The winner is {82}

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A blinding light erupted, engulfing both Keitaro and Shiva. The ferocious winds whipped outwards, tearing at the surrounding landscape. The trees bent and snapped like twigs, buildings crumbled, and the very ground shuddered under the immense power unleashed. For a terrifying moment, there was only the roar of the explosion and the taste of dust in the air.

Then, slowly, the light began to fade. The dust settled, revealing a scene of utter devastation. The spot where Shiva had once stood was now a crater, smoking and molten at the edges. In the center, amidst the debris, lay Keitaro. His body was battered and bruised, his arm mangled beyond recognition, but he was alive.

He coughed, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and looked down at his mangled arm. It was a horrific sight, but a strange warmth spread through him, a sense of renewal. As he looked closer, he noticed something odd. The wounds, though severe, weren't deteriorating as they normally would. In fact, a faint blue light seemed to emanate from them, slowly stitching the torn flesh back together.

Suddenly, a voice echoed in his mind, a voice deep and resonant, yet undeniably familiar.

"This is fun" Shiva voice was heard saying, Keitaro eyes went toward where Shiva was standing to notice that the god seem to be burnt to a crips, he had a huge smile on his face as if to say he was content with this fight.

Keitaro coughed and coughed again spitting out a mouthful of blood, he looked at his arm, that was being healed with Rct and a weak smile appeared on his face.
It suddenly started raining and as Keitaro looked at Shiva skin, he noticed that the water was evaporing upon just touching the god skin.


The air crackled with a tension that transcended the storm raging overhead. As Keitaro raised his hand, a jagged scar etching its way across his knuckles, a sound like a dragon's roar split the sky. A bolt of lightning, fat and white-hot, tore down from the heavens, aiming straight for his outstretched Vajra glove. The impact coursed through him, a surge of raw power that made his very bones sing.

The ground around him became a hellscape in an instant. The vegetation within a six-foot radius simply ceased to exist, reduced to smoldering ash by the sheer fury of the channeled lightning.  Yet, Keitaro stood defiant, a small, terrifying smile playing on his lips. He wasn't just channeling the lightning; he was wielding it like a conductor guiding an orchestra.

"Sorry for not giving it my all..." he rasped, his voice raw but laced with a newfound power. The air around his hand crackled with electricity as he molded it into a shimmering arrow, the tip a concentrated point of pure, destructive energy. It aimed directly at Shiva, a beacon of defiance against the charred god.

Across the crater, Shiva's smile remained. This wasn't disappointment. This was ecstasy. Here, finally, was a worthy opponent, someone who could meet his power head-on.  He didn't dodge. He didn't cower. Instead, a guttural laugh erupted from his scorched throat, a sound that echoed with the violence of a collapsing star.

Mustering every ounce of his remaining strength, Shiva raised a hand, his blackened fingers crackling with a dark energy that mirrored the brilliance of Keitaro's lightning arrow. Though just before Shiva could do anything, he felt his body freeze and as he looked down, he realised that he was standing just above Keitaro seal....

The scene hung in a horrific tableau: a storm-wracked wasteland, a battered hero wielding the fury of the heavens, and a crippled god yearning for a final, glorious clash.

The arrow and the dark energy met in a blinding explosion. The ground shuddered. The rain hissed and evaporated.

"Thank you..."Were the word that left Keitaro mouth as he watched Shiva body vanish from the sheer might of his attack, he had infused all of his curse energy into that strike.
He was spent...
Keitaro fell on the floor ass first looking extremely exhausted, this was the most draining fight he had in a while.
Keitaro eyes then closed as he blacked out....

Time skip

A few hours later,When Keitaro finally cracked open his eyes, the world greeted him with a blurry haze. His body felt like it had been pummeled by a battalion of giants, every muscle screaming in protest.

He tried to sit up, but a wave of dizziness washed over him, forcing him back down. A groan escaped his lips, a dry rasp that scraped against his raw throat. He was alive. Barely. But alive nonetheless.

His gaze scanned the desolate landscape. The crater where Shiva once stood was now a smoldering pit, a testament to the destructive power unleashed. The rain had washed away the ash, revealing the scorched earth beneath. The air, heavy with the scent of ozone and burnt flesh, was eerily still.

A/ the Shiva curse was obviously a special grade....a very strong one at that, that hadnt been challenged or kill over the course of thousand of its had never really died.
Though Gojo probably would have had an easier time defeating cause of infinity,hollow purple and domain expansion, now that i think about it, Gojo has a good macthup against everyone,probably except Keitaro as this man is building an anti Gojo arsenal.

Though Gojo probably would have had an easier time defeating cause of infinity,hollow purple and domain expansion, now that i think about it, Gojo has a good macthup against everyone,probably except Keitaro as this man is building an anti Gojo ars...

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