Jikininki's {61}

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Keitaro was in Nepal on a mission given to him by Venerable Tenzin. He was tasked with exorcising a curse that was causing trouble in the area. As he navigated the busy streets, Keitaro kept his senses alert for any signs of the curse. He searched temples and alleyways for hours, but he couldn't find anything.

As the afternoon wore on, Keitaro noticed a flicker of darkness out of the corner of his eye. He activated his cursed energy and leaped onto the rooftop where he saw the shadow. There, he saw a creature unlike anything he had ever seen before. It was humanoid but emaciated, with glowing eyes that burned with hunger. It reached out and snatched a wisp of dark energy from the air, devouring it in a single gulp.

Keitaro realized that the creature he was facing was a Jikininki - a demonic entity that feeds on corpses, born from the insatiable greed of a human soul. He had only read about them in ancient texts, and he knew that this creature was far more dangerous than any curse he had ever encountered.

The Jikininki was bathed in the dying light of the setting sun, and emanated an aura of pure malice. Its emaciated form, a grotesque parody of a human body, seemed to writhe with an unnatural energy. However, it was the creature's eyes that truly sent chills down Keitaro's spine. They burned not with the fiery rage of a typical curse spirit, but with a cold, calculating hunger; a chilling reflection of the insatiable greed that birthed this monstrosity.

Here, in the heart of a Buddhist nation built on the principles of non-attachment and compassion, this creature thrived on the antithesis of those values. Its cursed technique, a twisted reflection of the Buddhist concept of "Preta," manifested in a horrifying way. Pretas, in Buddhist lore, are tortured beings consumed by insatiable desires they can never fulfill.
Keitaro could not really let this curse live another day as its existance may be the end of another person life.
If Keitaro doesnt kill this being then hundreds of people could die.

Keitaro however did not want to fight while in the public, this would give the creature an advantage as Keitaro wouldnt hurt the civilian.
Keitaro had an idea however and started weaving handsigns.

As he finished the last handsign, he soon enough started chanting.

"From whispers in the shadows, darkness takes form. Let the night devour, let silence reign, in the embrace of the Unseen Storm."

As those words left his mouth, what seemed to be a barrier was made around the creature but it didnt seem to have realised it yet.
Keitaro sigh a bit before teleporting himself inside the barrier.

Upon appearing inside the barrier, The Jikininki seem to have notice him as its eyes immediately went toward Keitaro.
The creature growled at Keitaro before rushing toward him at full speed.
The area in which the creature was standing was completly destroyed due to the sheer force that it was forced to withstand.

Keitaro managed to dodge the creature strikes by teleporting away from it, however the creature didnt seem to mind it much as it rushed toward where Keitaro would appear.
Keitaro eyes widen a bit, it was if this creature could feel where he would appear before he does.

Keitaro managed to dodge another strike from the creature before kicking it away.
"Time like this make me wish i had the infinity" Keitaro mutter to himself as the monster kept rushing at him and attacing.

Each strike the creature threw at him were imbue with a different technique.....

'he probably absorbed them from the soul of his victims' Keitaro thought to himself as he was starting to piece together the creatures power.
He could output Rct and kill it by hitting his head...but this creature ability to store curse technique could be useful...
He just need to study it a bit.....

As those though flashed through Keitaro mind, he ducked under another one of the creature blow before taking his kunai and tossing it toward the creature.

The Jikininki  dodged the strike and kept rushing toward Keitaro with what seemed to be hunger in its eyes,it wanted to devour Keitaro..maybe this could feel its hunguer.
Though before the curse could reach Keitaro....Keitaro just grin before saying "Bye"

As those words left his mouth, the positive charge on the Kunai and the Negative charge currently on Keitaro glove...lined perfectly with the creature head and with one words.
He activated the lightning that blew a hole in the creature head. 

A/N..The power of the curse are listed below.

Devouring Curses: The Jikininki could consume weaker curses, siphoning their cursed energy to bolster its own power and sustain its existence. This ability was a grotesque parody of the Buddhist practice of "Tantra," where practitioners channel external energies to achieve enlightenment. The Jikininki, however, used this power not for spiritual growth, but to fuel its monstrous hunger.

Karmic Consumption: The Jikininki's most disturbing technique targeted the living. It could latch onto a person's negative karma, the residue of past misdeeds, and amplify it. This amplified negativity would manifest as a physical ailment, draining the victim's life force and feeding the Jikininki's insatiable hunger. This ability was a horrific distortion of the Buddhist concept of karma, where good deeds bring positive consequences and bad deeds bring suffering. The Jikininki twisted this principle, exploiting the darkness within people to sustain itself.

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