The barrier {2}

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time skip

Keitaro strolled along the familiar path towards his house, hands tucked casually into his pockets. A contemplative frown etched across his face as he grappled with the elusive thoughts of the mysterious creatures that had been haunting his visions. Their enigmatic presence lingered persistently in his mind, and he found himself questioning their identity.

Despite the disconcerting nature of these apparitions, Keitaro couldn't shake the feeling that they posed no immediate threat. To his knowledge, they hadn't shown any hostile behavior, seemingly content with minding their own business.

Whatever that may be, however, Keitaro still found himself wondering about their origins.
What created them where they came from and so on.

Lost in his thoughts, Keitaro absentmindedly ambled through the surroundings. His hands remained buried in his pockets, and a pensive gaze clouded his expression. It was during this contemplative state that something unusual caught his attention from the corner of his eye.In the distance, he discerned what appeared to be a barrier—an black barrier that stood out amidst the mundane scenery.

Strangely, Keitaro seemed to be the sole observer of this peculiar phenomenon. His curiosity piqued, he altered his course, guided by an inexplicable attraction to the unseen barrier.

Approaching cautiously, Keitaro extended his hand to touch the intangible obstruction. To his surprise, the barrier yielded to his touch, its surface exhibiting subtle ripples in response. It didn't repel him, but rather, it hinted at a mysterious and uncharted dimension that lay just beyond the veil of the mundane.

Keitaro try his best to look at what was happening inside the barrier but could barely see anything considering how dark the barrier seem to be.

Keitaro debated to himself whether he should enter it or not but after a few moments of just him in his thought he decided to not enter it,if there a barrier there that meant it was probably trapping something inside of it.

Keitaro cautiously allowed his hands to traverse the invisible barrier, and, with a determined resolve, he stepped through. "It won't hurt if I just look, right?" he murmured to himself as he entered the mysterious realm beyond.

To his relief, the transition seemed seamless, and he found himself standing within the confines of the enigmatic barrier. From this vantage point, he could still perceive the outside world and retained the ability to retreat if needed.

Eager to explore this clandestine space, Keitaro utilized his innate agility and superior reflexes to navigate the area stealthily. His adept parkour skills allowed him to move gracefully, using the structures around him to his advantage. The landscape appeared akin to a battlefield, with remnants of an unseen conflict strewn across the terrain.

Remaining silent and vigilant, Keitaro approached the apparent battleground with caution. The echoes of past strife lingered in the air, and he could sense the residual energy of some unseen clash. His heightened senses allowed him to detect subtle nuances in the environment.

"This is so boring,why do we have to do this again Geto."A teenager with white haired said looking annoyed

"Its our job at jujutsu sorcerer to do this so stop complaining Gojo"The man now known as Geto said

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"Its our job at jujutsu sorcerer to do this so stop complaining Gojo"The man now known as Geto said.

"Its our job at jujutsu sorcerer to do this so stop complaining Gojo"The man now known as Geto said

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"Stop spouting all that bullshit"Gojo said looking annoyed.

"This is part of our duty as Jujutsu Sorcerers, Gojo. Complaining won't change that," Geto replied calmly, seemingly unfazed by Gojo's irritation.

Gojo rolled his eyes, unimpressed. "Quit with the self-righteous act," he retorted, his annoyance still evident in his tone.

Geto sighed, as if resigning himself to Gojo's persistent attitude. "We have a responsibility, whether you like it or not. So, let's get on with it and finish the job," he stated.

"What was the point of even putting the barrier there to begin wih"Gojo said looking bored.

"So that the general populace doesn't find out about the existence of curses," Geto replied, emphasizing the importance of maintaining secrecy.

Gojo scoffed, seemingly unimpressed with the explanation. "They're clueless anyway. Ignorance is bliss, right?" he remarked, his nonchalant demeanor suggesting a more laid-back approach to their responsibilities.

Geto shot him a stern look. "It's not about bliss; it's about preventing unnecessary panic and chaos. Our duty is to protect them without them even knowing it,"

"So, if one of them were to be spying on us right now, what would be the logical thing to do?" Gojo said nonchalantly, his tone suggesting a certain level of indifference.

Geto, ever the strategist, responded thoughtfully, "We'd have to identify their intent first. Are they a potential threat, or just an observer? Depending on that, we either confront them discreetly or let them be. No need to cause unnecessary trouble if it's just curiosity."

Gojo grinned, apparently pleased with the pragmatic approach. "Sounds boring, but I guess you're right. Let the spying continue then," he remarked,

"What do you mean by that?" Geto questioned, a furrow appearing on his brow as he observed Gojo's seemingly casual attitude, sensing that there was more to his partner's demeanor than met the eye.

"Oh, just the guy watching us from the top of the building over there," Gojo remarked, casually pointing towards a distant structure.

POV Shift

Keitaro, observing from his concealed vantage point, felt a chill run down his spine as Gojo casually pointed in his direction. Panic set in as he grappled with the realization that he had been noticed. Before he could formulate a plan of action, an inexplicable force seemed to seize control, pulling him irresistibly toward Gojo, as if drawn by an invisible and compelling force.

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