Meeting the royal (130)

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A mischievous glint lingered in Keitaro's eyes as he listened to Amelia's explanation.  A meeting with English sorcerers? This promised an interesting change of pace. 

Or a very bad afternoon, he was optimistic that they were not just very rich nobles with above-average curse techniques but he knew deep down he might get disappointed.

At best they might have a grade-one sorcerer.... which to be fair wouldn't really be a challenge to him
For Christ's Sake, he beat all the grade one from the Zenin and Kamo clans, even the special Zenins stood no chance.
(A/N for anyone wondering why I wrote that part, it is simple the fight lasted about 2 seconds)

He wasn't about to keep them waiting, though.  With a soft smile on his face, he slammed his notebook shut and stood from his chair.

"Just a few minutes," he added looking at Amelia Amelia, his voice laced with amusement.  He knew all too well the power of a good first impression, but at the same time, he was more curious about their curse technique.

As Keitaro walked into his bedroom, he emerged a few minutes later looking completely different. The dusty clothes and rumpled hair of a researcher were gone.

Instead, he wore a crisp black shirt that hugged his lean frame, with the sleeves rolled up to reveal toned forearms. Dark, fitted pants accentuated his long legs, and a pair of polished combat boots completed the picture.

His usually messy blond hair was slicked back, tamed but not entirely suppressed, a few rebellious strands escaping across his forehead, although they were not his fault, after all, he did have natural spiky hair.

And to finish the look, he just wore some glasses, they never really hurt anyone so he didnt mind putting them on.

He wasn't really going for anything too flashy, all he wanted was just a simple look that he could present to those people

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He wasn't really going for anything too flashy, all he wanted was just a simple look that he could present to those people.

He was by no means trying to look overdressed, he liked it when his stuff was simple and neat, it made stuff easier in his opinion.

He was ready to meet these English sorcerers and see what they had to offer.

Amelia, waiting by the door, raised an eyebrow in amusement.  "Wow, Keitaro, you clean up nice."
He flashed her a charming grin.

"You think so, I frankly just put on whatever stuff I had lying around."He said as he checked himself up one last time.

He looked neat, that was a good thing.

Together, they stepped outside, the late afternoon sun casting long shadows as they set off towards the meeting place.

The walk took them through winding cobbled streets lined with quaint shops and historic buildings.  As they arrived at their destination, Keitaro paused, taking in the sight. 

It was a grand mansion, built in a classic Victorian style.  Its imposing facade, constructed from red brick and adorned with intricate stonework, spoke of a long and distinguished history.

'It was probably built around the 1900 or so' Keitaro thought as he looked at the immaculate building, it truly was a spectacle to wonder.

Very, very beautiful buildings.

A sense of curiosity flickered within him.  What kind of sorcerers resided in such a place? 

He exchanged a glance with Amelia, a silent question hanging in the air.  She simply smiled knowingly and gestured towards the grand oak doors. 

Keitaro took a deep breath, his senses tingling with anticipation.  He was about to step into a whole new world of Jujutsu, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

Pushing open the heavy doors, they entered a vast foyer.  The first thing that struck Keitaro was the sheer opulence of the space.  Crystal chandeliers cast a warm glow on polished marble floors and ornately carved wooden panels. 

Tapestries depicting fantastical creatures and scenes of battle adorned the walls.  Glass display cases housed a variety of curious objects – cursed tools perhaps, or relics from past battles. 

He barely registered them, his attention snagged by the figures waiting at the far end of the room.
There were five of them, all radiating a distinct aura of power. 

They were dressed in a way that mirrored the grandeur of their surroundings – tailored suits, crisp shirts, and a surprising amount of jewelry. 

They looked more like members of royalty than Jujutsu sorcerers, yet Keitaro could sense the power thrumming beneath their polished exteriors.  This was unlike anything he'd encountered in Japan. 

A slow grin spread across his face.  This meeting just got even more interesting.

As he entered the room he was met with a few people, although he could sense a curse technique from one of them.

Why the heck did the husband and wife seem to have very similar genetic make up...he could sense that, usually people give off different aura.

With his new attunement with nature energy, he could now feel that aura and if that aura was familiar to someone else then, they were probably related....
Oh god no..

A/ order for you guys to forget this Yap, look below, yes forget the Yap and enjoy the picture.

in order for you guys to forget this Yap, look below, yes forget the Yap and enjoy the picture

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