The threat {131}

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Keitaro's gaze landed on a man who was impeccably dressed in what seemed to be a tailored suit which appeared to cost more than Keitaro's entire wardrobe stepped forward.

The man's silver hair was neatly come back and as for the man's face, his face seemed to scream royalty as if telling the whole world that he came from a noble lineage.
The man had an arrogant expression on his face as he spoke.

Keitaro could make out the British accent that was currently leaving the man's mouth or facial hole.

Keitaro could make out the British accent that was currently leaving the man's mouth or facial hole

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"Welcome, Mr. Keitaro," The man said, his voice dripping with condescension that truly irritated Keitaro like no other.
"We are the heads of the British Isles Occult Association, commonly known as the BIOA.  I am Alistair Worthington, the current Lord High Keeper."

'so they are not just called Jujutsu sorcerers here' Keitaro thought to himself as he listened to the fancy name they gave themselves.

Keitaro's eyes then scanned the room noticing a boy with silver hair, he was guessing that this boy was the man's son, the man's name was Like Alistair something, something...

He already forgot the rest.

The man inclined his head ever so slightly, a simple gesture that somehow managed to convey to Keitaro that this man was arrogant and also had an inflated sense of self.

His eyes went toward the woman in the room, her features were an exact replica of the man, except with softer features and a sharper glint in her eyes. She wore a pantsuit and somehow she managed to make it look both elegant and severe, her posture seemed to be perfectly straight.

If Keitaro had to guess, her posture was so good due to a life of being forced to sit straight, it was probably not the best thing to teach to one daughter but who was he to decide that?

Keitaro felt the presence of something sinister...something that made his back shiver a bit, there was something in this house that made him feel like this.

He did not know what it was but he did not feel like he needed to know what it was, all he knew was that it needed to be exorcised....soon.

Keitaro couldn't help but notice the little rings on the fingers of the man and the woman, he had already forgotten the man's name already.

From what he could observe, those 2 were not married, their aura felt about the same which meant they were siblings, so...were they by any chance twins.

He filed that information away, a flicker of something very cold was sparking in his guts.
He felt as if something very twisted was taking place.

Alistair then continues, seemingly oblivious to Keitaro's inner thoughts... "We were most intrigued to learn of a sorcerer with such...unorthodox methods arriving on our shores.  Tell me, Mr. Keitaro, what brings you to England?" The man's gaze swept all around Keitaro looking at him from head to toe as if the man was critically analysing Keitaro.

Keitaro did not like this new feeling whatsoever.

Keitaro's face remained calm, no hint of emotions could be seen through those blue eyes of his eyes, however deep within, Keitaro felt irritating growing beneath.

He had dealt with arrogant people before, for example, his best friend, this guy was arrogant as heck but only those people, Gojo could back up his arrogance with his strength.

And yet those people, people that he could annihilate before they could blink treated him like this, This Lord High Keeper Alistair was annoying him like no other.

He felt as if he was being treated like a specimen under a microscope and that fact alone made him feel just a bit annoyed.

He wanted so badly to do something about it but he stopped himself.

"Unorthodox methods, huh?" Keitaro finally added, his voice sounding soft and calm, a complete contrast to how Alistair's voice sounded just a moment again.

Keitaro tilted his head slightly, mimicking the man's gesture but without the obvious dose of arrogance.
"Perhaps your definition of 'orthodox' differs from mine. In my experience, getting the job done takes precedence over fancy titles and outdated rituals." Keitaro said as just for a split second, he released some of his truth power.

Keitaro's gaze then landed on the boy currently in the room, he looked like a carbon copy of Alistair, this boy was probably his son or a close relative.

He could see that the boy was trying to act like his father and be stoic, however, Keitaro could notice a hint of nervousness in the boy's eyes.

Keitaro offers the boy a faint almost imperceptible smile.

He then turned his attention to look at the man before saying.

"As for why I am currently in England, the reason is simple really, England is known for stealing stuff from other countries so I thought, why not visit saved me the trouble of actually going to those countries"

The man said nothing and stayed quiet....he and Keitaro both knew it....power spoke more than words and even if he were to use 'that', chances were slim he could beat this blond teenager.



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