Self righteous {54}

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The memory of the malnourished child clung to Keitaro like a bad smell. Even within the serene walls of the temple, the image of his hollow eyes and skeletal frame haunted him.
He could help, he had the means too unlike Gojo he could actually output RCT.
He could heal them and he carried with him a library of books because he like to read.

He could teach them too.

He saw Panditji seated in his usual spot, his eyes closed in meditation. When he opened them, a gentle smile graced his lips.

"Keitaro," he greeted warmly. "Your Atman seems... troubled today."

Keitaro sighed, sinking onto a nearby cushion. "Panditji," He began, his voice heavy with emotion. "I saw something today that... disturbed me."

He recounted the incident in the marketplace, the desperate child's attempt to steal, and the harsh reality of poverty that lurked beneath the vibrant surface of India. As hespoke, the temple walls seemed to lose their calming effect, replaced by the image of the boy's despair.

Panditji listened patiently, his expression thoughtful. When he finished his rants, he remained silent for a moment, his eyes fixed on a distant point. "Ah," he finally spoke, a sigh escaping his lips. "You have seen the duality of India, my dear."

Keitaro looked up, her brow furrowed. "Duality?"

"Indeed," Panditji explained, his voice taking on a somber tone. "India is a land of immense beauty and rich tradition. It is the cradle of ancient civilizations, the birthplace of spirituality. But it is also a land grappling with complex issues – poverty, inequality, a rapidly developing economy that leaves many behind."

He gestured towards the ornately carved statues depicting scenes from Hindu mythology. "Our epics," he continued, "are filled with stories of both gods and demons. Just as light cannot exist without darkness, India's prosperity is intertwined with its struggles."

Rahul, who had been waiting patiently, spoke up for the first time. "Minato," he said, his voice gentle, "India is a country on the rise, but the journey is not without its challenges. Millions are being lifted out of poverty, but millions still live below the poverty line."

Keitaro eyebrow twicthed a bit upon looking at Rahul but Rahul just gave him the eyes that seem to say "Money kind of tight lately"
WHen he get back to Japan he will beat the ever living shit out of Gojo,punch his soul if need be.

"It's not a simple story," he admitted. "There's tremendous progress, but the scars of the past and the sheer size of our population make it a difficult battle."

Keitaro sat there, absorbing their words, so this was India.

A spark of determination ignited in Keitaro eyes. "I want to help them," he declared, his voice ringing with newfound purpose.

Rahul's eyes widened in surprise. He wasn't expecting such a fervent response. Panditji, on the other hand, simply smiled knowingly, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. He had witnessed Keitaro from the second he had met him,it was clear that he radiated that kindness and wouldnt look the other way if someone was suffering.

"That's a very noble aspiration, Keitaro," Panditji said, his voice gentle. "But helping those less fortunate requires a multifaceted approach."

Keitaro enthusiasm did not dimmed whatsoever. "I can heal them with RCT, with what I learned back home! I have books on medicine, on psychology, I can teach them and heal them a little bit at least!" he added looking at them.

The eagerness in his voice was undeniable, but Panditji saw a fundamental misunderstanding. He chuckled softly, the sound warm and reassuring.

"Keitaro," he began, "your knowledge of Western medicine is valuable, but it's not a one-size-fits-all solution. Poverty often stems from systemic issues, lack of access to education and resources.  While your medical knowledge might offer temporary relief, it won't address the root causes."

"Yeah but cant i just use RCT to heal the river of its toxins"Keitaro added with an determined look on his face.
Even thought it would be harder to do it in order to clear the toxin from the water,he was willing to help no matter the cause.

Rahul seem like he was going to interject but Panditji stop him and just told him to see what he would do.

Time skip
Rahul had drived Keitaro toward the nearest polluted river and Keitaro looked at it,this river was absolutly filled with germs.
" do you plan on fixing it"Rahul added to which Keitaro just gave him a smile before saying " this"
He said before he took some of the water and drinked it.

"Huh..what are you doing"Rahul said upon noticing what he was doing.
"Isnt it obvious,how can i heal something for other if i cant heal it on myself"Keitaro said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

If Shoko was here she would have made him puke out that water in this instant. However she was nowhere to be found and Keitaro stupity shined through.
After taking a sip, Keitaro felt it entering his body.

A/N....This is lasting for a long time.

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