went full train mode the floor lifted up ,fire came out of the floor,axes swinged from the walls and stone balls came flying out of the walls aswell "Firts one around the training root wins round one, on three,three!" Blinky yelled and Claire started to run, Jim only realised a few seconds later "Claire faaar" Aaarrgghh  said walking into the heroes forge "In deed!"Blinky said with a worried expression, will his trollhunters really loos to Claire?
Jim Pov
Claire was running and jumping I can hardly ceep up! And I do this thing twice a day!  "Claire, how are you doing this!" I yelled after her but she could not hear me ,she grabbed on to the one moving floors and it trough her in the air but fire and stones were flying to her "Claire look out!"I yelled but she reacted before I said it,she span and kicked the stones in the fire's way and landed on her feet ,on top of the training course! "Well done mistress!"Angor yelled from the ground and clapped his hands ,"Claire I'm coming up to help you down" but she jumped off and summer solted and landed on her feet when she hit the ground "What the hell!!" I yelled and jumped down, Blinky and Aaarrgghh stared in 
disbelieve "How!?" I yelled and Claire laughed "I trained her with a much more difficult training root !"Angor laughed.
"Well fair Claire might have won this round, next fight!"Blinky yelled and everyone cleared out of the way and I pulled out my sword "What about your weapon?" I asked ,Claire looked at Angor and back at me ,she closed her eyes and her hands glowed ,suddenly a black sword with purple fire around it a peard "Ready when you are "Claire said and gave me a evil smile "fight!!!"Blinky yelled and I  Iunged at Claire but she moved fast and dodged, I went back to strike but Claire stopped me with her sword, I tried pushing forward but she was strong and held her position, she eventually kicked my feet out under me and I fell , she placed her sword near my neck and I froze ,the swords fire was warm and I could feel sweat running down my face , but Claire pulled the sword away and held out her hand to help me up ,I took it and looked at the ground, feeling ashamed that I let Blinky down "We should start again, I don't think it was fair since he  lost his  balance " Claire said and winked at me, she some how knew I was ashamed "I was about to say the same thing!"Blinky yelled, ofcourse.  We got ready and started running and hitting our sword against  the other, "I'm not going easy on you this time Jim !"she yelled "Easy the first round was you going easy?!!" I yelled and she gave a evil laugh that made my spine quiver, we fought for what seemed like hours till I fell to my knees exhausted "Jim!"Claire yelled and trough her sword to the ground "I'm fine Claire, just tired...."I said trying to catch my breath ,I was soaked in sweat " I'm done,I can't do this again" I sighed and Blinky, Aaarrgghh, Angor and Not Enrique came over to us "Master Jim you did very well! You fought against fair Claire for three hours!" Blinky clapped " What!Three hours I have to get home my parents said they would be home in the morning!" Claire yelled and ran out of the heroes forge, she didn't even break a sweat when she fought me and now she is still running "How hard have you been training her?" I asked Angor "Well what you saw tonight was basically half of her training, after the fight lesson she usually studies while she does strength exercises "he said walking towards the door, i just stood still with my jaw lying on the ground.  We went out side but Claire was gone Not Enrique, Angor and I went to her house only to find her sitting on the couch and the house that was shining like a star "Big eyes it looks great!" "Thanks, but try not to mess it up"she said with a pleading face. We all went to sleep eventually but where woken up by Claire's parents car "I have to go before they see me, bye" I said and gave her a kiss on the cheek, I walked off and could hardly wait to see Claire again. "The way she fought today, she was just amazing." I told Blinky while I lied on my bed ,I live in troll market but have a small hut ,it has a bed ,closet,desk and a lot of photos on the wall. "She did fight well." Blinky said with a smile "But did you see how her eyes sparkled in the light of the fire?"I asked with a dreamy voice "O dear master Jim,you sound like someone who had just realised something "he laughed "What do you mean?" "Sounds to me like it is Love at first fight, most comen for trolls at your age ,I do think that fair Claire would be lovely bride. " "Okay hold up are you saying what I think you are saying!"I yelled and Blinky nodded "You are at the age when  trolls choose there mates " he laughed "What but Claire and I have only been back together for a week!Shit!What am I going to do?!"

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