Important stuff {91}

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A/N this chapter is around 40% chapters and 60% important stuff this will be the last time this will happen for a long while.chances are this won't happen again.

Keitaro stood within the confines of the black curtain, a mischievous glint in his eye. This enclosed space would be his personal testing ground. With this, he would finally be able to have an estimate of how fast he was going.

Taking in a deep breath, Keitaro activated his skill and started to teleport all over the place.

He repeated the process, teleporting in short bursts across the 100-meter radius. It felt nice, moving so quickly within the curtain, inside the curtain all that could be seen would be a yellow flash.

It was as if lightning itself was moving around in there, the beautiful part about it all was the fact that the yellow flash seemed to be everywhere at the same time, you could see the yellow flash anywhere you looked.

It was simply, beautiful, a yellow streak of Lightning covered the inside of the domain.
As Keitaro came to a stop, he was seen having a bright smile on his face.
This was nice, very nice.

He needed to calculate his speed. Mentally, he recalled the number of teleportations he performed and estimated the average time between each. The result was a number that made him furrow his brow. It translated to a speed exceeding the sound barrier by a significant margin.

Keitaro frowned. There was no way his teleportation itself could propel him that fast. Teleportation was instantaneous movement, not acceleration. It simply bypassed the space in between.

"Something's wrong," he muttered, tapping his chin. The calculations didn't make sense. Perhaps his estimation of the time intervals was off. Or maybe, there was more to his teleportation ability than he initially thought.

He considered the possibility. From his opponent's perspective, his teleportation would appear as bursts of incredible speed, disappearing and reappearing in a blink. That made sense. But his true speed while teleporting itself? It remained a mystery.

A shiver of excitement ran down his spine. If his calculations were even close, exceeding the speed of sound was just the baseline. If he pushed his limits, who knew how fast he could truly become? The possibilities were exhilarating.

"Did I interrupt the mad scientist" A voice was suddenly heard saying from behind Keitaro, Keitaro sighed a bit as he turned around to face his white hair friend.
"I am not a mad scientist" Keitaro refuted looking just a bit annoyed.

"And my Name is Satoru Gojo," Gojo said with a wide smile on his face.

It was quite hard trying to refute what this man was saying, way too hard...though he wouldn't let Gojo find out about that...He would take it to his grave.
"What brings you here, I am sure you did not just come here to annoy me," Keitaro said looking at his friends.

"You are wrong, i just wanted to catch up..." Gojo replied with a small smile.
"And annoy you, a 2 for 1 special"

Keitaro's eyebrow raised at that, he should have expected this from Satoru, and yet he didnt mind, Satoru was his friend, he may get annoyed by him but that didnt change the fact that Satoru was probably his closest friend.

Gojo's eyes then went toward Keitaro's gloves...
"I didnt think you would take this far to finish the Minato cosplay..."
Keitaro's eyebrow twitched a bit at that, this man was on his last nerve right now.

"It's not a cosplay, it's a cursed tool," Keitaro said showing Gojo his gloves.

Gojo looked at the glove for a second, he then removed his glass before looking at it from closer.

"Huh, you right, it is one"
Keitaro raised an eyebrow at that, was Gojo unable to see through his seal without paying attention to it?
That was good information to know.

"So, would you please do me the favor of telling me what it does" Gojo said as he looked at Keitaro with his shining blue eyes.
"It's a lightning glove, its whole kit is based around lightning" Keitaro explained as he looked at Gojo.

"So Minato-kun, how was your trip" Gojo said with a smile on his face.
"It was nice, to learn some useful stuff

A/N Let's list all the binding vows he has made.
-The hands-seal requirement for any advanced technique.

-The binding vow that links his simple domain to his physical body.

-The one he made where he had to be in a specific state in order to use that lightning move.

-Then there was the binding vow he made in order to use Kirin for the first time, for that he had to sacrifice the use of his Mirrage for around 5 minutes, along with being unable to teleport any living things over like 30 minutes or so, and also the fact that his hand would be numb, his teleportation speed was decreased.

-Then there is the binding vow he made to survive Tank Gojo's hollow purple by sacrificing his hand in order to reinforce the rest of his body.

-There is the binding vow he made so that only Akane could sip energy from the scroll.

-There is also the binding vow for his fire technique, first, he needs to have built up enough heat, by that I mean he can't start a fight with it, he needs to have used enough technique so that his curse energy is 'warm', then he does the hand sign signaling to his opponent he is about to unleash a powerful technique, then he gathers the heat, the opponent will be able to feel the heat gathering to his mouth if not the technique will be weaker as the opponent must be able to realize what he is doing to fulfill the binding vow and then he unleashes it.

For example in his fight against Gojo, when he made the hand sign, I made sure to make it so Gojo showed a sign of knowing what would happen next cause you know...the six eyes, this also means the better the opponent is at reading curse energy and the smarter they are, the more effective it will be.

So for example, it would be more creative against Sukuna than it would be against Yuji......I don't think I need to explain why the effect would be less on Yuji.

-Then there is his binding vow about how he needs to use the handseal for the advanced techniques, i know I said it before but I need to drive it home how important it is.
For example, if he is doing a fire technique, they must be a dragon handsign or a tiger.
Boar handsign is for summoning.

Dog is mostly for water.

Ram is for the clones

serpent for earth,mostly.

basically if anyone knows those hand signs then there will be able to guess which technique he is about to use as whatever handsign he finish his jutsu with will be the element coming out,its between the first and the last.

basically if anyone knows those hand signs then there will be able to guess which technique he is about to use as whatever handsign he finish his jutsu with will be the element coming out,its between the first and the last

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