Special chapter {87}

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This chapter is mostly trying to figure out what kind of domain would fit Keitaro.
First entry however is an attack, after that the rest are mostly domains.

Chrono Mirage Assault:

Combining his Cursed Seal Marking and Temporal Distortion, Keitaro creates a complex web of marked locations around his opponent.He then activates Temporal Distortion, slowing down time around himself significantly.In this slowed timeframe, Keitaro rapidly teleports between the marked locations, leaving behind a flurry of afterimages with each jump.This creates a disorienting storm of illusions for the opponent, making it nearly impossible to track his true movements.As Keitaro emerges from the final marked location at normal speed, he delivers a decisive blow, exploiting the opponent's confusion and slowed perception.

Drawbacks and Limitations:

This technique requires a significant amount of cursed energy to maintain the Temporal Distortion and perform the rapid teleports.Keitaro needs to have pre-placed the Cursed Seal Markings beforehand, limiting its use in spontaneous situations.The complexity of the technique can leave Keitaro vulnerable if the opponent manages to disrupt his movements or break his focus.


Domain 1.Domain Expansion: Mirage Labyrinth

Keitaro activates his domain by slamming his palm onto the ground, creating a distortion that expands outward, encompassing a large area. The ground beneath his feet transforms into a swirling vortex of cursed energy, mirroring the night sky filled with twinkling stars. These aren't just any stars, however; they represent Cursed Seal Markings scattered throughout the domain.

Properties of the Domain:

Distorted Time: Time flows inconsistently within the Mirage Labyrinth. Some areas experience accelerated time, while others are slowed down significantly. This disorients opponents and makes it difficult to predict Keitaro's movements.

Mirage Illusions: The domain is filled with Keitaro's mirage afterimages, constantly flitting about and mimicking his movements. These illusions are indistinguishable from his real form, making it nearly impossible to discern his true location.

Cursed Seals: The star-like markings embedded in the ground function as Cursed Seal Markers. Keitaro can teleport to any of these markings at will, allowing him to navigate the warped time zones and launch surprise attacks.

Effects on Opponents:

Anyone who enters the domain is subjected to its time distortions, hindering their reactions and movement in unpredictable ways.The constant barrage of afterimages creates a mental strain, making it difficult for opponents to focus and formulate strategies.The sense of urgency is heightened due to the accelerated time zones in certain areas, forcing opponents to make hasty decisions.

Keitaro's Advantages:

Keitaro is unaffected by the time distortions within his own domain.He can exploit the domain's layout to his advantage, using the afterimages and warped time zones to set traps and ambush opponents.The Cursed Seal markings provide him with a constant network of teleportation points, allowing him to control the flow of battle.

Domain Deactivation:

The Mirage Labyrinth deactivates when Keitaro dispels it or runs out of cursed energy. Opponents can also deactivate the domain by destroying a significant number of the Cursed Seal markings. However, due to their sheer number and the ever-shifting illusions, this is a formidable task.

So now lets go into the explanation for how he can use fire technique even though his Ct is not fire related.

Fire Flow Manipulation:

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