Butterfly in my stomach {103}

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Keitaro stood infront of the mirror as the event of what happened the previous night replayed in his mind over and over again. He couldn't look away from his own reflection as his fingers subconsciously started to brush up against the spot on his cheek where Shoko's lips had landed.

This was a new feeling he couldn't quite understand....a ghost of a smile appeared on his lips. Though a kiss wasn't something that he had ever experienced, not in this way for sure. Most of the kisses he received in this life were just his grandma doting on him, apart from his grandma and mom, he did not really remember ever being kissed before nor did he expect anyone to do this to him.

He couldn't help but remember the cheeky look that Shoko had shown him after she had kissed him, that event replayed in his mind over and over again like some sort of broken record.

If he was honest with himself, he truly wasn't used to this whole emotional thing if someone were to ask him, the pursuit of jujutsu would have been what he would have done most of his life, as to him so far the only thing that had gotten his heart beating fast and the adrenaline pumping in his vein was jujutsu battle, it pushed him to the edge and he liked that.

However he didnt entirely hate this new feeling forming inside of him, he didnt hate it at all.
A wry smile appeared at the corner of his lips as he thought of the event that had just transpired, how could he turn into such a blabbering mess with such a simple action?

"Keep yourself together Keitaro, stop acting like a mess," Keitaro said to himself as he slapped both of his cheeks to keep himself awake.
Why was he like this?

Keitaro sighed to himself a bit, he never thought himself to be like this, who could have thought he could have been so easily flustering like this, as Keitaro was trying to calm himself he heard a familiar voice in his mind saying "Master...your heart rate 160BPM,".
That was Akane's voice wasn't it..she sounded to be very worry

His body seemed to jolt a bit as he heard Akane's voice, he did not think that his current state would wake up her, though considering the necklace that she always sleeps in is usually near his heart it didnt take a genius to figure out that she could probably feel his heart rate.
Now the question was how would he explain it to her.

Though he could feel the worry in her voice, did she perhaps think that he was in the middle of a battle for his life or something, was that the reason she worried for him.....how cute...

"Hey, Akane, Calm down," He reassured her mentally, he wanted to let her know that he was fine, he was doing very well in fact. "I am not in a battle"

He took in a very deep breath in order to calm himself down, as he breathed in the world around him seemed to slow down as he looked toward the necklace where Akane resided.
"It's just my emotions...nothing that you need to worry about, your master is not in any danger," he said trying to reassure her that he was 100% fine and that she did not need to worry about him whatsoever, he was the epitome of fine.

He knew that Akane probably couldn't fully comprehend human emotions, but she probably could understand some of them and sometimes she may be able to show those emotions, but there were some emotions that even if she couldn't do anything to understand...yet, as for some reason he felt like his Shikigami companion was getting smarter the more curse energy that she absorbed.

Maybe when she has 9 tails, she will be able to understand all that stuff.

"Explain, Master" Akane's voice pressed in his mind, her mental voice laced with genuine concerns "Emotions do not typically cause elevated heart rate. Is there another sorcerer attacking you mentally?...who dare attack my master mentally" Akane said suddenly getting very defensive and possessive and the later part of her sentence.

Jeez, wasn't she just a possessive Shikigami...
"There are no attacks on me Akane...I am just processing some stuff" Keitaro said as he chuckled softly.

He wasn't exactly sure how he could explain butterflies in his stomach as a feeling to Akane just yet, she would probably think they were actual butterflies in there and this was a discussion for another time, so until she was mature he wouldn't tell her anything.

He needed to distract her somehow and so he had a very brilliant idea. "Let's go train" he declared with what seemed to be newfound determination in his voice. "Maybe working out a bit will help me clear my mind" He suggested with a smile on his lips, Akane jumped out of the necklace that she was currently residing within before she landed on his head, she then licked his neck before purring saying "Great idea"

However, to anyone walking outside, all they would hear from her would be squeaking sounds.

However, to anyone walking outside, all they would hear from her would be squeaking sounds

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