Speaking with Geto {29}

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Keitaro was seen walking toward a supermarket with a hand in his pocket, he walked inside the supermarket and started looking for what he needed, some ink and some paper, he had an experiment he wanted to try, and those tools were the ones he had decided to use in order to help him in his journey to achieve it.

He wanted to know if he could apply his curse technique to the air itself, make it so that he could use it to teleport anywhere.
Though that would be very difficult, as of now his main purpose was to improve on his knowledge about the body and curse energy as a whole.

In theory, he should be able to place a seal anywhere as technically his technique requires him to place a seal somewhere to teleport.
That didn't mean he was limited to solid surfaces right; the usage of curse energy should be limitless so why limit himself to just the floor?

Why could he place a seal on everything around him, as those thoughts flowed through his mind, as if like a robot he started to pick everything he needed before paying for it all at the cashier before leaving the shop.

Doing all of that while still being very deep within his thoughts, it's been a bit since he started on his own techniques and refining himself as a sorcerer.
Satoru had become the strongest and as such he was given a lot of mission meaning he didn't spend as much time hanging out anymore.

Geto was usually on a mission on his own and jujutsu high wouldn't risk letting Shoko die on a mission, so she was kind of always working on healing some sorcerers that got hurt.

Which only left him, he was alone most of the time and he used that time to get stronger, he sighed to himself before teleporting himself back to his apartment.
He placed all the supplies in there before walking outside his room.

He didn't even mind that the inside of his room was just a bit messy, he would clean that up later.
Nothing for his present self to be worrying about.

Closing his eyes, he spread his senses all around him, he took in a deep breath before spreading his senses even further, he could feel everything that was currently happening inside jujutsu high.

He could covert it all, everything down to every single rock, even if they possessed zero curse energy, he could feel like they were there and didn't overlook them, although it was hard trying to sense something with no curse energy.

He forced himself to do as such, he was definitely not doing this because a person with no curse energy sliced him a new throat and cut him into pieces.
No, he was definitely doing it just to better his senses.

Keitaro then opened his eyes, as he felt something weird from the rocks and tree, even though they emitted no curse energy, he could feel as if they emitted something else, something that for some reason he was familiar with.

He focused on it deeply, but he couldn't figure out what it was, his sensing skill being strong enough to register it barely but not to tell him what exactly it was.
Keitaro sighed to himself as he got up from bed.

"Let's pay Geto a visit, "Keitaro said before sending a pulse to the seal he had placed on Geto's shirt, he didn't need to do this but he just did it so Geto knew he was coming.
The reason for that was because he was in no mood to appear behind him as the man was taking a bath.

Just thinking about it gave him a shiver, he remembered that one time when he teleported to Gojo with no warning and the man was taking a bath, this was the most......moment in his life.
He would take this to his grave.

He received a pulse back to which he just nodded his head.
"Aight, let visit an old friend" He mutter to himself before locking onto that curse energy signature and the seal, and then **Poof**

He had vanished into thin air as if he was never there to begin with.

Pov change somewhere else.
Keitaro appeared in front of Geto saying "What up"
Keitaro then looked at Geto before realizing he looked like crap, he had bags under his eyes, his hair seems to be longer, and he look as if he had lost a few pounds.

"Yow, you good" Keitaro added looking at Geto's current state.
"I am fine, i just haven't slept well in the last few days" Geto added looking done with everything

"What on your mind "Keitaro uttered with a thoughtful expression on his face as he sat down next to Geto

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"What on your mind "Keitaro uttered with a thoughtful expression on his face as he sat down next to Geto.
"Nothing" Geto responded, his voice seemingly drained of any energy.
"Is the taste of the curse that bad that it makes you look like that? "Keitaro said with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"It's not that, "Geto said solemnly, he then looked at Keitaro before saying "I was just thinking, is saving non-sorcerer really that important, why should jujutsu sorcerer needlessly die to save the majority."

Keitaro ponders on it for a bit saying, "In a sense yeah you can be right but not doing as such would reveal the existence of curses to the general public and that would create mass hysteria, if people knew curses existed chances are curses would be a lot stronger due to negative emotion that will be created."

Geto then looked at Kenzo before saying "If you were given a choice where if you took it, no jujutsu sorcerers would have to die but all non-sorcerers would have to perish for it to be truth, would you take it."

Keitaro seems to be thinking about it for a bit.
"Nope, sure jujutsu sorcerer dies a lot to protect the mass and get nothing and return for it, but the mass is needed for things like agriculture, keeping society afloat, new technology, and so on, without them the world will be doomed, I think of it as a balance with non-sorcerer on one side and Jujutsu sorcerer on the other, both are needed" Keitaro finally said looking at Geto.

Geto seemed to be pondering about it for a bit, he seemed to be in inner turmoil, thinking very deeply about something.

A/N I was to bored to ai translate this with better grammar, probably will be too lazy for the next chapter too.

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