The binding vow {75}

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Keitaro looked with a wry expression as the arrow that he had just shot into the sky flew higher and higher in the sky, if he was lucky this arrow wouldn't hit anyone and would just explode in the air without killing anyone, and no need for some stuff like collateral damage.

A few moments later, Keitaro's hope, and dream were shattered as a deafening explosion was heard from afar. Keitaro could see a blinding flash ripping through the sky quickly followed by an enormous mushroom cloud.

The raw power that was on display should rival Gojo's hollow purple technique but unlike Gojo, Keitaro didn't possess the six eyes which meant he couldn't spam this technique, plus his body was aching like crazy.

He felt so sore as if he was being run over by a train multiple times over.

He was spent from that one last-ditch effort technique...

He knew that the new technique that he had just created certainly did not lack any firepower, the problem was that the technique hurt him a lot, and Keitaro could feel his body screaming out for help.

His bones begging to be healed, it hurt like a bitch.

He dragged his body toward a tree where he proceeded to sit down in the tree shade and heal his body using Rct.

Why did hurt so fucking much, why did it feel like every single bone in his body was breaking and why did he feel like he was reaching his body's limits.

But even if he was battered, he still had the energy to think about how to optimize this new technique that he had gotten

"Maybe..." he muttered, his voice sounding a bit horse. "I can't use it until certain criteria are met. Like, maybe..." He paused, trying to picture the condition that he could put for such a technique to be used. A sky heavy with thunderclouds could be one, a second one could be that the air should be thick with humidity. "And probably... I need to be in this state," he added, remembering the state that he was in just a few seconds ago.

He was still in that state, but he was rapidly losing control over it, he was slowly but surely reverting back to his base state.

He needed to find other restrictions that he could put on it, and he also needed to find a way to create some loophole that he could.....what is it so bad that he was planning to abuse the loopholes, he is a jujutsu sorcerer, and just like a politician he would make sure to phrase his sentences in a way that he could use to his advantage.

"Alright," he finally said, as the way he needed to phrase the binding vow came to his mind. "I bind myself. I, Keitaro, cannot release the Lightning Onslaught technique unless the following conditions are being met: one that the area must be pretty humid.," he paused as if picturing the swirling clouds that would be required, "... two, a storm must be brewing...," he paused a bit as if wondering what to say next.

"And 3, I MUST be in this state or anything similar"

He wasn't crippling himself much.

Plus with the way he worded, it didn't mean he couldn't use those moves if the action weren't met, he could still do it, the output would just be reduced to like 40% or 60%, though if the requirement were met his technique power would be boosted to like 180% through 230% output...the only thing that was required was the state, but that could be done by him just being in the zone or hyper-focus.

Which was like a huge jump, to be fair, he was sacrificing his strongest move, and he was also putting heavy restrictions on it, those requirements usually can't be met, they technically should be impossible to meet on a battlefield, but Keitaro could in a sense force it to happen with his fire style.

Though a normal jujutsu sorcerer couldn't affect the Wheater much, Keitaro to some small extent could, so all he had to do was set up the move, and then, bam, whoever he was fighting would-be cook.

So, in essence, he just got a free overpowered ultimate, plus he may or may not be able to fuse Kirin with it...which would further buff the technique also in the case that he used it without the requirement being met, Kirin could fix that low output problem and put the technique about back to 100%...

Now to see, if the binding vow would actually pass and see if his plan works...

Keitaro was taken aback as the binding vow became tangible, appearing as a chain around his Vajra glove. The chain was made of shimmering blue energy and pulsed faintly, reminding him of the limitations he had accepted.

He felt a strange mix of respect and apprehension, knowing that this was the price of power and a promise he 'couldn't' break. He got up, feeling satisfied that the vow was done, and the framework built.

.... The problem now became, how will he access this super-enhanced state on the battlefield, yeah sure landing a backlash will do it, but landing a black flash wasn't guaranteed, so he needed another way to quickly enter the state and beat whoever he was fighting.

In a fight to the death, every second matters, and thus spending 2 minutes to enter the state wasn't a sacrifice he wanted to make, that would be too slow and if the person he was facing was as good as Satoru at sensing energy, then he will be fucked as they would know he is charging up something.

Sure, Satoru wasn't a good benchmark, but Keitaro was always competing with Satoru so yes, Satoru would stay the benchmark even if he was now the strongest.......

Suddenly, Keitaro had an idea. He reached for his necklace and murmured the word "Akane". A burst of white light revealed a small, fluffy fox with five tails, marking it as a Kitsune, a legendary spirit fox. Akane spoke directly into Keitaro's mind. Keitaro requested that Akane absorb the natural energy from his body, which he channeled during meditation, and store it for him. Akane was surprised but willing to help, although she warned that it might take some experimentation on her part to store such potent energy.

A/N....did he just...pull a Sukuna...he will pull another Sukuna next chapter don't worry about it.

Also, the same deals 10 votes and 5 comments.

By the time this chapter is out, I should have reached 100 chapters in my draft...though y'all won't know till chapter 100 is out.

My comments don't count and every person is allowed one no cheese it

Let's play a where Ai was used in this chapter/

spot where Ai was used in this chapter/

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