Meeting the kids {95}

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Keitaro was seen walking alongside Gojo, They were just talking about random stuff before suddenly Keitaro's gaze went toward a small child standing infront of him.

His hair was pretty spiky-ish if you call it that, he looked a bit like a porcupine if you look at it close enough.

He should be a second year, which means he was probably like 6 or 7 give or take.

The thing that made Keitaro's eyebrow raise however was the fact that the child shared an eery similarity with the man that had brutally beaten him that day

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The thing that made Keitaro's eyebrow raise however was the fact that the child shared an eery similarity with the man that had brutally beaten him that day.

As if on instinct his hand immediately went to his throat.

"Look like someone getting PTSD," Gojo said with a smile on his face as he watched Keitaro's reaction, for some reason, it felt nice knowing he wasn't the only one having those reactions.

"Tsumuki, the old man back," The child said with what seemed to be an extremely dry expression on his face.

'so a quiet child huh' Keitaro thought to himself, in the meantime, Gojo was seen looking quite annoyed.

"Who is this cosplayer" The child asked bluntly pointing at Keitaro, 'huh, me a cosplayer' Keitaro thought himself.

Since when was he a cosplayer, he did not remember ever putting a costume on in his entire life.

Was this child by any chance throwing shade at him, nah.

"Oh yeah, this Minato cosplayer is a friend of mine," Gojo said before suddenly he was pushed very, very hard.

"Don't try me" Keitaro said with what seemed to be some amount of venom in his voice.

"Got it, "Gojo said as he held his stomach a bit in pain.

"Stop acting," Keitaro said dryly to which Gojo just sighed.


Megumi watched the two interactions and from what he could gather, Keitaro seemed to be the more level-headed of the two, while the white hair idiot was well....

As the two friends argued, from the corner of his eyes Keitaro noticed this was the sister.

so this was the sister

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That was good to know.

The girl seems to be very polite and Keitaro notices that the boy now known as Megumi seems very reliant on her.

Keitaro could see it.

Megumi's soul seemed to brighten up when he was around her, it was as if she was his light....and if she was gone he would be plunged into an eternal darkness that would never let him out.

Looking deeper into the boy's soul, Keitaro saw something, so much darkness, why was there so much shadow inside this boy's body?

Was that a wolf.....

Wait hold up, Keitaro looked further and he saw it, was this the boy's curse technique........wasnt this boy just lucky to be born with such a powerful curse technique?

Though that didnt mean he would be strong at the end of the day he would need to work for it and his overreliance on his sister could help build him up or well be the thing that destroyed him and plunge into the deepest pit of despair.

Keitaro was currently seen sitting down as a small girl was seen doing his hair.

Gojo was seen in a corner trying to hold in a burst of laughter as he watched Tsumiki do Keitaro's hair.

Keitaro looked at Gojo with a glare that seemed to say

'Dont you fucking dare say a thing'

"Did he force you into this"Megumi said looking at Keitaro, Keitaro raised his eyebrow at that question to which Megumi elaborated by saying

"Did the blindfolded idiot force you into this"

"DO you really think that low of me that I would force someone into doing that "Gojo's voice was heard saying in the background, he seemed to be acting hurt from this apparent betrayal.

However, Megumi looked to be unphased by Gojo's words as he turned around to look at the sorcerer before he opened his mouth and spoke.


"Ouch," Gojo said acting like he was very hurt.

"No, he did not force me into doing this and even if he tries I can probably beat his ass for trying, "Keitaro said with a very nonchalant look on his face.

"It's only been a year, don't act too cocky"Gojo's voice was heard saying in the background.

"Then why are you doing this"Megumi asked looking at Keitaro.

Keitaro looked Megumi in the eyes, he could see it from the kid's eyes, he was trying to analyze Keitaro and see what kind of person he was as if to see if he was a safe person for his sister's sake.

"I don't trust Satoru's parenting skill, that it" Keitaro answered honestly. There was no reason for him to lie to this kid whatsoever, so he chose to just tell the honest truth.

A/N For anyone wondering why Gojo's infinity didn't go off when Keitaro punched him, for once Gojo trusts Keitaro very much, he is like the only person that Gojo would not have infinity around and if he did, he would remove it just before any physical contact as Keitaro is the only person that

A/N For anyone wondering why Gojo's infinity didn't go off when Keitaro punched him, for once Gojo trusts Keitaro very much, he is like the only person that Gojo would not have infinity around and if he did, he would remove it just before any phys...

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Also same deal,7 comments 10 votes or for WEBNOVEL just 5 comments and like 20 powerstone.

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