Keitaro (1)

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Keitaro Namikaze groggily opened his eyes, the soft morning light filtering through the curtains. He blinked away the remnants of sleep, he then yawned and stretched, as he felt the stiffness in his limbs leaving his body.
' Another day,' he thought to himself as he pushed himself out of his bed, even though he felt like he didn't want to do anything that day.

After taking a fast shower, Keitaro dressed himself in his school uniform, the dark color of his uniform contrasted with his blond hair.

He groggily checked his reflection in the mirror, he wanted to see what he looked like before starting the day off on a positive note.

He felt extremely tired as if he was hit by a bus but he ignored the pain currently present in his body and continued to move forward.

He looked at his bright blond hair that stood tall in a spiky fashion, often looking like a blazing flame His hair contrasted with his sharp blue eyes that seemed to shine with curiosity and seem to exude intelligence and determination.

His face was well-defined with his prominent jawline, and he had a confident and approachable expression.

He then headed downstairs toward the kitchen, he grabbed a piece of toast and a glass of water, eating what he needed to eat for the day. His grandmother, who had raised him, was already up and bustling around the kitchen.

She was the one who took care of him after his parent's death.

"Keitaro, don't forget your lunch," she reminded him with a warm smile as she handed him a bento box filled with his favorite dishes.

He loved it when he did that, she truly cared about him.

"Thanks, Grandma," he replied, giving her a quick hug before rushing out the door.

Keitaro Namikaze walked along the bustling streets, his hands tucked into the pockets of his uniform. He was on his way to Fujikawa High School, his high school or as he like to put it his personal hell.

The world around him seemed to hum with the energy of countless people going about their daily lives. along with something else that seemed darker in nature.

As he strolled, his sharp eyes caught a flicker of movement out of the corner of his vision. It was there for just a second—a shadow, a glimmer—but when he turned his gaze to focus on it, it was gone, his eyes still tried to follow it but to no avail.

Keitaro furrowed his brows, a feeling of curiosity and unease had washed over him.What exactly didd he see.
He wondered if it was a trick of the light or his imagination playing tricks on him. But something deep within, a sense he couldn't quite explain, told him that it might have been more than that.

With a lingering sense of curiosity, he continued his walk to Fujikawa High School, he would sooner or later figure out what this flickering light was.

Keitaro had always been able to see those peculiar creatures, the ones that seemed to slither and crawl on the fringes of his vision. They were unlike anything he had ever encountered before, with their unsettling, otherworldly appearances. Long limbs, sharp angles, and eyes that glinted with an eerie intelligence.Everytime he look at them he could feel like they were an algomation of people dark thoughts.

He had tried to make sense of them, to understand their purpose or origin, but they remained enigmatic, defying his attempts at comprehension. He had tried to understand them but he never truly had the chance to do anything with them whatsoever.

As he continued his walk to Fujikawa High School, he couldn't help but steal occasional glances at these bizarre entities, his curiosity piqued yet again. His curiosity was peaked and he wanted to learn more about those creature.

Vehicles For some reason he found himself wanting to learn more and more about those creatures that he kept seeing on his way to school

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Vehicles For some reason he found himself wanting to learn more and more about those creatures that he kept seeing on his way to school.

They felt mysterious to him and he wanted to learn more about those creatures,no matter how he looked at it they were interesting.

Keitaro opened his notebook on the way to his school and started to sketch the monster he saw This atrocity.

After carefully sketching down the atrocity in his notebook.
Keitaro closes his note book before walking toward his same old boring class.

He arrive in class on time where he proceeded to find his seat and just chill in the back.
Better pay attention to his classes as he doesn't want to fail.

Keitaro focus on his class but he kept doozing off, he kept having vision of himself doing stuff that he had never done before.

He saw himself, walking up a tree while on his using his feet and even walking on water.
Something about chakra.

Keitaro Namikaze

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