Hinduism {46}

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Luckily for him, Satoru, his ever-annoying friend, had come through.

From what he knew, Gojo had somehow gotten him a guide,he didnt know how he did it but he did it,probably using some of his wealth.

A familiar face emerged from the corner of his eyes,the face was familiar because he had gotten a picture before hand to know who that person was, It was Rahul, the guide, a broad smile splitting his face as he called out his name.

So that had taken care of the earlier part, now all he needed to do was focus in order to get to the closest temple near him. After a quick exchange of greetings, Rahul ushered him into a waiting car. The air conditioning felt like a cool embrace after the scorching heat outside.

He wasnt used to such heat but he think soon enough he might adapt to this.

"Jagannath Temple in Dumdum, right?" Rahul asked, confirming his destination. Keitaro nodded, still a little dazed from the sensory overload. As they pulled away from the airport, the city unfolded before him felt like a chaotic tapestry.

Rahul, sensing her apprehension, began to point out landmarks - the towering Qutab Minar, the bustling Chandni Chowk market.

Keitaro listened, slowly acclimating to the sights and sounds around her

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Keitaro listened, slowly acclimating to the sights and sounds around her.

The Jagannath Temple, Rahul explained, was a beautiful place dedicated to Lord Krishna.

"Who is lord Krishna "Keitaro asked wondering what role the deity served,he was very curious about it all

"Ah, Lord Krishna," Rahul chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "He's one of the most important deities in Hinduism, a god of many faces. Some see him as a playful child, a mischievous prankster who stole butter from village houses. Others see him as a wise counselor, the one who guided Arjuna, the great warrior, on the battlefield in the Mahabharata, our epic tale."

Rahul tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, deep in thought

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Rahul tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, deep in thought. "He's also seen as a symbol of love and devotion, a protector and a friend. His image, with his blue skin and peacock feather crown, is instantly recognizable throughout India. You'll see paintings and statues of him everywhere we go."

"Wait..hold up,dont mind me for asking but who is Arjuna and what is this great battle of Mahabharata you speak of,i didnt have time to learn much about buddhism because i was trying to learn the language here"Keitaro added looking a bit confuse,he was frankly unaware of most of those stuff

"No worries at all, Minato," Rahul assured him, "Understanding Hinduism takes a lifetime, even for us Indians. But don't worry, I can give you a quick rundown. Hinduism is our religion, not Buddhism, though both are major religions in India. They have some similar philosophies, but also some key differences."
"Wait what did you just call me"Keitaro said upon hearing the name he was called.

"Minato"Rahul said nonchantly to which Keitaro looked annoyed a bit saying "Who told you to ask me"
"Oh the person that hired me offer an extra 15,000 ruppees..."Rahul added to which Keitaro eyes furrow further.
Gojo really went to the hassle of giving this man a month worth of cash just so the man called him Minato.

This bastard....but then caught himself and apologized saying "I apologize if i appeared rude by thinking of hinduism the same as buddhism"
"Oh that dont fret it" Rahul said dismissing his worry with a wave.
"You can continue your story"Keitaro added to which the man just nodded.

"Now, about the Mahabharata," he continued, his voice taking on an excited note. "It's our grand epic poem, a story of war, duty, and family. Imagine a huge battle, like something out of a movie, but with gods, demons, and legendary warriors with magical weapons. Arjuna, the one I mentioned before, was one of the greatest warriors ever. He was a Pandava, one of five brothers on the righteous side of the war."

Rahul chuckled. "There's betrayal, sacrifice, and even some divine intervention. It's a long and complex story, but it's a cornerstone of our culture. You'll find references to the Mahabharata everywhere – in art, literature, even everyday conversations."

"See, the story of Lord Krishna guiding Arjuna on the battlefield is a famous part of the Mahabharata," he explained, connecting the dots. "It's about doing your duty, even when it's difficult. Maybe when you visit the temple, we can find a book with some stories from the Mahabharata. It'll give you a better picture of it"

Keitaro nodded, a mixture of relief and fascination washing over him,this was good to know. "Wow, it sounds incredible," he admitted. "I definitely underestimated how much there is to learn here. Thanks for explaining it all, Rahul, I really appreciate it."

"No problem at all," Rahul winked. "Think of me as your personal guide to the wonders of India. Now, get ready for the Jagannath Temple, a truly magnificent sight!"

He truly had found a gold mine,now it was time to learn.

A/N if i told you i knew half those words existed before starting writing those chapters i would be wrong....and to think this is going to continue for a while.My poor brain

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